词条 | 翻译与性别:女性主义时代的翻译 |
释义 | 基本信息作者:费拉德. 出版社: 上海外语教育出版社; 第1版 (2004年4月1日) 外文书名: Translation and Gender: Translating in the 'Era of Feminism' 丛书名: 国外翻译研究丛书 平装: 114页 正文语种: 英语 开本: 32 ISBN: 7810950738 条形码: 9787810950732 产品尺寸及重量: 20.8 x 14.6 x 0.8 cm ; 181 g ASIN: B0011AL6R4 内容简介20世纪最后的30年中,性别研究渗透到了学术研究与文艺创作的各个方面。人们对于性别的关注深刻影响了翻译实践、翻译理论与翻译批评的发展。从女权主义角度出发的翻译实践与翻译批评,以及对文化的强调已使翻译成为探索性别与文化之间相互作用与相互影响的重要领域。 本书将翻译置于女权运动以及这场运动对“父权”语言的批判的背景中,阐述了女性实验性作品的翻译实践、译者的大胆介入、一些重要文本如《圣经》的翻译、翻译对父权社会中“消失”作品的重现及以女性译者为焦点的翻译历史研究等一系列问题。 作者简介路易斯·冯·弗拉德:文学翻译家、教师、自由撰稿人。曾在北美、英国、法国、德国等国家学习、工作。现任教于渥太华大学(University of Ottawa)。 目录Preface 1.Historical Background The Women s Movement and the Idea of Gender Women and Language Gender and Translation 2.Gender and the Practice of Translation Experimental Feminist Writing and its Translation Translating the Body Translating Puns on Cultrual References Translating Experiments with Language Interventionist Feminist Translation Translating Machismo Assertive Feminist Translation Recovering Women s Works Lost in Patricarchy Further Corrective Measures 3.Revising Theories and Myths Proliferating Prefaces:The Translator s Sense of Self Asserting the Translator s Identity Claiming ZResponsibility for Meaning Revising the Rhetoric of Translation Tropes Achieving Political Visibility Revising a Fundamental Myth Pandora s Cornucopia 4.Rereading and Rewriting Translations Reading Existing Translaations Simone de Beauvoir Rewriting Exsting Translations The Bible Comparing Pre-feminist and Post-feminist Translations Sappho and Louise Labe Recovering Lost Women Translators Subversive Activity in the English Renaissance Nineteenth-Century Women Translators La Malinche 5.Criticisms Criticism from Outside Feminisms Criticism from Within Feminisms Elitist Experimentation Opportunist Feminist Bandwagon Being Democratic with Minorities Revealing Women s Cultural and Political Diversity 6.Future Perspectives Broad Historical Perspectives Contemporary Perspectives Public Language Policies Interpreting 7.Concluding Remarks Glossary Bibliographical References |
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