词条 | a song for you |
释义 | 《a song for you》是由许慧欣作词作曲,许慧欣演唱的一首歌曲,收录在专辑《美丽的爱情》中。这是一首流行风格的歌曲,歌曲展现了许慧欣高超的唱功。 许慧欣版本基本信息歌曲:a song for you 歌手:许慧欣 Lyrics:许慧欣 Music:许慧欣 Arranger:吴庆隆 专辑:美丽的爱情 发行时间:2003年7月8日 语言:英语 发行公司:环球唱片 歌曲介绍许慧欣第三张国语专辑《美丽的爱情》中的歌曲。这张专辑除了延续以往前两张专辑《快乐为主》、《孤单芭蕾》Evonne式唯美浪漫外,更在企划概念视觉造型上加入许多不同以往的元素,从艺人本身的特质出发,赋予歌手更多的生命包括强调她原本就活泼好动男孩子气的性格,还有与生俱来的正义感喜欢帮助弱小,更有她对爱情和女性友情的看法,都一一完整呈现在这词曲中。 歌曲歌词I was alone You came alone And gave your heart to me And I know but.I was scared to tell you Just how much.How much I need you And I wanted.I wanted to show you Just how much.How much I adore you And then one day I heard you say You'd always stand beside me Then I know.I know I had to tell you Just how much.How much I thank you So I found.I found a way to tell you Just how much.How much I love you And so today I want to say I'll always stand beside you And I swear.I swear I'll always love you As long As long as you need me too And I found.I found a way to tell you (That this song.This song's just for you) That this song. This song says..I love you 歌手介绍许慧欣(1978年12月5日-)出生于美国德州,华裔美国人,台湾歌手、演员。因为外貌和擅长芭蕾舞而有“雪白歌姬”称号。曾获第14届金曲奖最佳新人奖、并和张学友在音乐剧《雪狼湖》中合作,在中国大陆与台湾香港地区巡回演出。她的妹妹许嘉凌(Ivy)也开始在娱乐圈发展。 萧敬腾版本歌曲信息歌曲:a song for you 歌手:萧敬腾 专辑:Mr.Jazz-A Song For You 发行时间:2012年5月9日 语言:英语 发行公司:华纳唱片 歌曲介绍萧敬腾全新专辑《Mr.Jazz-A Song For You》于5月9日正式发行。此次“洛克先生”一改以往的摇滚硬汉唱腔,转变成内敛爵士的Mr.Jazz,令人十分期待。而这张专辑中的11首经典英文歌曲都是由他本人反复聆听过许多版本,尝试过各种不同的咬字唱法后慎选而出,而为深入爵士灵魂精髓的他,更是为了本次专辑大学萨克斯风。 这张专辑是于2012年3月29日萧敬腾自掏腰包举办的邀请近千位粉丝参加的生日趴现场收音录制的专辑。 11首经典乐曲,萧敬腾与金木义则老师以Jazz编制重新编曲。萧敬腾呢喃唱出男人在爱情里的悲与伤,炙热的,温暖的,有别于摇滚的声线,这是另一个萧敬腾-Mr. JAZZ。我们说他唱出了男人的心声,即使是一首悲伤的歌,他用自己的方式唱出自己的Jazz Song,希望能感动人、带来正面的力量。 不论经历多久,我们翻唱著这些经典,然后再成为经典。 而这是萧敬腾心目中的11首经典,Song For You。 专辑曲目01:For once in my life 02:(I Love You) For Sentimental Reasons 03:How can you mend a broken heart 04:How deep is your love 05:Fever 06:Save The Last Dance for Me 07:Rhythm of the Rain 08:Sorry seems to be the hardest word 09:Put Your Head on My Shoulder 10:L-O-V-E 11:A Song for you 歌曲歌词I've been so many places in my life and time I've sung a lot of songs I've made some bad rhymes I've acted out my life on stages with ten thousand people watching But we're alone now and I'm singing this song for you I know your image of me is what I hope to be, I've treated you unkindly But Darling can't you see There's no one more important to me Baby, can't you see through me, 'cause we're alone now And I'm singing this song for you, you taught me precious secrets Of a true love withholding nothing, you came out in front When I was hiding, But now I'm so much better An if my words don't come together, listen to the melody 'Cause my love is in there hiding I love you in a place where there's no space or time, I love you from my life You are a friend of mine, and when my life is over Remember, when we were together We were alone, and I was singing this song for you I love you in a place where there's no space or time, I love you from my life You are a friend of mine, and when my life is over Remember,remember when we were together We were alone, and I was singing this song for you We were alone, and I was singing my song sing my song for you sing my song thank you everybody 歌手简介萧敬腾,台湾歌手、演员。因参加超级星光大道踢馆而成名,现已发行多张专辑。代表歌曲《王子的新衣》、《王妃》、《狂想曲》等。并荣借电影《杀手欧阳盆栽》获得2012年第31届香港金像奖最佳新人奖。 |
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