词条 | Sky Fits Heaven |
释义 | 歌曲简介时间:1998年歌手:Madonna 专辑:Ray of Light 专辑简介有人说这是麦当娜最为成功的一张专辑,它使许多讨厌麦当娜“物质女孩”风格的人不得不对麦当娜另眼相看。1998年麦当娜推出《Ray of Light》,实验了新的音乐风格,她原本以为反映不会太大,但出人意料的是这张唱片迅速登上了排行榜的首位,并自此共4次荣获白金奖。并且被公认为是电子音乐的巅峰之作。“Ray of Light”(光线)在90年代末期改变了Madonna以前流行舞曲的风格,成为了Madonna继“Like a Prayer”之后销量最大的唱片。 这张专辑揉合了时下流行的电子舞曲元素,如Trip-Hop、Bass等,营造一种科技与未来的迷幻空间。这张唱片的制作是威廉姆-奥比特(William Orbit),这是她自1994年的专辑《给孩子上床前讲的故事》(Bedtime Stories)以来第一次以全新的衣着、形象亮相,表明“物质妈妈”(麦当娜的别称,由其名曲“Material Girl”而来)已经与新的舞蹈音乐的风格完美地结合起来了,将传统流行音乐的风格推向一个新的领域。很明显,就象她的《Austin Powers》中的2首单曲一样,奥比特的努力使“Beautiful Stranger”迅速走红,并为麦当娜赢得了最佳电影MTV音乐电视奖,麦当娜又重新获得了新生。专辑使麦当娜得到当年最佳流行专辑、最佳舞曲以及最佳音乐录影带3个Grammy奖项。 歌手简介麦当娜,这个流行的象征,时尚的符号,已经陪伴了全世界四分之一个世纪。与众不同的Madonna ,深深影响了流行乐的发展,流行天后简直成了麦当娜的专有名词,也许有人说她不是最伟大的,不是最优秀的,但也不得不承认她是最红,最成功的歌手之一。身为“摇滚女王”,麦当娜给摇滚乐注入了新的活力,全世界无数次为她疯狂,直到现在,麦当娜的巨星光芒依然不减,无论时代在变,一代又一代人,麦当娜证明了她的流行并不是红极一时,而是超越时间的当红。麦当娜已在20世纪和新世纪的流行乐史上烙下了深深的印记。 歌词Sky fits heaven so fly it That's what the prophet said to me Child fits mother so hold your baby tight That's what my future could see Faith fits karma so use it That's what the wise man said to me Love fits virtue so hold on to the light That's what our future will be Traveling down this road Watching the signs as I go I think I'll follow the sun Isn't everyone just Traveling down their own road Watching the signs as they go I think I'll follow my heart It's a very good place to start Traveling down my own road Watching the signs as they go Traveling down my own road Watching the signs as they go Watching the signs as they go Hand fits giving so do it Life fits living so let your judgments go That's how our future should be Traveling down this road Watching the signs as I go I think I'll follow the sun Isn't everyone just Traveling down their own road Watching the signs as they go I think I'll follow my heart It's a very good place to start Traveling down my own road Watching the signs as they go Traveling down my own road Watching the signs as they go Traveling, traveling Watching the signs as they go |
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