

词条 高等院校文科教材·美国文学选读


出版社: 南开大学出版社; 第1版 (1991年8月1日)

外文书名: Selected Readings In American Literature

平装: 854页

正文语种: 简体中文

开本: 32, 0开

ISBN: 7310003969

条形码: 9787310003969

尺寸: 20.2 x 14 x 3.1 cm

重量: 762 g




Edwin Arlington Robinson

Richard Cory

Miniver Cheevy

MrFlood's Party

Wilia Cather

Neighbour Rosicky

Amy Lowell


Robert Frost

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

Mending Wall

The Road Not Taken


After ApplePicking

Sherwood Anderson

from Winesburg,Ohio

Carl Sandburg



The Harbor

Wallace Stevens

Anecdote of the Jar

The Idea of Order at Key West

The Emperor of IceCream

Sunday Morning

William Carlos Williams

The Red Wheelbarrow

Spring and All

from Paterson

Ezra Pound

A Pact

In a Station of the Metro

The River—Merchant’S Wif0:A Letter

from Hugh Selwyn Mauberley

from Cantos

Sinclair Lewis

from Babbitt

Hilda Doolittle(H.D.)



Eugene o’Neill

from Long Day’S Journey into Night


The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock

from The Waste Land


in Just

O sweet spontaneous

Langston Hughes

The Negro Speaks of Rivers

As I Gfew Older

Ballad of the Landlord

F.Scott Fitzgerald

from The Great Gatsby

WiUiam Faulkner

from Light in August

Ernest Hemingway

from A Farewell to Arms

John Dos Passos

from U.S.A.

Hart Crane

from The BTidge

Alien Tate

Ode to the Confederate Dead

John Steinbeck

from The Grapes of Wrath

Thomas Wolfe

from“The Lost Boy”

Katherine Anne Porter

Flowering Judas

Richard Wright

from Native Son

Eudora Welty

Death of a Traveling Salesman

Tennessee Williams

from The Glass Menagerie

Arthur Miller

from Death of a Salesman

Charles Olson

Maximus,to Gloucester,Sunday,July 19

Robert Lowell

For the Union Dead

Skunk Hour

Saul Bellow

from Herzoq

Norman Mailer

from The Naked and the Dead

Ralph Ellison

from Invisible Man


from The Catcher in the Rye

John Cheever

The Swimmer

Bernard Malamud

from The Assistant

James Baidwin

from Go Tell It On the Mountain

Flannery O'Connor

A Good Man Is Hard to Find

Allen Ginsberg


Kurt Vonnegut

from Slauclhterhouse-Five

Joseph Heller

from Catch-22

Sylvia Plath

Lady Lazarus


Edward AIbee

from Who's Afraid of Virginia Wooff?

John Barth

from The End of the Road

John Updike

from Rabbit,Run

Ken Kesey

from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

Joyce Carol Oates

from Them

Toni Morrison

from Song of Solomon





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