

词条 Werner Breitung


Werner Breitung

Associate Professor


Research Interest

[1] Globalisation and the city: Chinese global cities, Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta Region

[2] Borders and transnationalism: Border communities, cross-border integration in Europe and Asia

[3] Tourism geography: Tourism development in China, sustainable tourism, border tourism

Academic Training

1998-2001 University of Basel (Switzerland)

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) 2001 (Advisor: Prof. Dr. Rita Schneider-Sliwa)

"Hong Kong and the integration process: spatial structures and planning concepts."

1991-1993 Teacher Training College Berlin-Zehlendorf (Germany)

Graduated 1993 (Practical State Exam for Teachers at German High Schools)

"Economic change in the environs of Berlin: the Teltow Industrial Area."

1983-1990 Free University of Berlin (Germany)

Majors: Geography and Mathematics. StR 1990 (Academic State Examination)

"Nineteenth century residential suburbs of Berlin and their transformation."

Employment History

since 2004 Associate Professor

Zhongshan-University Guangzhou, School of Geography & Planning, School of Tourism

since 2002 Assistant Professor (temporarily as full-time Assistant Professor, then part-time)

University of Hong Kong, Department of Geography

2001-2003 Part-time Lecturer

University of Macau, Contemporary China Studies (Social Science & Humanities)

2001 Part-time Lecturer (1st semester 2001/02)

University of Hong Kong, Centre for Urban Planning and Environmental Management

1998-2001 Research Associate

University of Basel, Department of Geography

1994-1997 Teacher

German-Swiss International School Hong Kong

1991-1994 Teacher

Werner-v.-Siemens-Gymnasium (as Teacher-in-Training) and Arndt-Gymnasium in Berlin

University Course

(recently taught)

Zhongshan University, School of Geography and Planning (Master level)

Nations and Borders in a Globalising World (3x)

Western Planning Theory (2x)

Western Geographical Thought (1x)

Zhongshan University, School of Tourism (Bachelor level)

World Regional Geography (2x)

Tourism Geography of Europe (1x)

University of Hong Kong, Department of Geography (Bachelor level)

Regional Geography of Europe (5x)

Economic and Social Development in an Urbanising World“ (w. James Wang) (1x)

Externally Funded Project

2007-2012: Border-drawing and spatial differentiation of governance in the Pearl River Delta

Research project funded by the German Research Council (DFG). Investigators: Werner Breitung (Guangzhou), Uwe Altrock, Michael Waibel (both Germany) (definite approval for two years).

2006: Tourism Master Plan for Hunan Province, China [ongoing].

Consultancy project for the Hunan Government. Main investigator: Prof. Bao Jigang [ongoing]

2005: Tourism Master Plan for the Kanas Region in Xinjiang Autonomous Region, China.

Consultancy project for the Chinese Government. Main investigator: Prof. Bao Jigang [completed]

2004: Tourism Master Plan for the Ganzhou Region in Jiangxi Province, China.

Consultancy project for the Ganzhou Region. Main investigator: Prof. Zhu Hong [completed]

2002-2003: Overcoming Borders – Living with Borders. Macau and the Integration Process.

Research Scholarship of Cultural Institute of Macau (ICM); main investigator: Werner Breitung.

Follow-on grant for publication in 2004-2005 [completed].

Research Output


[1] BREITUNG, W. (2006): Overcoming borders, living with borders. Macao and the integration with China. (forthcoming).

[2] BREITUNG, W. (2001): Hongkong und der Integrationsprozess. R?umliche Strukturen und planerische Konzepte (= Basler Beitr?ge zur Geographie 48), Basel: Wepf & Co., 228 pp.

Book chapters

[1] BREITUNG, W. & M. GüNTER (2006): Local and social change in a global city – the case of Hong Kong. In: F.L Wu (ed.): Globalisation and the Chinese City. London: Routledge, pp. 85-107.

[2] BREITUNG, W. (2006): Hong Kong, China s global city. In: R. Schneider-Sliwa (ed.): Cities in transition. Globalization, political change and urban development (= GeoJournal Library 83). Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 67-94.

[3] BREITUNG, W. (2005): Working, living, partying – The global city takes local spaces. Monitoring changes in Hong Kong under globalisation. In: Yuji Murayama & Guoqing Du (eds.): Cities in global perspective. Tokyo, Rikkyo University, College of Tourism & IGU Urban Commission, pp. 391-400.

[4] BREITUNG, W. (2004): Hongkong. In: Rudolf Marr (ed.): Schweizer Weltatlas - Kommentar. Zürich: Konferenz der kantonalen Erziehungsdirektoren (EDK), pp. 186-187.

[5] BREITUNG, W. (2002): Hongkong, die Globalstadt Chinas. In: Rita Schneider-Sliwa (ed.): St?dte im Umbruch. Berlin: Reimer, pp. 73-100.

Journal articles

[1] BREITUNG, W. (2006): Anecdote at the border of two regions (in Chinese). In: Review of Culture (Chinese Edition), no. 59, pp. 83-102.

[2] WILLIS, M., S. ZERBE & W. BREITUNG (2006): Habitat survey, mapping, and assessment in the Mai Po Nature Reserve, Hong Kong (China). In: Archiv für Naturschutz und Landschafts-forschung 45(1), pp. 53-69.

[3] BREITUNG, W. (2004): Living with borders - overcoming borders. In: Revista de Cultura 9,

pp. 18-29.

[4] BREITUNG, W. (2004): A tale of two borders. Separation and exchange: Macao s and Hong Kong s borders with the Mainland. In: Revista de Cultura 9, pp. 6-17.

[5] BREITUNG, W. (2003): Hongkong, Shanghai, Peking - ein Land, drei Weltst?dte .

In: Geographie heute 211/212, pp. 36-45.

[6] BREITUNG, W. (2003): Emerging patterns of cross-boundary commuting between Hong Kong and Mainland China. In: Occasional Papers (Centre for China Urban & Regional Studies) 31.

[7] BREITUNG, W. (2003): Gaining advantage from open borders (book review). In: The Professional Geographer 55(3), pp. 411-412.

[8] BREITUNG, W. (2002): Hongkong - eine Weltstadt auf der Suche nach einer neuen Identit?t.

In: Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie 46(3-4), pp. 246-259.

[9] BREITUNG, W. (2002): Transformation of a boundary regime: the Hong Kong and Mainland China case. In: Environment and Planning A 34, pp. 1749-1762.

[10] BREITUNG, W. (2001): Globalstadt Hongkong - Lokale Konsequenzen der globalen Vernetzung. In: Asiatische Studien 3, pp. 611-648.

[11] CHAN, R., C.L. GU & W. BREITUNG (2000): Immigration, neue Armut und Segregation in Peking. In: Geographica Helvetica 55(1), pp. 13-22.

[12] BREITUNG, W. & R. SCHNEIDER-SLIWA (2000): Das Neue Berlin - vereinigte Stadt, gespaltene Stadt. In: Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen 144(5), pp. 6-17.

[13] BREITUNG, W. (1999): The End of "Made in Hong Kong"? – De-industrialisation and Industrial Promotion Policy in Hong Kong. In: Geographica Helvetica 54(4), pp. 242-251.

[14] BREITUNG, W. & R. SCHNEIDER-SLIWA (1997): Hongkong vor neuen Herausforderungen - Eine Global City im Wandel. In: Geographische Rundschau 49(7-8), pp. 441-449.

[15] BREITUNG, W. & P. KNEIP (1993): Was tut sich im Speckgürtel von Berlin? - Strukturwandel in der Industriestadt Teltow. In: Geographie heute 110, pp. 35-43.

Recent unpublished report

[1] Lake Kanas in the Altai Mountains: a world-class destination? (Project report) 2005, 15 pp.

[2] Field trip reader Rhine Valley, 2005, 158 pp.

[3] The Land of Hakka at the Trans China Railway – Study on the prospects of developing Ganzhou area of Jiangxi Province (China) as a destination for international tourism.

In: Ganzhou Tourism Master Plan 2005-2020, concept planning special subject research. Guangzhou: Sun Yatsen University, School of Tourism, 2005, pp. 249-268 (in Chinese).

[4] Overcoming borders – living with borders, Macao and the integration process.

(Final project report for Cultural Institute of Macau) 2004, 103 pp.

Recent papers presented at conferences and public lectures

[1] Globalisation and the City - Observations from Hong Kong. Public lecture, Inter-University Institute, Macau (China), 14.11.2006

[2] World city people and the use of space in Hong Kong. Fudan University International Urban Forum, Shanghai (China), 4.11.2006

[3] The integration of Macau with the Pearl River Delta. First Sino-Japan-Korea Symposium of Young Geographers, Beijing (China), 16.9.2006

[4] The Pearl River Delta: On the function of boundaries and bounding in a mega city region. IGU Commission on Monitoring Cities of Tomorrow, Santiago de Compostela (Spain), 1.8.2006

[5] International tourism to China s borderland: Lake Kanas in the Altai Mountains. Jinan University, Department of Business, Guangzhou (China), 7.6.2006

[6] Urban regeneration and globalisation. The case of SoHo, Hong Kong. Symposium Changing Geography in a Diversified World, Baptist University, Hong Kong (China), 2.6.2006

[7] Macao: Living in China, Living with the Border. Public lecture, Ricci institute, Macau (China), 25.4.2006

[8] Formation of a transborder metropolitan region: Cross-border commuting in Hong Kong and Shenzhen. 2006 International Forum on Metropolitan Regions Development, Shanghai (China), 12.4.2006

[9] Borders and border regions in transition - Hong Kong and Macau as Chinese border regions (in German). 55. Deutscher Geographentag, Trier (Germany), 6.10.2005

[10] Working, living, partying – the global city takes local spaces. IGU Commission on Monitoring Cities of Tomorrow, Tokyo (Japan), 22.8.2005

[11] Mainland tourism to Hong Kong and Macau. International Conference on Border Tourism and Community Development, Xishuangbanna (China), 7.7.2005

[12] Macao and Hong Kong: Living with borders, overcoming borders. Public lecture, Cultural Institute of Macao, Macao (China), 18.1.2005

[13] The socio-spatial effects of globalisation in Hong Kong. Annual Meeting of the Geographical Society of China, Guangzhou (China), 5.12.2004

[14] Mainland tourism to Hong Kong and Macau. Jinan University, Department of Business, Guangzhou (China), 29.11.2004

[15] Border people – A study from Hong Kong and Macau. 30th International Geographical Congress, Glasgow (UK), 18.8.2004

[16] The perception of place – Macau in foreigner’s eyes. International Conference on Event Tourism & Destination Management, Yichang (China), 28.11.2003





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