词条 | W32.Netsky.C@mm |
释义 | 发现: 2004 年 2 月 24 日 更新: 2007 年 2 月 13 日 12:21:25 PM 别名: W32/Netsky.c@MM [McAfee], Win32.Netsky.C [Computer Assoc, W32/Netsky-C [Sophos], WORM_NETSKY.C [Trend], I-Worm.Moodown.c [Kaspersky], I-Worm.NetSky.c [Kaspersky], W32/Netsky.C.worm [Panda] 类型: Worm 感染长度: 25,352 bytes 受感染的系统: Windows 2000, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP W32.Netsky.B 是群发邮件蠕虫,它使用自己的 SMTP 引擎将自己发送到在扫描硬盘和映射的驱动器时找到的电子邮件地址。该蠕虫还会搜索驱动器 C 到 Z,查找名称中包含 "Shar" 的文件夹,然后将自己复制到这些文件夹中。 主题、正文和电子邮件附件无一定之规。 注意: * 赛门铁克拥有蠕虫禁止功能的单机版产品可以在这个蠕虫试图传播的时候自动将其探测出来。 * 日期为 2004 年 2 月 24 日的病毒定义修订版 32(20040224.032 或定义版本 60224af)或更高版本可以检测到此威胁。 * 赛门铁克安全响应中心开发了一种杀毒工具,可用来清除 W32.Netsky.C@mm 感染。 蠕虫散布的此类电子邮件具有以下特征: 发件人:<欺骗性地址> 主题:(下列之一) o Delivery Failed o Status o report o question o trust me o hey o Re: excuse me o read it immediatelly o hi o Re: does it? o Yep o important o hello o dear o Re: unknown o fake? o warning o moin o what's up? o info o Re: information o Here is it o stolen o private? o good morning o illegal... o error o take it o re: o Re: Re: Re: Re: o you? o something for you o exception o Re: hey o excuse me o Re: hi o Re: does it? o Re: important o Re: hello o believe me o Question o denied! o notification o Re: <5664ddff?$??º2> o lol o last chance! o I'm back! o its me o notice! 消息:(下列之一) o <Deliver Error> o <Message Error> o <Server Error> o what means that? o help attached o <...> o ok... o <Attachment from Poland> o that is interesting... o i wait for your comment about it. o such as yours? o read the details. o gonna? o here is the document. o *lol* o read it immediately! o i found that about you! o your hero in the picture? o yours? o here is it. o illegal st. of you? o is that true? o account? o is that your name? o picture? o message? o is that your account? o pwd? o I wait for an answer! o abuse? o is that yours? o you are a bad writer o I don't know your document! o <Mail failed> o I have your password! o you won the rk! o something about you! o classroom test of you? o kill the writer of this document! o old photos about you? o i hope thats not true! o your name is wrong! o does it match? o i found this document about you. o time to fear? o really? o do you know this???? o i know your document! o did you sent it to me? o this file is bad! o why should I? o pages? o her. o another pic, have fun! ... :-> o test it o child porn? o greetings o xxx ? o stuff about you? o your document is not good o something is going wrong! o your photo is poor o information about you? o the information is wrong! o doc about me? o kill him on the picture! o from the chatter (my photo!) o from your lover ;-) o love letter? o here, the serials o are you a teacherin the picture? o here, the introduction o is that criminal? o here, the cheats o i like your doc! o what do you think about it? o that's a funny text. o that's not the truth? o do you have? o instruct me about this! o i lost that o i am speachless about your document! o is that the reality? o reply o msg o your design is not good! o important? o your TAN number? o take it easy! o why? o you are naked in this document! o thats wrong! o your icq number? o i am desperate o modifications? o your personal record? o yes. o misc. and so on. see you! o your attachment? verify it. o you earn money, see the attachment! o is that your attachment? o is that your website? o you feel the same. o meaning of that? o possible? o you have tried to steal! o did you ask me for that? o you are bad o your job? (I found that!) o is that possible? o something is going ... o something is not ok o did you know from this document? o wrong calculation! (see the attachment!... o never! o poor quality! o good work! o excellent! o great! o i don't think so. o pretty pic about you? o docs? o schoolfriend? o <Warning from the Government> o <09580985869gj> o <?} o i want more... o here is the next one! o attachi# o did you see her already? o is that your wife? o is that your creditcard? o is that your photo? o do you think so? o do you have the bug also? o already? o forgotten? o drugs? ... o does it matter? o i have received this. o best? o the truth? o your body? o your eyes? o your face? o File is self-decryting. o File is damaged. o File is bad. o i saw you last week! o xxx service o your account is expired! o you cannot hide yourself! (see photo) o copyright? o what still? o who? o how? o <bad gateway> o only encrypted! o personal message! o my advice.... o i've found it about you o <<<Failure>>> o <Attached Msg> o <scanned by norton antivirus> o great xxx! o man or women? o child or adult? o here is yours! o a crazy doc about you o xxx about you? o i don't want your xxx pics! o <Failed message available> o <Automailer> o doc? o trial? o what? o ;-) o i need you! o correct it! o see this! o it's a secret! o this is nothing for kids! o it's so similar as yours! o is that your car? o do not give up! o great job! o here is the $%%454$ o you are sexy in this doc! o incest? o let it! o you look like an ape! o you look like an rat? o be mad? o are you cranky? o bob the builder o did you know that? o money? o is that your car? o is this information about you? o is that your privacy? o is that your TAN? o is that your message? o is that your cd? o is that your finger? o your are naked? o is that your porn pic? o is that your work? o is that your family? o is that your beast? o is that your account? o is that your slip? o is that your domain? o are you the naked one? o are you the naked person! o are you the one? o does it belong to you? o do you have sex in the picture? o you have a sexy body in the pic! o your lie is going around the world! o <Transfer complete> o <Antispam complete> o lets talk about it! o do you know the thief? o are you a photographer? o you have done a mistake in the document... o its private from me o do not show this anyone! o new patch is available! o this is an attachment message! o in your mind? o Microsoft o fast food... o Your bill. o try this patch! o do you have an orgasm in the picture? o <Click the attachment to decrypt> o <Attachment Signature 34933920> o Transaction failed. Show the doc! o I 've found your bill! o see your name! o You are infected. Read the details! o here is my advice. o here is my photo! o here is the <censored> o feel free to use it. o does it belong to you? o Login required! Read the attachment! o your document is silly! o is the pic a fake? o Antispam is turned off. See file! o Authentification required. Read the att... o solve the problem! o <null> o do not use my document! o do not open the attachment! o do not visit the pages on the list I se... o explain! o tell me more about your document! o Your provider will be disabled! o Instant patches. 附件: W32.Netsky.C@mm 会在 51.5% 的情况下创建一个 .zip 文件,其中会包含一个蠕虫自身的备份。这两个文件名都是随机从下面的列表中选取。 其它情况下,蠕虫会创建一个可执行文件作为附件。附件名为下列之一。 附件名: o document o associal o msg o yours o doc o wife o talk o message o response o creditcard o description o details o attachment o pic o me o trash o card o stuff o poster o posting o portmoney o textfile o moonlight o concert o sexy o information o news o note o number_phone o bill o mydate o swimmingpool o class_photos o product o old_photos o topseller o ps o important o shower o myaunt o aboutyou o yours o nomoney o birth o found o death o story o worker o mails o letter o more o website o regards o regid o friend o unfolds o jokes o doc_ang o your_stuff o location o 454543403 o final o schock o release o webcam o dinner o intimate stuff o sexual o ranking o object o secrets o mail2 o attach2 o part2 o msg2 o disco o freaky o visa o party o material o misc o nothing o transfer o auction o warez o undefinied o violence o update o masturbation o injection o naked1 o naked2 o tear o music o paypal o id o privacy o word_doc o image o incest 附件扩展名: 如果附件是可执行文件,蠕虫会在 53.8% 的情况下创建一个附加扩展名。如果附件是一个 .zip 文件,.zip 中的可执行文件会在 33% 的情况下拥有一个附加扩展名。不同的扩展名可能包括下列之一: o .txt o .rtf o .doc o .htm 所有的可执行文件的扩展名会为下列之一: o .exe o .scr o .com o .pif 防护 * 病毒定义(每周 LiveUpdate™) 2004 年 2 月 25 日 * 病毒定义(智能更新程序) 2004 年 2 月 25 日 威胁评估 广度 * 广度级别: Medium * 感染数量: More than 1000 * 站点数量: More than 10 * 地理位置分布: Low * 威胁抑制: Easy * 清除: Moderate 损坏 * 损坏级别: Low * 大规模发送电子邮件: Sends itself to email addresses found in files whose suffix contains one of the following extensions: .adb, .asp, .cgi, .dbx, .dhtm, .doc, .eml, .htm, .html, .msg, .oft, .php, .pl, .rtf, .sht, .shtm, .tbb, .txt, .uin, .vbs, and .wab 分发 * 分发级别: High * 电子邮件的主题: varies * 附件名称: varies with .com, .exe, .pif, or .scr file extension * 附件大小: 25,352 bytes * 共享驱动器: Searches drives C through Y for folder names containing "Shar" and then copies itself to those folders. When W32.Netsky.C@mm 运行时会执行下列操作: 1. 创建名为“[SkyNet.cz]SystemsMutex”的互斥体。此互斥体仅允许该蠕虫的一个实例在内存中执行。 2. 将自身复制为 %Windir%\\Winlogon.exe。 注意:% 是一个通配符,%Windir% 是一个变量,代表的 Windows 安装文件夹(默认为 C:\\Windows 或 C:\\Winnt,因操作系统而异),该蠕虫会找到 Windows 安装文件夹,然后将自身复制到其中。 3. 将值: "ICQ Net" = "%Windir%\\winlogon.exe -stealth" 添加到注册表键: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run 这样,此蠕虫便可在 Windows 启动时运行。 4. 将值: * Sentry * OLE * service * au.exe * d3dupdate.exe * DELETE ME * msgsvr32 * Taskmon * Explorer * Windows Services Host 从以下注册表键删除: * HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run * HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\ RunServices 5. 将值: * "KasperskyAV" * "System." 从以下注册表键删除: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run 注意:蠕虫 W32.Mimail.T@mm 会加入注册键 "KasperskyAV"。 6. 删除注册表键: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\CLSID\\{E6FB5E20-DE35-11CF-9C87-00AA005127ED}\\ InProcServer32 7. 从具有以下文件扩展名的文件检索电子邮件地址: * .eml * .txt * .php * .pl * .htm * .html * .vbs * .rtf * .uin * .asp * .wab * .doc * .adb * .tbb * .dbx * .sht * .oft * .msg * .shtm * .cgi * .dhtm 8. 搜索驱动器 C 到 Z,查找名称中包含“Shar”的文件夹。 如果驱动器不是 CD-ROM,蠕虫会使用下列名字将自己复制到这些文件夹中。 * Microsoft WinXP Crack.exe * Teen Porn 16.jpg.pif * Adobe Premiere 9.exe * Adobe Photoshop 9 full.exe * Best Matrix Screensaver.scr * Porno Screensaver.scr * Dark Angels.pif * XXX hardcore pic.jpg.exe * Microsoft Office 2003 Crack.exe * Serials.txt.exe * Screensaver.scr * Full album.mp3.pif * Ahead Nero 7.exe * Virii Sourcecode.scr * E-Book Archive.rtf.exe * Doom 3 Beta.exe * How to hack.doc.exe * Learn Programming.doc.exe * WinXP eBook.doc.exe * Win Longhorn Beta.exe * Dictionary English - France.doc.exe * RFC Basics Full Edition.doc.exe * 1000 Sex and more.rtf.exe * 3D Studio Max 3dsmax.exe * Keygen 4 all appz.exe * Windows Sourcecode.doc.exe * Norton Antivirus 2004.exe * Gimp 1.5 Full with Key.exe * Partitionsmagic 9.0.exe * Star Office 8.exe * Magix Video Deluxe 4.exe * Clone DVD 5.exe * MS Service Pack 5.exe * ACDSee 9.exe * Visual Studio Net Crack.exe * Cracks & Warez Archive.exe * WinAmp 12 full.exe * DivX 7.0 final.exe * Opera.exe * IE58.1 full setup.exe * Smashing the stack.rtf.exe * Ulead Keygen.exe * Lightwave SE Update.exe * The Sims 3 crack.exe 9. 使用它自己的 SMTP 引擎将其自身发送到在上述位置找到的电子邮件地址。 此类电子邮件有以下特征请参阅本文最后的“其它信息”部分。 10. 在 %Windir% 文件夹中创建 40 个包含蠕虫副本的 .zip 文件。这些文件的名称符合上述附件名。 建议 赛门铁克安全响应中心建议所有用户和管理员遵循以下基本安全“最佳实践”: * 禁用并删除不需要的服务。 默认情况下,许多操作系统会安装不必要的辅助服务,如 FTP 服务器、telnet 和 Web 服务器。这些服务可能会成为攻击所利用的途径。 如果将这些服务删除,混合型威胁的攻击途径会大为减少,同时您的维护工作也会减少,只通过补丁程序更新即可完成。 * 如果混合型威胁攻击了一个或多个网络服务,则在应用补丁程序之前,请禁用或禁止访问这些服务。 * 始终安装最新的补丁程序,尤其是那些提供公共服务而且可以通过防火墙访问的计算机,如 HTTP、FTP、邮件和 DNS 服务(例如,所有基于 Windows 的计算机上都应该安装最新的 Service Pack)。. 另外,对于本文中、可靠的安全公告或供应商网站上公布的安全更新,也要及时应用。 * 强制执行密码策略。 复杂的密码使得受感染计算机上的密码文件难以破解。这样会在计算机被感染时防止或减轻造成的损害。 * 配置电子邮件服务器以禁止或删除带有 vbs、.bat、.exe、.pif 和 .scr 等附件的邮件,这些文件常用于传播病毒。 * 迅速隔离受感染的计算机,防止其对企业造成进一步危害。 执行取证分析并使用可靠的介质恢复计算机。 * 教育员工不要打开意外收到的附件。 并且只在进行病毒扫描后才执行从互联网下载的软件。如果未对某些浏览器漏洞应用补丁程序,那么访问受感染的网站也会造成病毒感染。 使用杀毒工具杀毒 赛门铁克安全响应中心开发了一种杀毒工具,可用来清除 W32.Netsky.C@mm 感染。这是消除此威胁的最简便方法。 当然,您也可以按照以下指示自己手动杀毒。 手动杀毒 以下指导适用于所有当前和最新的赛门铁克防病毒产品,包括 Symantec AntiVirus 和 Norton AntiVirus 系列产品。 1. 禁用系统还原 (Windows Me/XP)。 2. 更新病毒定义。 3. 将计算机重启到安全模式或者 VGA 模式。 4. 运行完整的系统扫描,并删除所有检测为 W32.Netsky.C@mm 的文件。 5. 删除添加到注册表的值。 有关每个步骤的详细信息,请阅读以下指导。 1. 禁用系统还原(Windows Me/XP) 如果您运行的是 Windows Me 或 Windows XP,建议您暂时关闭“系统还原”。此功能默认情况下是启用的,一旦计算机中的文件被破坏,Windows 可使用该功能将其还原。如果病毒、蠕虫或特洛伊木马感染了计算机,则系统还原功能会在该计算机上备份病毒、蠕虫或特洛伊木马。 Windows 禁止包括防病毒程序在内的外部程序修改系统还原。因此,防病毒程序或工具无法删除 System Restore 文件夹中的威胁。这样,系统还原就可能将受感染文件还原到计算机上,即使您已经清除了所有其他位置的受感染文件。 此外,病毒扫描可能还会检测到 System Restore 文件夹中的威胁,即使您已将该威胁删除。 有关如何关闭系统还原功能的指导,请参阅 Windows 文档或下列文章之一: * 如何禁用或启用 Windows XP 系统还原 * 如何禁用或启用 Windows Me 系统还原 注意:蠕虫移除干净后,请按照上述文章所述恢复系统还原的设置。 有关详细信息以及禁用 Windows Me 系统还原的其他方法,请参阅 Microsoft 知识库文章:病毒防护工具无法清除 _Restore 文件夹中受感染的文件,文章 ID:CH263455。 2. 更新病毒定义 赛门铁克安全响应中心在我们的服务器上发布任何病毒定义之前,会对其进行全面测试以保证质量。可以通过两种方式获得最新的病毒定义: * 运行 LiveUpdate(这是获取病毒定义的最简便方法):这些病毒定义被每周一次(通常在星期三)发布到 LiveUpdate 服务器上,除非出现大规模的病毒爆发情况。要确定是否可通过 LiveUpdate 获取此威胁的定义,请参考病毒定义 (LiveUpdate)。 * 使用智能更新程序下载病毒定义:智能更新程序病毒定义会在工作日(美国时间,星期一至星期五)发布。应该从赛门铁克安全响应中心网站下载病毒定义并手动进行安装。要确定是否可通过智能更新程序获取此威胁的定义,请参考病毒定义(智能更新程序)。 现在提供智能更新程序病毒定义:有关详细说明,请参阅如何使用智能更新程序更新病毒定义文件。 3. 将计算机重启到安全模式或者 VGA 模式 请关闭计算机,等待至少 30 秒钟后重新启动到安全模式或者 VGA 模式 * Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP 用户:将计算机重启到安全模式。所有 Windows 32-bit 操作系统,除了Windows NT,可以被重启到安全模式。更多信息请参阅文档 如何以安全模式启动计算机 。 * Windows NT 4 用户:将计算机重启到 VGA 模式。 4. 扫描和删除受感染文件 1. 启动 Symantec 防病毒程序,并确保已将其配置为扫描所有文件。 * Norton AntiVirus 单机版产品:请阅读文档:如何配置 Norton AntiVirus 以扫描所有文件。 * 赛门铁克企业版防病毒产品:请阅读 如何确定 Symantec 企业版防病毒产品被设置为扫描所有文件。 2. 运行完整的系统扫描。 3. 如果检测到任何文件被 W32.Netsky.C@mm 感染,请单击“删除”。 5. 从注册表中删除值 注意:对系统注册表进行任何修改之前,赛门铁克强烈建议您最好先替注册表进行一次备份。对注册表的修改如果有任何差错,严重时将会导致数据遗失或档案受损。只修改指定的注册表键。如需详细指示,请阅读「如何备份 Windows 注册表」文件。 1. 单击“开始”,然后单击“运行”。(将出现“运行”对话框。) 2. 键入 regedit 然后单击“确定”。(将打开注册表编辑器。) 3. 导航至以下键: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run 4. 在右窗格中,删除值: "ICQ NET" = "%Windir%\\winlogon.exe -stealth" 5. 退出注册表编辑器。 描述者: Tony Lee |
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