词条 | 冯玉瑚 |
释义 | 东华大学冯玉瑚教授 冯玉瑚,1950年8月出生。应用数学学科教授、博士生导师。兼任上海市数学会理事、Zentralblatt MATH 评论员。发表四十多篇论文,其中二十多篇被SCI、EI、ISTP等收录 研究方向: 随机分析、模糊数学、模糊随机理论、 模糊随机系统控制理论及其应用等领域 荣誉及获奖情况: 1、首届钱之光教育奖,1997年 2、上海市优秀教育工作者,1998年 近几年承担的科研项目: 模糊随机系统的分析与最优控制理论研究, 国家自然科学基金 近几年发表论著情况: 1、A note on indefinite integrals and absolute continuity for fuzzy-valued mappings, Fuzzy Set and Systems,2004(SCI) 2、Note on “Sums of independent fuzzy random variables”, Fuzzy Set and Systems, 2004 (SCI) 3、Strong law of large numbers for stationary sequences of random upper semicontinuous functions, Stochastic Analysis and its Applications,2004(SCI) 4、Metrics on noncompact fuzzy number space, J. Donghua University (Eng. Ed.), 2004 5、Existence and uniqueness theorem for the Cauchy problem of fuzzy differential equations under non-Lipschitz conditions, J. Donghua University (Eng. Ed.), 2004 6、非紧模糊数的广义距离空间, 东华大学学报, 2004年 7、The solutions of linear fuzzy stochastic differential systems, Fuzzy Set and Systems, 2003(SCI) 8、Semi-order fuzzy supermartingales and submartingales with continuous time. Fuzzy Set and Systems 130,2002(SCI) 9、On the convergence of fuzzy martingales, Fuzzy Set and Systems 130 ,2002(SCI,EI) 10、An approach to generalize laws of large numbers for fuzzy random variables, Fuzzy Sets and Systems,2002(SCI、EI) 11、On the convergence of fuzzy set sequences, J. Donghua University (Eng. Ed.), 2002 (EI) 12、连续参数模糊平稳过程: 对应关系,东华大学学报,2002年 13、Reqularity of continuous-time fuzzy martingales, Joint 9th IFSA World Congress and 20th NAFIPS International Conference,2001 14、Sums of independent fuzzy random variables, Fuzzy Sets and Systems,2001(SCI) 15、Fuzzy-valued mappings with finite variation, fuzzy-valued measures and fuzzy-valued Lebesgue-Stieltjes integrals, Fuzzy Sets and Systems,2001(SCI) 16、Decomposition theorems for fuzzy supermartingales and submartingales: Corrigendum, Fuzzy Set and Systems, 2001(SCI) 17、The variance and covariance of fuzzy random variables and their applications, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2001(SCI) 18、Riesz decomposition theorems for continuous-time fuzzy supermartingales. J. DonghuaUniversity ( Eng. Ed.) 2001(EI) 19、Decomposition theorems for fuzzy supermartingales and submartingales, Fuzzy Sets and Systems ,2000(SCI) 20、Fuzzy stochastic differetial systems, Fuzzy Sets and Systems , 2000(SCI) 21、Gaussian fuzzy random variables, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 111 ,2000(SCI) 22、Mean-square Riemann-Stieltjes integrals of fuzzy stochastic processes and their applications, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 110,2000(SCI) 23、Semi-order fuzzy supermartingales and submartingales, J. Donghua University (Eng. Ed.) 2000(EI) 24、Decomposition theorems for semi-order fuzzy supermartingales and submartingales, J. Donghua University (Eng. Ed.), 2000(EI) 25、模糊随机Volterra积分方程,中国纺织大学学报,2000 26、A new semi-order in fuzzy number space and its applications, 模糊系统与数学, 2000,Vol.14(模糊集理论与模糊应用专辑) 27、关于随机系统响应收敛性定理的一个注记,纺织高校基础科学学报,2000 |
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