词条 | 阿尔西诺伊二世 |
释义 | 阿尔西诺伊二世 西元前316?~西元前270年 Arsinoe II 托勒密托勒密一世的女儿。先是色雷斯王后(西元前300~西元前281年)及埃及王后(西元前277~西元前270年),企图以其子取代前皇后所生太子阿加索克利斯(Agathocles)继承王位。太子向塞琉古一世寻求援助,因而爆发战争,至使其夫战死。她的同父异母兄弟握有色雷斯及马其顿的掌控权,在诱骗她成婚后,便将她的两个小儿子处决。她逃至亚历山大里亚城,赶走其兄托勒密二世的妻子并与之结婚(西元前277年),这在埃及习以为常,因此,托勒密和阿尔西诺伊的大名都被加上了“兄妹恋”(Philadelphoi)雅号。阿尔西诺伊分享了托勒密的所有称号,包括在她生前可能就已被奉祀为神了。 English: Daughter of Ptolemy I Soter and queen of Thrace (300-281) and of Egypt (277-270). She married the king of Thrace (300) and tried to have her son made heir instead of Agathocles, the king's son by an earlier marriage. Agathocles sought help from Seleucids, causing a war in which Arsinoe's husband was killed in battle. Her half brother, who took power in Thrace and Macedonia, cajoled her into marrying him and then promptly killed her two younger sons. She fled to Alexandria, ousted the wife of her brother Ptolemy II, and married him (c. 277); like the pharaohs, the two were called “Philadelphoi” (“Sibling-loving”). She wielded great power and shared many honors with Ptolemy, including deification while alive. |
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