词条 | 杜仲正骨水 |
释义 | 杜仲正骨水 Wintex Tong Zheng Gu Shiu 适应﹕ 各种骨折、脱臼及跌打损伤,扭伤,肌肉筋骨疼痛,消肿去瘀,风湿痹痛皆有显著疗效。 用法﹕ 先搽于伤口周围,作止痛用再行按摩,每日敷药二至三次。 注意﹕ 凡骨折、出臼需正骨后始敷此药,并只能搽于伤口周围但忌搽伤口,本品挥发性强,用后应密封,不宜置近高温及有火处,本品药性特强,孕妇切忌使用。 规格﹕每瓶90ml、45ml Attention: Not to be taken internally, nor to be rubbed into the wound. This medicine is very volatile. The bottle should be tightly colsed after use and kept away from fire and high temperature. Not to be internally taken by pregnant women. 产品编号﹕WT022 每瓶90ml 售价︰38元 (港币/人民币)(网上订购) 产品编号﹕WT023 每瓶45ml 售价︰26元 (港币/人民币)(网上订购) 永达堂“正骨水”产品已透过香港标准及检定中心(The Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre Ltd.) 测试报告(Testing Report)为合格产品。 |
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