

词条 何珂


男,1978年1月生。1996年9月于山东大学物理系获得理学学士学位。2006年3月于中国科学院物理研究所获得理学博士学位。2006年4月到2009年3月先后在日本东京大学物理系和东京大学物性研究所从事博士后研究。2009年 4月开始,被中国科学院物理研究所表面物理国家重点实验室聘为副研究员,所级“百人计划”。



首次实现了宽禁带半导体GaN表面上磁性超薄膜的分子束外延生长和垂直磁各向异性。成功制备出具有巨大Rashba自旋轨道劈裂表面态的Ag量子阱薄膜并观测到Rashba劈裂表面态与量子阱态的强烈的相互作用,实验证明了这种作用的自旋选择性及其引起的量子阱态的自旋劈裂。实现了Bi2Se3系列三维拓扑绝缘体薄膜的逐层外延生长,首次观测到三维拓扑绝缘体相对表面态的杂化导致的能隙打开。2010年获中科院物理所“科技新人奖”。2011年获中国科学院卢嘉锡青年人才奖。共发表论文约二十余篇,其中Phys. Rev. Lett. 5篇(第一作者2篇),Nature Physics 2篇 (通讯作者1篇)。曾在美国物理学年会、美国磁学与磁性材料会议(3M会议)等国际会议和研讨会上做邀请报告。



1. Can-Li Song, Yi-Lin Wang, Peng Cheng, Ye-Ping Jiang, Wei Li, Tong Zhang, Zhi Li, Ke He, Lili Wang, Jin-Feng Jia, Hsiang-Hsuan Hung, Congjun Wu, Xucun Ma, Xi Chen, and Qi-Kun Xue, “Direct observation of nodes and twofold symmetry in FeSe superconductor”, Science332, 1410 (2011)

2. Jian Wang, Ashley M. DaSilva, Cui-Zu Chang, Ke He, J. K. Jain, Nitin Samarth, Xu-Cun Ma, Qi-Kun Xue, and Moses H. W. Chan, “Evidence for electron-electron interaction in topological insulator thin films”, Phys. Rev. B 83, 245438 (2011)

3. M. H. Liu, C. Z. Chang, Z. C. Zhang, Y. Zhang, W. Ruan, K. He, L. L. Wang, X. Chen, J. F, Jia, S. C. Zhang, Q. K. Xue, X. C. Ma, and Y. Y. Wang, “Electron interaction-driven insulating ground state in Bi2Se3 topological insulators in the two-dimensional limit”, Phys. Rev. B83, 165440 (2011)

4. Y. Zhang, C. Z. Chang, K. He, L. L. Wang, X. Chen, J. F. Jia, X. C. Ma, and Q. K. Xue,“Doping effects of Sb and Pb in epitaxial topological insulator Bi2Se3 thin films: An in situ angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy study”,Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 194102 (2010)

5. C. L. Song, Y. L. Wang, Y. P. Jiang, Y. Zhang, C. Z. Chang, L. L. Wang, K. He, X. Chen, J. F. Jia, Y. Y. Wang, Z. Fang, X. Dai, X. C. Xie, X. L. Qi, S. C. Zhang, Q. K. Xue,andX. C. Ma, “Topological insulator Bi2Se3 thin films grown on double-layer graphene by molecular beam epitaxy”,Appl. Phys. Lett.97, 143118 (2010)

6. P. Cheng, C. L. Song, T. Zhang, Y. Y. Zhang, Y. L. Wang, J. F. Jia, J. Wang, Y. Y. Wang, B. F. Zhu, X. Chen, X. C. Ma, K. He, L. L. Wang, X. Dai, Z. Fang, X. C. Xie, X. L. Qi, C. X. Liu, S. C. Zhang, and Q. K. Xue,“Landau quantization of topological surface states in Bi2Se3”,Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 076801 (2010)

7. K. He, Y. Takeichi, M. Ogawa, T. Okuda, P. Moras, D. Topwal, A. Harasawa, T. Hirahara, C. Carbone, A. Kakizaki, and I. Matsuda, “Direct spectroscopic evidence of spin-dependent hybridization between Rashba-split surface states and quantum-well states”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 156805 (2010)

8. Y. Zhang, K. He, C. Z. Chang, C. L. Song, L. L. Wang, X. Chen, J. F. Jia, Z. Fang, X. Dai, W. Y. Shan, S. Q. Shen, Q. Niu, X. L. Qi, S. C. Zhang, X. C. Ma, and Q. K. Xue, “Crossover of the three-dimensional topological insulator Bi2Se3 to the two-dimensional limit”, Nat. Phys.6, 584 (2010)

9. T. Zhang, P. Cheng, W. J. Li, Y. J. Sun, G. Wang, X.G. Zhu, K. He, L. L. Wang, X. C. Ma, X. Chen, Y. Y. Wang, Y. Liu, H. Q. Lin, J. F. Jia, and Q. K. Xue, “Superconductivity in one-atomic-layer metal films grown on Si(111)”,Nat. Phys.6, 104 (2010)

10. T. Zhang, P. Cheng, X. Chen, J. F. Jia, X. C. Ma, K. He, L. L. Wang, H. J. Zhang, X.Dai, Z. Fang, X. C. Xie, and Q. K. Xue, “Experimental demonstration of topological surface states protected by time-reversal symmetry”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 266803 (2009)

11. Taichi Okuda, Yasuo Takeichi, Ke He, Ayumi Harasawa, Akito Kakizaki, and Iwao Matsuda, “Substrate dependence of anisotropic electronic structure in Ag(111) quantum film studied by angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy”, Phys. Rev. B80, 113409 (2009)

12. Ke He, Toru Hirahara, Taichi Okuda, Shuji Hasegawa, Akito Kakizaki, and Iwao Matsuda, “Spin polarization of quantum well states in Ag films induced by the Rashba effect at the surface”, Phys. Rev. Lett.101, 107604 (2008)

13. T. Hirahara, T. Komorida, A. Sato, G. Bihlmayer, E. V. Chulkov, K. He, I. Matsuda, and S. Hasegawa, “Manipulating quantum-well states by surface alloying: Pb on ultrathin Ag films”, Phys. Rev. B 78, 035408 (2008)

14. L. Y. Ma, L. Tang, Z. L. Guan, K. He, K. An, X. C. Ma, J. F. Jia, Q. K. Xue, Y. Han, S. Huang, and F. Liu, “Quantum size effect on adatom surface diffusion”, Phys. Rev. Lett.97, 266102 (2006)

15. L. Xi, L. Y. Ma, K. He, Z. T. Wang, Q. K. Xue, X. D. Xiao, W. M. Lau, “Study of Fe deposition onto root 3 x root 3-Al/Si(111) template by scanning tunneling microscopy”, Surf. Sci 600, 3072 (2006)

16. K. He, L. Y. Ma, X. C. Ma, J. F. Jia, and Q. K. Xue,“Two-dimensional growth of Fe thin films with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy on GaN(0001)”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 232503 (2006)

17. K. He, M. H. Pan, J. Z.Wang, H. Liu, J. F. Jia, Q. K. Xue, “Growth and magnetism of self-organized Co nanoplatelets on Si(111) surface”, Surf. Interface Anal. 38, 1028 (2006)

18. Rui-Fen Dou, Jin-Feng Jia, Mao-Jie Xu, Ming-Hu Pan, Ke He, Li-Juan Zhang, and Qi-Kun Xue, “Growth of single domain monatomic In chain arrays on vicinal Si(001) surface”, Phys. E25, 660 (2006)

19. Ke He, “Influence of magnetic field sweep rate on the hysteresis loops of Ni0.8Fe0.2 / Fe0.5Mn0.5 exchange bias bilayer”, Chin. Phys.15, 449 (2006)

20. K. He, L. J. Zhang, X. C. Ma, J. F. Jia, Q. K. Xue, and Z. Q. Qiu,“Growth and magnetism of ultrathin Fe films on Pt(100)”, Phys. Rev. B 72, 155432 (2005)

21. M. H. Pan, K. He, L. J. Zhang, J. F. Jia, Q. K. Xue, W. Kim, and Z. Q. Qiu, “Structure and magnetism of ultrathin Co film grown on Pt(100)”, J. Vac. Sci. & Technol. A 23, 790 (2005)


1、第56届磁学与磁性材料大会邀请报告(2011年10月,美国 斯科茨代尔)(The 56th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Scottsdale, USA),题目:Giant anomalous Hall effect in diluted magnetic topological insulator with carrier independent ferromagnetic order

2、2011年美国物理学年会邀请报告(2011年3月,美国 达拉斯)(2011 APS march meeting, Dallas, USA),题目:Investigation and manipulation of the electronic properties of magnetically doped topological insulators





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