

词条 耿金菊

耿金菊 博士,副教授主要讲授课程








1. 国家自然科学基金 (21077051)—水环境中低价磷酸盐的环境行为及生物可利用性, 2010-2012, 主持

2. 国家自然科学基金 (20607009)—湿地生态系统磷化氢 (PH3)的释放过程及其环境行为研究, 2007-2009, 主持

3. 江苏省自然科学基金 (BK2008276)—富营养化湖泊中还原态磷的分布及其对水华暴发的影响, 2008-2010, 主持

3. 973课题三(2008CB418003)—水华蓝藻原位生长和输移聚集的全湖过程与驱动机制, 2008-2012, 子课题负责人

4. International Foundation for Science (IFS, A/4425-1)—The presence of reduced P-species in Lake Taihu, 2008-2011, 主持

5. 巢湖城市水专项 (2008ZX07316)—城市河湖水系污染控制与水环境综合治理技术研究及示范, 2008-2010, 主研

6. 我国近海海洋综合调查与评价 (908专项)—“江苏近岸海域基础调查”海洋化学子项目, 2006-2009, 主研

第一(通讯作者) SCI论文(2010~2011)

1. C. Han, J.J. Geng*, Y.N. Hong, R. Zhang, X.Y. Gu, X.R. Wang, S.X. Gao, D. Glindemann. Free atmospheric phosphine concentrations and fluxes in different wetland ecosystems, China. Environmental Pollution,2011, 159: 630-635.

2. C. Han, J.J. Geng*, J. Zhang, X.R. Wang, S.X. Gao. Phosphine migration at the water–air interface in Lake Taihu, China. Chemosphere, 2011, 82: 935-939.

3. C. Han, J.J. Geng*, R. Zhang, X.R. Wang, S.X. Gao. Matrix-bound phosphine and phosphorus fractions in the paddy soils. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 2011, In press.

4. Y.N. Hong, J.J. Geng*, S. Qiao, Y.Z. Zhang, L.L. Ding, X.R, Wang, H.Q. Ren. Phosphorus fractions and matrix-bound phosphine in coastal surface sediments of the Southwest Yellow Sea. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2010, 181: 556-564.

5. Y.N. Hong, J.J. Geng*, S. Qiao, L.L. Ding, X.Y. Gu, X.R. Wang. D. Glindemann, H.Q. Ren, Distribution of phosphine in the offshore Southwest Yellow Sea, East Asia. Marine Chemistry, 2010, 118, 67-74.

6. J. Zhang, J.J. Geng*, R. Zhang, H.Q. Ren, X.R. Wang, Matrix-bound phosphine in paddy fields under a simulated increase in global atmospheric CO2. Environmental Chemistry, 2010, 7: 287-291.

7. J.J. Geng, X.J. Niu, X.R. Wang, The presence of trace phosphine in Lake Taihu water. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 2010, 90: 737-746.

8. C. Han, X.Y. Gu, J.J. Geng*, Y.Y. Hong, R. Zhang, X.R. Wang, Production and emission of phosphine gas from wetland ecosystems. Journal of Environmental Sciences-China, 2010, 22: 1309-1311.


耿金菊,王晓蓉,韩圣慧,牛晓君,丁丽丽,任洪强,洪宇宁。 一种结合态磷化氢的提取方法及装置。 专利号:200810023259.2





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