

词条 副票

副票概述编辑本段集邮专门术语之一.与邮票同时印制的在同一全张上的票形图案.多印有与邮票主题相关的图案和文字,但无邮政标记和邮票面值,不能作为邮票使用.如中国1980年发行的T51“童话——咕咚”邮票,全套4枚和一枚副票印成五横连形式.印有商业广告文字或图案的副票称为广告副票;印有附捐金额的副票称为慈善副票;和邮票印在一起,作税票使用的副票称为税票副票;还有一种勿投副票,又称“基督副票”。为一种在邮票下缘印有“星期日请勿投递”字样的副票;如果撕下副票即可照常投递.1893—1914年,比利时曾发行过带有这种副票的邮票.Philately is one technical terms. And at the same time stamp printed on the same sheet-shaped pattern on the ticket. More stamps printed with images relevant to the subject and text, but no postal marks and stamps face value, can not be used as a stamp. For example, China 1980 to issue the T51 "Fairy Tale - plump" stamps, a full set of four and a Vice-ticket printed in the form of five cross-connected. printed commercial text or logo as advertising, deputy vice-vote vote; printed on the amount of Fu Juan the Deputy Vice-ticket voting is called charity; and stamps printed together for stamps to use as stamps, Deputy Vice-ticket voting; There is also a vice not to cast votes, also known as "Christ, deputy votes." As a lower edge of the stamps printed with "Do not deliver Sunday," the words of the deputy votes; if you can tear off as usual, Vice votes delivery .1893-1914, Belgium once issued a stamp with this vice ticket.





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