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释义 | 丁晓钟老师丁晓钟老师 全国著名考研英语、四六级考试辅导专家、点点教育英语首席主讲、国内多家权威考研辅导机构首席主讲;辅导过国内几乎所有的英语考试,对命题规律了如指掌,之间辅导的学生人数超过五十多万人,通过网络和其他途径知道的考生数以百万计,成绩斐然;为华东地区四六级、考研英语阅卷组核心成员,此赋予其辅导更强的针对性;外刊超精读、真题超精解、词汇超链接、作文闪光点理论的首倡者;国内英美外刊研究界泰斗;中国四六级、考研英语界反命题第一人,屡屡成功破解四六级、考研英语命题密码;连续多年考后第一时间公布的参考答案全对,全国唯一,在与各大辅导机构考后答案的pk中遥遥领先,大获全胜,彰显了丁老师的实力为同行业之翘楚。 全国考研英语辅导界实力派的杰出代表,中国考研英语辅导界命题规律研究,考点本质和脉搏把握的翘楚。连续四年考后第一时间公布的参考答案全对。 中国考研映月辅导界命题规律研究,考点本质和脉搏把握的翘楚,成功破解考研英语命题密码,连续四年考后第一时间公布的参考答案全对。在与各大辅导机构考后答案的PK中大获全胜,全国唯一,见证了丁老师的实力和水平为同行之翘楚。 新浪 搜狐 网易 腾讯,四大门户网站考研英语频道的长期特邀名师,多年来致力于考研英语语言测试学研究,功力深厚,其创始和推广的“阅读超精读”·“词汇超链接”·“作文闪光点”·“外刊精讲”等学习辅导理念和教学内容方法已成为考验必胜的法宝。 丁老师凭借自身的强大实力和对命题规律的研究洞悉,对考点本质和脉搏的精准把握,教学方法独到·思路清晰·信息量大,授课方法强调思维开放,内容注意实用性,将复杂问题简单化,能最大限度提升考生的实战能力,效果极佳,深受全国考生的喜爱。 国著名四六级辅导专家,恩波特聘优秀核心教师,“阅读超精读”和“词汇超链接”学习理念的创始人,四六级辅导实力派领军人物。是全国第一个,也是唯一的周末班和一三晚班总人数超过两千人的老师,所到之处,无不掀起了四六级辅导班的报班高潮,被业界人士惊呼为“奇迹”、“不可能完成的任务”。其编著的多本四六级辅导书均进入了畅销书行列,并担任多家网站的辅导老师和顾问, 恩波, 沪江英语) , 使不能亲自上丁老师辅导班的同学同样能接受丁老师的指导和教诲。听过丁老师讲课的同行和同学无不感慨:“全国六级辅导第一人”果然名不虚传。 丁老师在考前作文班时候讲的大作文,直接命中2011年考研大作文。以下是作文班范文和漫画。 A vivid picture jumps into my sight when I take a look at the test paper. In this cartoon, a lady in her golden years is holding a board in her hand which reads, “Please don’t spit in public places, litter and jump the queue.” In sharp contrast, a young adult in his high teens or low twenties, losing sight of the aged lady, is spitting and throwing banana skins. Clearly, the picture presented here carries more profound implications behind the surface. It mirrors a prevailing trend raging across the Chinese landscape: a myriad of uncivilized behaviors have found their way into our lives and have the potential to run out of control. Put in another way, far too many folks behave indecently in their daily lives. A couple of driving forces are behind the trend. To name only one: as an ancient land enjoying a splendid civilization spanning over 5,000 years, the Middle Kingdom is witnessing the loss of some traditional core values because we don’t put a high value on moral education. In my eyes, prompt attention is supposed to be centered on this problem. As a college student on the point of stepping out into society, I should do all in my power to contribute to turning back this evil tide. I am firmly convinced that a brighter future is on the horizon if folks from different corners of the country drive joint efforts to combat it. 点点英语论坛点点考研英语系列丛书《考研英语历年真题超精解》 《英美外刊超精读》 《考研英语积木作文法》 《丁晓钟超精讲考研英语核心词汇》 点点教育系列丛书《考研英语历年真题超精解》《英美外刊超精读》 丁老师通过新浪微博互动教学#外刊点睛#Next week, Apple's chief executive will announce iCloud, a service expected to allow access to music, photos and videos over the Internet on multiple devices. (本句昨晚发布后,不少同学参与了翻译,但有很多理解不准确或者错误。点击图片可看翻译和详细解析。欢迎转发。) poppin就是跳跳 |
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