

词条 Aronld Bennet

阿诺德 本涅特 A. Bennet(t)(1867-1931) 英国作家。出生在斯塔福德郡的小镇汉利附近。父亲是律师。童年时生活穷苦,促使他追求事业的成功,以摆脱贫穷和屈辱。他曾在伦敦学习法律,当过律师事务所的书记员和《妇女》杂志的编辑,写过小说、剧本、评论等。以后专门从事写作。他的第一部小说《北方来的人》(1898)带有自传性质,描写一个青年希望成为作家,从北部工业小镇来到伦敦,结果一无所成,反映了外省知识分子经历的辛酸。




本涅特还塑造了一些资产阶级典型人物,给人留下鲜明的印象。小说《怪人》(1911) 及其续篇《摄政者》(1913)写一个毫无道德观念的“怪人”,他在学生时代就善于花言巧语、投机钻营。一生不择手段,厚颜无耻,逐渐飞黄腾达。小说《赖斯曼阶梯》(1923)是他的重要作品中唯一不以五镇为背景的小说。写了一个极端吝啬的书店老板。作者笔下的这些人物是可恶或可笑的,在他们身上可以看出作者的嘲讽,基至也有欣赏和同情。



Novelist, playwright, essayist, critic and journalist. Born in Hanley, Staffordshire, the eldest child of a pawnbroker who had bettered himself and become a solicitor. The family moved house several times and lived in Burslem and Middleport. As a result, Arnold went to several schools including the Middle School, Newcastle-under-Lyme. His father wanted him to follow his example and qualify as a solicitor but Arnold failed a crucial university entrance examination. He therefore became a solicitor's clerk, at first in his father's office and, from 1889, in London.

Arnold Bennett had shown early promise as a writer and had won a writing competition in a local newspaper as a boy. In London he began to see his writing published in popular magazines and he joined the staff of Woman magazine in 1893, later becoming its editor. His first novel to be published, A man from the north, appeared in 1898 and its success allowed him to give up other work to concentrate on writing. He lived in Bedfordshire and for eight years, from 1903, in Paris. He married Marguerite Soulié, a French actress, in 1907 and they were to stay together for fourteen years before separating. He never returned to live in Staffordshire, even though he continued to draw inspiration from the area in his work. He died on 27 March 1931 from typhoid shortly after a visit to France. Following his cremation, his ashes were buried in the cemetery at Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent.

A prolific, yet uneven, author, the reputation of Arnold Bennett rests on his thirty novels, and especially those set in the Staffordshire scenery of his childhood, the Potteries. He learned his craft by studying French novels that included intense description and he successfully applied this style in bringing to life the ordinary working lives of many of his characters. His best work can be found in the novels Anna of the Five Towns (1902), The Old Wives' Tale (1908), Clayhanger (1910) and Riceyman Steps (1923), all except the last being set in the Potteries. In his earlier career, Arnold Bennett was also a respected playwright, his interest in the theatre following on from his work as a critic. His most successful play was Milestones, written with Edward Knoblock.





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