词条 | 磁力架 |
释义 | 磁力架主要应用于除去料斗,进料槽,地板空处的铁杂质,能有效除去自由流动的粉末,小颗粒中的铁杂质。 西磁公司的磁力架装有外形美观,合理分布的磁棒,能提供高强度的磁场吸引住流动物料中的铁粉末,铁屑,和其他带磁性小片金属。高档不锈钢无缝管和外框通过工人熟练的焊接形成一个结实的整体。可以安装到生产流水线上,也可以简单的搁在料斗,物料箱里,并且能够轻松的取出和清洗。我们的磁力架采用高级材料,表面抗腐蚀,完全可达到食品甚至药品的清洁级别。我们的磁力架通常是用直径25mm磁棒,按50mm的中心间距平行排列。 Remove ferrous contamination in hoppers, chutes, floor openings, and other areas where free-flowing granular or powdered materials are present.SWMAG Magnetic Grate provide a properly configured, high-density magnetic field to trap and hold ferrous fines, fragments, and small metal objects. Stainless steel tubing and frames are welded into strong, integral units. They can be installed – or simply laid – inside hoppers, housings, and bins – and easily removed for cleaning. Grates are built for low-abrasion applications. Standard magnetic grates feature 25mm. diameter round bars filled with either high grade Ceramic or Rare Earth Magnets, arrayed on 50mm. centers and welded into grid configurations. |
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