

词条 公驴





电影导演:Rajeev Nirmalakhandan

J.C. Bari

电影演员:Anthony Barrile

John Sialiano

Stefan Lysenko

Ray 'Boom Boom' Mancini

Mike Bocchetti

Joe Summa

Tami Powers

Gino Cafarelli





导 演: Rajeev Nirmalakhandan J.C. Bari

主 演: Anthony Barrile John Sialiano Stefan Lysenko Ray 'Boom Boom' Mancini Mike Bocchetti Joe Summa Tami Powers Gino Cafarelli

上 映: 2003年04月24日 ( 美国 )

地 区: 美国 ( 拍摄地 )

对 白: 英语

评 分: 4.0/10( 7票 )

颜 色: 彩色

声 音: Dolby SR

时 长: 81 分钟

类 型: 喜剧 爱情

分 级: 美国:R


The life of Queens resident Dino Condito (Famiglietti) is about to take a surprising turn. After letting down his softball team by striking out in the bottom of the ninth against Hoboken, his crew brands him "the chooch." Trying to cheer up his cousin, Jubilene Condito (Summa) cashes in the savings from his first holy communion and springs for a vacation to Cancun. "You mean leave Queens?" asks Dino, as if the thought had never occurred to him. But there's a mix-up on the way to the airport involving a mysterious bag of money. As soon as Dino and Jube land in Mexico, they're abducted by a pair of thugs and left in the desert at the mercy of a trio of soldiers. It takes reuniting Dino's old Queens "crew," including Dino's beloved pet dachshund, to save the two cousins. Only after a jail bust, donkey ride, chicken coop explosion, and a life-changing love affair at the local bordello does the crew finally arrive to save the day. Returning home in triumphant glory with his reunited crew and newfound love Ladonna (Walker), Dino discovers the meaning of family, friendship and neighborhood

皇后区的居民Dino Condito的生活将会迎来一次惊人转变。在与当地垒球对手的较量中再次失败后,他被失望的队友冠以chooch(公驴)的绰号。为了使表兄Dino高兴起来,Jubilene Condito拿出积蓄,请他前往墨西哥东南部的群岛- 坎昆度假,而这也是他们第一次走带出皇后区。不过在去机场的路上发生了些混淆,他们与一个装满钱的神秘袋子扯上瓜葛。当他们一着陆墨西哥,就被一对恶棍绑架,并将他们弃置荒漠(监狱),任由3个士兵摆布……现在是该联系皇后区的家伙来拯救两兄弟了,包括Dino宠爱的达克斯猎狗Kiwi。在这部温馨,让你哈哈大笑的喜剧结尾处,Dino在最不喜欢的地方(妓院)找到了爱情,并以胜利者的姿态回到故土,发现了家庭、友谊、邻里情意间的意义。


John Sialiano .... Narrator (voice)

Paola Walker .... Ladonna

Carmine Famiglietti .... Dino Condito

Pete Medina .... Sergeant Major

Kiwi Limone .... Kiwi Condito

Gino Cafarelli .... Nicol Rubino

Ray 'Boom Boom' Mancini .... Ball Player

Tami Powers .... Hook Girl

Stefan Lysenko .... Billy Del Nino

Anthony Barrile .... Anthony Rubino

Mike Bocchetti .... The Mayor of Bocci Park

Britney Bunker .... Mexican Bartender

Cris Cruz .... Corporal

Santino Jimenez .... Private

Linda Sandoval .... Irma





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