词条 | 城市与建筑专业英语 |
释义 | 图书信息书 名: 城市与建筑专业英语 作 者:胡嘉渝 出版社: 天津大学出版社 出版时间: 2010-4-1 ISBN: 9787561833292 开本: 16开 定价: 49.80 元 内容简介从不同的专业角度,针对不同专业的学生,本书分为城市规划、城市设计与景观设计、建筑设计、建筑流派与建筑师四个部分。对于英语能力较强的学生,各个部分的内容可以互为补充,从而使本书成为一本选材丰富、内容翔实的英文资料。因此,本书还可以作为建筑学与城市规划专业硕士研究生的参考教程。 目录Section One Urban Planning Chapter One:Evolution and Trends 介绍国外城市规划的发展演变过程和现今的发展趋势 Article:The Evolution of Modern Urban Planning Further Reading(1):The Definition of Modern Urban Planning Further Reading(2):Trends in Modern Urban Planning of US Chapter Two:Hierarchy of Plans 介绍国外和中国香港的规划等级体系以及不同等级规划的特点和内容 Article:Hierarchy of Plans in UK Further Reading(1):Comprehensive Plan,Precise Plan and Zoning Further Reading(2):Hierarchy of Plans in Hong Kong Chapter Three:The Theories of Urban Development 介绍现代城市发展中的几个重要理论:世界级城市、新的国际劳力分工、贵族化、郊区蔓延 Article:World—class City Further Reading(1):New International Division of the Labor(NIDL) Further Reading(2):Gentrification and Suburban Sprawl Chapter Four:Garden City VS.Urban Village&New Urbanism 比较19世纪末霍华德的“花园城市”与时下广泛讨论的“都市村庄”和“新城市主义” Article:Garden City Further Reading(1):Urban Village Further Reading(2):New Urbanism Chapter Five:Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development 论述“可持续发展”的概念来源、广义含义以及精明增长 Article:Agenda 21 and the Origin of Sus~inable Development Further Reading(1):The Many Uses,Definitions and Domains of“Sustainability” Further Reading(2):Smart Growth Chapter Six:Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA) 介绍环境影响评估的概念、步骤以及在国外的应用与实践 Article:The Concept and Process of Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA) Further Reading(1):The EA(Environmental Assessment)Process in Canada …… Section Two Urban Design and Landscape Section Three Architectural Design Section Four Architectural Styles and Famous Architects |
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