

词条 磅蛋糕123


书 名: 磅蛋糕123

作 者:赵筱蓓

出版社: 中国轻工业出版社

出版时间: 2011年4月1日

ISBN: 9787501980437

开本: 16开

定价: 43.00元






008 爱上磅蛋糕

014 常用材料123

018 常用器具123

022 基本技巧123

基本磅蛋糕 *Pound Cake

028 原味磅蛋糕佐蔓越莓冰淇淋 Butter pound cake with cranberry ice cream

030 美式磅蛋糕佐龙舌兰鲜奶油 Pound cake with tequila whipped cream

032 乡村磅蛋糕佐柠檬糖浆 Country pound cake with lemon glaze

034 红糖磅蛋糕佐焦糖酱 Brown sugar pound cake with caramel glaze

036 红丝绒磅蛋糕佐奶油奶酪糖霜 Red velvet pound cake with cream cheese frosting

038 咖啡磅蛋糕佐咖啡酒奶酪酱 Coffee pound cake with Kahlua coffee cream glaze

040 汽水磅蛋糕佐柠檬汽水糖浆 Soda pound cake with lemon soda glaze

042 奶油奶酪磅蛋糕佐熏衣草糖酱 Cream cheese pound cake with lavender syrup

044 优格磅蛋糕佐杏仁优格糖霜 Yogurt pound cake with apricot yogurt frosting

046 鲜奶油磅蛋糕佐热莓酱 Whipping cream pound cake with warm berry sauce

048 酸奶磅蛋糕 Sour cream pound cake

050 酪乳磅蛋糕佐兰姆酒红糖浆 Buttermilk pound cake with rum glaze

水果蜜饯磅蛋糕 *Fruit Pound Cake

054 草莓磅蛋糕 Strawberry pound cake

055 柠檬磅蛋糕 Lemon pound cake

056 苹果磅蛋糕 Apple pound cake

058 香蕉磅蛋糕 Banana pound cake

060 橘子磅蛋糕 Tangerine pound cake

062 菠萝磅蛋糕佐兰姆酒糖浆 Pineapple pound cake with rum glaze

064 杏桃磅蛋糕佐杏桃糖浆 Apricot pound cake with apricot juice glaze

066 蓝莓磅蛋糕佐柠檬糖酱 Blueberry pound cake with lemon juice syrup

068 樱桃磅蛋糕 Cherry Pound Cake

069 无花果磅蛋糕 Figs pound cake

070 椰子磅蛋糕佐百香果乳酱 Coconut pound cake with passion fruit curd

072 水果蜜饯磅蛋糕 Fruit filled pound cake






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