

词条 国际展览与项目协会

国际展览与项目协会(International Association of Exhibitions and Events)成立于1928年,代表了展销会、博览会组织者的利益,是目前全球会展行业协会的旗帜。今天国际展览与项目协会代表了来自58个国家的将近7000个个人和1400多个组织。这些个人和组织发起或承办各种展览会、交易会以及其他相关项目,而国际展览与项目协会则致力于拉近买方个买方的距离,提供渠道、促成合作。国际展览与项目协会分别在北京、布鲁塞尔、新加坡和达拉斯设有办事处,总部设于美国达拉斯。该协会与UFI在国际展览界均享有盛誉,被认为是目前关于国际展览业重要的行业协作组织,两者现已结成全球战略伙伴,共同促进国际会展业的发展与繁荣。在中国,国际展览与项目协会与中国国际贸易促进委员会通力合作所提出的展会管理认证是一个享有盛誉的专业认证。曾先后有300多个国内会展业的专业机构获得CEM称号并且更多的组织或个人在学习CEM。并且,国际展览与项目协会还以中英双语提供出版物和重要的信息。每一年,国际展览与项目协会都会在中国举办数期研讨会,为成员提供补充知识、增长技能的机会以便夯实基础。

Organized in 1928 to represent the interests of tradeshow and exposition managers, the International Association of Exhibitions and Events is today the leading association for the global exhibition industry. Today IAEE represents nearly 7,000 individuals and 1,400 organizations in 58 nations who conduct and support exhibitions, trade fairs and similar events that are intended to bring buyers and sellers together. IAEE has offices in Beijing, Brussels, Singapore and Dallas. In China, IAEE and CCPIT collaborate to present the highly acclaimed Certified In Exhibition Management (CEM) professional designation. Almost 300 Chinese exhibition industry professionals have earned the CEM designation and many more are involved in CEM studies. IAEE also provides important information and publications both in English and Mandarin. Each year IAEE presents several seminars in China to provide our members with opportunities to enhance their knowledge and skills.





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