

词条 avesvc.exe

进程文件: avesvc.exe or avesvc

进程名称: Avira AntiVir Security Service


avesvc.exe is a process belonging to Avira AntiVir which protects your computer against Internet-bound threats such as spyware and trojans which can be distributed through e-mail or attack directly to the computer allowing unauthorized access to your computer. This program is important for the stable and secure running of your computer and should not be terminated.

Recommendation for avesvc.exe:

avesvc.exe is not a critical component, but see the information above before disabling it.

Author: Avira

Part Of: AntiVir Internet Security Suite

安全等级 (0-5): 0

间谍软件: No

病毒: No ( Remove avesvc.exe )

木马: No ( Remove avesvc.exe )

Memory Usage: N/A

System Process: No

Background Process: Yes

Uses Network: No

Hardware Related: No

Common avesvc.exe Errors: N/A



进程位置: unknown

程序用途: unknown

作者: Avira

属于: AntiVir Internet Security Suite

安全等级 (0-5): 0 (N/A无危险 5最危险)

间碟软件: 否

广告软件: 否

病毒: 否

木马: 否

系统进程: 否

应用程序: 是

后台程序: 是

使用访问: 否

访问互联网: 否





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