词条 | 富阳卓诚仪器设备有限公司 |
释义 | 富阳卓诚仪器设备有限公司Fuyang Zhuocheng Instroument Equipment Co., Ltd, manufactures and markets a full line of gas monitoring equipment for various industries including mining, police, fire, rescue, shipping, transportation, telecom, oil and gas industries. Poisonous gases are a daily risk for people who work in these industries and Zhuocheng offers various gas detectors including portable, hand-held instruments as well as fixed detectors that can be stationed in buildings, field sites or stations. Gas monitors provide personnel with early warning of poisonous gases such as VOCs (PID), H2S, CO, O2, SO2, PH3, NH3,NO2, HCN, Cl2, ClO2, O3, and Combustibles. Fuyang Zhuocheng fixed gas detection systems incorporate audible alarms, visual warning lights, vibrate alarms, wireless digital transmitters, and capable of operating in the harshest environments around the world. Portable gas detection instruments are high tech personal protection equipment (PPE) to ensure the safety of your employees and facilities. We aim to be the leading supplier of gas monitoring and gas detection equipment by utilizing the most advanced gas sensors in the industry. 富阳卓诚仪器设备有限公司坐落在美丽的富春江畔,是一家专业从事气体检测仪表及安全防护设备研发、销售和服务为一体的高新技术企业。 我公司凭借“发展以科技为本、产品以服务为先”的经营理念,为广大客户提供性能稳定、质量优越、性价比高的产品。 公司主要产品有:气体检测仪,可燃气体检测报警器,气体报警监控系统,有毒气体探测器,有机蒸气检测仪,卤素检漏仪,红外气体分析仪,氧分析仪,管道防腐泄漏检测仪,空气呼吸器,人体防护服,等多种安全仪器及设备。 产品广泛应用于:燃气管网,冶金炼钢, 石油化工,精细化工,生产制造, 科研开发, 公共事业,消防,电力,制药,运输,电信,市政,航空等众多领域,其产品已经遍布全国几十个城市,得到了世界的广泛认可,为公司树立形象,开展业务奠定了良好的基础。 正是在广大用户及各界朋友的支持和帮助下,公司才得以发展壮大,希望在今后的工作中,本着互惠互利的原则,与时俱进,共铸辉煌。 企业宗旨:与您携手,共铸安全; 经营理念:卓越品质,诚信服务; 工作目标:追求卓越,满足客户; 工作要求:全力以赴,共创辉煌! |
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