词条 | 翻译文体学研究 |
释义 | 图书信息书 名: 翻译文体学研究 作 者:博厄斯·贝耶尔 出版社: 上海外语教育出版社 出版时间: 2011年3月1日 ISBN: 9787544622318 开本: 16开 定价: 18.00元 内容简介《翻译文体学研究》首先追溯了早期的文体观,阐明文体对翻译的影响,又从读者视角和译者视角分别探讨文体的作用和文体再创作过程中的选择。作者随之提出翻译研究的认知转向和文体学的认知观,最后全面总结翻译研究的文体学途径,并介绍其在翻译实践中的作用。 作者简介博厄斯·贝耶尔,东英吉利大学高级讲师,教授翻译和文体学。在相关领域著作颇丰,除合作主编了《文学翻译实践》(The Practices of Literary Translation)外,还编撰了《看得见的诗人》(Visible Poets)等系列诗歌集。 图书目录Acknowledgements Introduction: Style in Translation 1. The Role of Style in Translation 1.1 Reading and writing style in translation 1.2 Before stylistics: the spirit of a text 1.3 Universals of style and creative transposition 1.4 Contextual, pragmatic and cognitive aspects of style and translation 1.5 Relativity and thinking for translation 1.6 Translating literary and non-literary texts 2. Theories of Reading and Relevance 2.1 Reading, style and the inferred author 2.2 Implication, relevance and minimax 2.3 Relevance theory and translating for relevance 3. The Translator's Choices 3. l Style and choice 3.2 Clues, games and decisions 3.3 Recreated choices in translation 4. Cognitive Stylistics and Translation 4.1 The cognitive turn in stylistics and translation studies 4.2 Translating the mind in the text 4.3 Ambiguity and textual gaps 4.4 Foregrounding, salience and visibility 4.5 Metaphor, mind and translation 4.6 Iconicity, mimesis and diagesis 4.7 Cognitive stylistics and the pretence of translation 5. A Stylistic Approach in Practice 5.1 Elements of a stylistic approach to translation 5.2 Using style to translate mind 5.3 Ambiguous translation 5.4 Attracting attention: patterns and other deviant structures 5.5 Metaphorical thought translated 5.6 Keeping the echo: translating for iconicity 6. Conclusion Bibliography Index |
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