

词条 龚秋明


龚秋明,男,汉族,1969年生,湖南安化人,新加坡南洋理工大学(NTU)博士,副教授。主要研究领域有掘进机、盾构机隧道开挖,岩土工程监测,边坡稳定性分析,岩土工程勘察及评价。现为国际杂志《Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology》审稿人,中国岩石力学与工程学会地下工程分会理事。2005年获建设部优秀工程勘察二等奖,2004年获新加坡隧道工程协会Hulme奖。公开发表论文20余篇,其中国际学报 10篇,国际大会主题报告1篇。


2003-2005年,新加坡南洋理工大学(NTU)环境与土木学院,获博士学位。 1992-1995年,中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所,获硕士学位。1988-1992年,长安大学(原西安地质学院),获学士学位。


2007年至今,北京工业大学建工学院,副教授。1996-2001年,北京勘察设计研究院,工程师。2006年9-12月,瑞士联邦理工大学(洛桑)(EPFL)岩石力学与隧道工程研究所,访问科学家(Visiting Scientist)。2005-2006年,新加坡南洋理工大学防护技术研究中心,项目官员(Project Officer)。





岩石隧道掘进机破岩机理及掘进速度预测模型研究, 国家基金面上项目,2009-1至2011-12,项目负责人。









成都地铁1#线盾构快速施工与耗时分析,Herrenknecht AG,2008-1至2008-3。



Gong QM and Zhao J (2009). Development of a rock mass characteristics model for TBM penetration rate prediction. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 46:8-18. (SCI, EI)

Du XL, Lu DC, Gong QM and Zhao M (2008). Modelling the strength for concrete material in 3-dimensional stress. Journal of Engineering Mechanics (accepted). (SCI, EI)

路德春, 杜修力, 龚秋明, 赵密. 混凝土材料的广义非线性强度理论[J]. 水利学报, 2008, 39(10): (EI)


Gong QM and Zhao J. (2008). Response by the authors to R.M. Goktan discussion to the paper: Q.M. Gong and J. Zhao (2007). Influence of rock brittleness on TBM penetration rate in Singapore granite, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Vol. 22, pp. 317–324. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 23: 217–218. (SCI, EI)

Zhao ZY, Gong QM, Zhang Y and Zhao J. (2007). Prediction Model of TBM performance by Ensemble Neural Networks. International Journal of Geomechanics and Geoengineering, 2(2):123-128.

Zhao J, Gong QM, and Eisenstein D (2007). Tunnelling through a frequently changing ground a case history in Singapore. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology,Vol. 22(4):388-400. (SCI, EI)

Gong QM, Zhao J and Jiang YS (2007). In Situ TBM Penetration Tests and Rock Mass Boreability Analysis in Hard Rock Tunnels. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Vol. 22(3):.303-316. (SCI, EI)

Gong QM and Zhao J (2007). Influence of Rock Brittleness on TBM penetration rate in Singapore Granite. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Vol.22(3):317-324. (SCI, EI)

Gong QM and Zhao J (2006). Numerical simulation of rock fragmentation process induced by two TBM cutters and cutter spacing optimization. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 21(3-4): 263.

龚秋明,赵坚,卞海英,王思敬,刘刚 (2006)。全断面隧道掘进机的分类及适用性。工程地质学报,14(1):101-106。

Gong QM, Jiao YY and Zhao J (2006). Numerical modeling of the effects of joint spacing on rock fragmentation by TBM cutters. Tunnelling and Underground Spacing Technology, Vol. 21(1):46-55. (SCI, EI)

Gong QM, Zhao J, Jiao YY (2005). Numerical modelling of the effects of joint orientation on rock fragmentation by TBM cutters. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Vol. 20(2): 183-191. (SCI, EI)

龚秋明,赵坚,张喜虎 (2004)。岩石隧道掘进机的施工预测。岩石力学与工程学报。第23卷,增2,页4709至4714。(EI)




王鸽,龚秋明,2008锦屏二级水电站引水隧洞TBM施工问题与对策探讨,四川省水力发电工程学会2008年学术交流会论文集,页22-27。Gong QM, Zhao J and Zhang XH (2007). The influence of mixed face ground on TBM performance, Geo-Changsha, pp. 117-123. (ISTP)。

Zhao J and Gong QM (2006). Rock mechanics and excavation by tunnel boring machine – issues and challenges, Leung C.F. and Zhou Y.X (Eds.), Proceedings of 4th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, ISRM International Symposium 2006, pp. 83-96.(keynote).

Gong QM, Zhao J and Hefny AM (2006). Numerical simulation of rock fragmentation process induced by two TBM cutters and cutter spacing optimization. AITES-ITA 2006, Seoul, South Korea.

Dong AA, Ma GW, Gong QM and Zhao J (2006). Numerical simulation on rock cutter performance in mixed face ground, GeoShanghai2006, Shanghai, China. (EI)

Gong QM, Zhao J and Bian HY (2005). Numerical simulation of influence of joint orientation on rock fragmentation process induced by a TBM cutter, Eurook 2005, pp.173-178.

Zhang XH, Gong QM, Zhao J, Bian HY (2003). TBM Performance under weathering influence. Proc. Underground Singapore 2003 Conference, Singapore, pp.177-186.

Gong QM, Zhang XH, Zhao J and Cai JG (2003). A Review of the Rock Mass Classification System and Applicability to Machine Tunnelling. Proc Underground Singapore 2003 Conference, Singapore, pp.276-284.


陈昌彦,沈小克, 张在明,龚秋明, 郝春英,2000,某天文工程场地的几个地质工程问题分析,第六届全国工程地质大会论文集,页260-264。







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