词条 | 北方交通大学附属中学 |
释义 | 北方交通大学附属中学(原北京铁道学院附中),位于著名历史遗迹大钟寺南侧,毗邻交通干线北三环路。创建于1957年,是一所海淀区教委直接领导的区属重点中学,并于2004年获得了北京市示范高中校的称号。 中文名:北方交通大学附属中学 外文名:Middle School Attached to Northern Jiaotong University 创办时间:1957年 类别:公立高中 所属地区:中国北京 简介北方交大附中占地65亩,分南北两个校区,环境幽雅,教学设备先进,截至2010年,现有初、高中76个教学班,3300多名学生。 学校有着良好的内部和外部环境,社区的影响力较大,在坚持全面贯彻国家教育方针的同时,结合本校的实际情况,提出了大美育网络育人的办学思想,并在此思想的指导下,强化学校“全面育人,办有特色”的教育目标,促进全体学生的全面发展;建立和健全完善的校内管理机制,以“一体两翼”为核心,以改革发展,创造出以大美育网络的全方位育人体系,优化组合,提高效率,使学校办学的综合实力不断增强。学校荣获海淀区颁发的“较高标准”和北京市颁发的“北京市点化教育优类校”等多个奖牌,并且已取得北京市示范高中校的荣誉称号。 师资力量北方交大附中注重营造“凝心聚力,和谐发展”的文化氛围,不断激励充分发挥个人潜能,使教师能够坚持诚信、真诚地尊重教育,不断促进教师素质自主地提升。北方交大附中拥有一支优秀的教师队伍,学校现有教职工268人,其中具有研究生学历水平50余人,大学本科学历190余人。特级教师2名,高级教师70余人;市级骨干教师9人;区级学科带头人39人;区级班主任带头人3人;区级教科研学科带头人1人;区级骨干教师24人。 近年来,学校以建设一支“业务上乘,个体素质高,结构合理”的教师队伍为目标,重视师德建设和教风建设,不断加强以教育教学工作为载体的教职工思想政治工作。强调教师“爱岗、敬业、奉献”的职业道德素质的提高,激发广大教师的内在动力;营造团结、向上、和谐的校内教育教学环境,在不断完善的教师工作考核和评价制度的管理过程中,实现管理为发展服务。目前,我校已经形成了一支师德好、风气正、教风严、依法执教的教师队伍,被评为海淀区师德先进集体。 学校连续两次被海淀区教委授予“全面育人,办有特色校”的锦旗,授予“教育现代化改革试点校”的称号,获北京市颁发的“北京市电化教育优类校”并在连续三次荣获“海淀区文明建设先进单位”的基础上,被评为“首都文明单位”。 学校连续两次被海淀区教委授予“全面育人,办有特色校”的锦旗,授予“教育现代化改革试点校”的称号,获北京市颁发的“北京市电化教育优类校”并在连续三次荣获“海淀区文明建设先进单位”的基础上,被评为“首都文明单位”。 所获荣誉近年来,学校连续两次被海淀区教委授予“全面育人,办有特色校”的锦旗,授予“教育现代化改革试点校”的称号,获北京市颁发的“北京市电化教育优类校”并在连续三次荣获“海淀区文明建设先进单位”的基础上,被评为“首都文明单位”。 学校还曾获得北京市文明礼仪示范校、北京市教科研先进单位、北京市安全保卫集体三等功、北京市敬老先进校、北京市中小学德育工作观摩交流周突出贡献奖、北京市教科研先进单位、北京市健康促进校、北京市支教先进单位、北京市群众性经济技术创新工程优秀班组、北京市优秀教工之家、海淀区学习型组织先进校、海淀区师德先进集体、海淀区先进基层工会、海淀区平安校园、海淀区文明单位、海淀区总务工作先进单位、海淀区中小学课外活动先进集体、海淀区教育系统先进基层党组织、海淀区教育系统先进团委、海淀区教育系统党建研究工作先进单位、海淀区教育系统宣传思想工作先进单位等荣誉称号。 英文介绍Introduction to Middle School Attached to Northern Jiaotong University Middle School Attached to Northern Jiaotong University, located to the south of the famous historical resort Big Bell Temple, is near the third ring road north, one of the major transportation hubs in Beijing. First founded in 1957, it grew out of the Middle School Affiliated to Beijing Railway College. As a key school in Haidian district and directly affiliated to the Haidian Educational Bureau, it was awarded a title as ademonstration high school in Beijing in 2004, The school has two campuses: North Campus and South Campus, covering an area of 65 Chinese mu, enjoying a graceful environment, advanced equipment and modern facilities. There are altogether 59 classes and 2500 students, including Junior high and Senior high. The school has a faculty of 230, 50 of whom have Master degrees, and 180 of whom bachelor degrees. Two teachers have Super -class Teacher qualifications, 60 High-class Teacher qualifications. There are 3 backbone teachers Beijing city level and 34 skeleton teachers Haidian District level. 17 teachers take the lead of the subject teaching and research work of Haidian District, and 3 ones are paradigmatic master teachers at Haidian District level. In recent years, the school lays great emphasis upon discipline construction, teachers’ professionalism and moral construction, aiming at building up a high-quality professional teaching team of reasonable personnel system. By improving the evaluation and administration system and by requiring all teachers to live up to the motto of job-loving, work-respecting and career-devoting, the school has strived to promote the teachers’ occupational morality and motivation, and cultivate an atmosphere of harmony, unity and aspiration. Currently, the school has been awarded the prize of the Advanced Teachers’ Unit in Haidian district for its teachers being noble-minded, righteous, strict and law-abiding. It was granted twice the title as the Special School which cultivates students in an all-round way. It was also appointed the titles as the Experimental School for Teaching Modernization Reform, the School with Modern Electrified Teaching Facilities, and the Capital Model Unit after winning the honor as the Haidian District Model Unit three times. Now the faculty and the students are striving for developing Middle School Attached to Northern Jiaotong University into a first-rank modern model school of Beijing,which is issued in the three-year-plan. |
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