

词条 海外优秀理科类系列教材·光学


出版社: 高等教育出版社; 第1版 (2005年3月1日)

平装: 828页

开本: 16开

ISBN: 7040155761

条形码: 9787040155761

尺寸: 25.8 x 18.2 x 3.4 cm

重量: 1.1 Kg




1 A Brief History /l

1 1 Prolegomenon/1

1 2 Inthe Beginning/l

1 3 From the Seventeenth Century/2

1 4 The NIneteenth Centu ry/4

1 5 Twentieth—Centu ry Optics/7

2 Electromagnetic Theory,Photons,and Light/11

2 1 Basic Laws of Electromagnetic Theory/12

2 2 Electromagnetic Waves/21

2 3 Energy and Momentum/25

2 4 Radiation/39

2 5 Light in Bulk Matter/49

2 6 The Elect romagnetic—Photon Spectrum/59

2 7 Quantum Field Theory /66


3 The Propagation of Light/73

3 1 Introduction/73

3 2 Rayleigh Scattering /73

3 3 Reflection/85

3 4 Refraction /90

3 5 Fermars Principle/97

3 6 The Electromagnetic Approach/105

3 7 Total InternaI Reflection/117

3 8 Optical Properties of Metals/123

3 9 Famlliar Aspects of the Jnteraction Light and Matter/129

3 10 The Stokes Treatment of Reflection and Refraction /134

3 11 Photons.Waves,and Probability/136


4 Geometrical Optics/149

4 1 Introductory Remarks/149

4 2 Lenses/150

4 3 Stops/177

4 4 Mi rrors/182

4 5 Prisms /197

4 6 Fiberoptics/205

4 7 Optical Systems /216

4 8 Wavefront Shaping /251

4 9 Gravitational Lensing/258


5 More on Geometrical Optics/270

5 1 Thick Lenses and Lens Systems/270

5 2 Analytical Ray Tracing·/275

5 3 Aberrations/282

5 4 GRIN Systems/310

5 5 Concluding Remarks/313


6 The Superposition of Waves…318

6 1 The Addition of Waves of the Same Frequency/319

6 2 The Addition of Waves of Different Frequency/335

6 3 Anharmonic Periodic Waves/345

6 4 Nonperiodic Waves/353


7 Interference/372

7 1 Gene ral C0nslderatiOns/373

7 2 Cenditions for Interference/377

7 3 Wavefront—splitting Interferometers/381

7 4 Amplitude—splitting Interferometers/390

7 5 Types and Localization of inte rference Fringes/407

7 6 MultipIe Beam Interference/409

7 7 Applications of Single and Multilayer Films/42C

7 8 Applications of Interferometry /428


8 Diffraction/440

8 1 Preliminary C0nsideratiOn8/440

8 2 Fraunhofer Dlffraction/450

8 3 Fresnel Diffraction /493

8 4 Kirchheft’s Scalar Dlffraction Theory /526

8 5 Boundary DIffraction Wayes/530


9 Polarization/538

9 1 The Nature of Polarized Light /538

9 2 Polarizers/546

9 3 Dichroism/548

9 4 Birefringence/552

9 5 Scattering and Polarization/565

9 6 Polarization by Reflection /568

9 7 Retarders/573

9 8 CIrcular Polarizers/581

9 9 Polarization of Polychromatic Light/582

9 10 Optical Activity/584

9 11 Induced Optical Effects- Optical Modulators / 590

9 12 Liquid C rystals//597

9 13 A Mathematical Description of polarization/601


10 Fourier Optics/615

10 1 Introduction/615

10 2 Fou rier Transforms/615

10 3 Optical Applications/630


11 Basics of Coherence Theory/669

11 1 Introduction /669

11 2 Visibility/672

11 3 The Mutual Coherence Function and the Deg ree of Coherence/679

11 4 Coherence and Stellar Inter— ferometry/684


12 Modern Optics:Lasers and Other Topics/693

12 1 Lasers and Laserlight/693

12 2 Imagery—The Spatial Distribution of Optical Information / 725

12 3 Holography/745

12 4 Nonlinear Optics /764


Appendix 1/776

Appendix 2/780

Table 1 /781

Solutions to Selected Problems/787






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