词条 | 高等师范教材·英文写作 |
释义 | 图书信息出版社: 高等教育出版社; 第1版 (2008年5月1日) 平装: 270页 正文语种: 简体中文, 英语 开本: 16 ISBN: 7040104385 条形码: 9787040104387 尺寸: 22.6 x 16.6 x 1.4 cm 重量: 522 g 内容简介《英文写作》是教育部师范司组织编写的“中学教师进修高等师范本科(专科起点)”规划教材,全书共8章,按照由小到大,词、句、段、篇的次序安排。《英文写作》可作为中学英语教师进修高等师范英语专业本科之用,亦可供非英语专业人员和广大英语爱好者自学英语之用。 目录CHAPTER I USINGAPPROPRIATEWORDS AND RHETORICALDEVICES I USINGAPPROPRIATEWORDS 1 Typesofwords 1)Commonwords,technicalwords, and nonst and ardwords 2)Formalwords and informalwords 3)Commendatorywords and derogatorywords 4)Abstractwords and concretewords 5)Nativewords and foreignwords 6)Synonyms and antonyms 7)General and specificwords 2 Meaningsofwords 1)Words and concepts 2)Context and meaning 3)Conceptualmeaning and associativemeaning 3Choiceofwords Activities II USINGAPPROPRIATERHETORICALDEVICES 1 Simile 2 Metaphor 3 Metonymy 4 Synecdoche 5 Transferredepithet 6 Personification 7 Pun 8 Hyperbole 9 Understatement 10 Irony 11 Paradox 12 Oxymoron 13 Euphemism 14 Parallelism 15 Antithesis 16 Climax and anticlimax 17 Rhetoricalquestions Activities CHAPTER II WRITINGCORRECT AND APPROPRIATESENTENCES I TYPESOFSENTENCES 1 Classifiedaccordingtofunction 2 Classifiedaccordingtostructure 3 Classifiedaccordingtolength 4 Classifiedaccordingtorhetoric Activities II COMPLETESENTENCES,MINORSENTENCES AND SENTENCEFRAGMENTS Activities III RUN-ONSENTENCES,COMMASPLICES AND COMMAFAULTS Activities IV CHOPPYSENTENCES Activities V WORDORDER AND EMPHASISOFSENTENCES 1 Postponement and emphasis 2 Fronting and emphasis 3 Emphaticsentences 4 Emphasiswithinsentences Activities VI CONTENT-ORIENTEDSENTENCES 1 Unity 2 Coherence 3 Consciseness 4 Clarity 5 Variety Activities CHAPTER III DEVELOPING PARAGRAPHS I TOPIC SENTENCE AND TRANSITION IN PARAGRAPHS 1 Topic sentence 1) Topic sentence at the beginning 2) Topic sentence at the beginning and end 3) Topic sentence in the middle 4) Topic sentence at the end 5) Topic sentence implied Activities 2 Transition 1) Transitional devices 2) Transitional words and phrases 3) Transitions between paragraphs Activities II STRATEGIES FOR PARAGRAPH DEVELOPMENT 1 Paragraph development by listing 2 Paragraph development by process 3 Paragraph development bytime and space 1) By time 2) By space 3) By space and time 4 Paragraph development by examples 1) Parallel grouping 2) Climactical grouping 3) Anticlimatical grouping 5 Paragraph development by generalization 6 Paragraph development by cause and effect 1) Single cause——single effect 2) Single cause——multiple effect 3) Multiple cause——single effect 4) Causal chain 7 Paragraph development by comparison and contrast 1) The point-by-point pattern 2) The subject-by-subject pattern 8 Paragraph development by definition 1) The formal definition paragraph 2) The informal definition paragraph 9 Paragraph development by classification 1) Consistency 2) Completeness 3) Avoidance of overlapping 4) Balance 10 Paragraph development by various means Activities CHAPTER IV WRITING AWHOLE COMPOSITION I STEPS IN WRITING A COMPOSITION 1 Planning 1) Deciding on the topic 2) Discovering useful material 3) Deciding on the thesis 4) Choosing a proper type of outline 2 Drafting 3 Revision 4 Finalizing Activities II MAIN PARTS OF A COMPOSITION 1 The opening part 2 The developing part 3 The closing part Activities …… CHAPTER V WRITINGFORPRACTICALPURPOSES CHAPTER VI WRITINGRESEARCHPAPERS CHAPTER VII USINGPROPERMANUSCRIPTFORMATANDPUNCTUATION CHAPTER VIII DESIGNINGWRITINGTASKS BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDIX SYMBOLSFORCORRECTION |
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