

词条 alona tal


姓名Alona Tal




身高:164 CM



Tal started her career fresh out of the Israeli army,with a children's musical video tape, in which she played an evilwitch. Following that, she appeared in a commercial for a laundrydetergent. After that she got the lead role in the Israeli film Lihiyot Kohav (Being a Star).

During the filming of the movie, she was offered two roles in twodifferent Israeli television shows, and she took both. The first was asoap opera named Tzimerim, about the life of a family that runs a hotel; the second one was HaPijamot (The Pyjamas),a sitcom about a struggling band, determined to make it in the realworld. This sitcom ran for five seasons, and gave Tal the chance toshow her musical talent.

Although she was the main character only in the first three seasons,she appeared in the fourth season for several episodes. Following that,Tal recorded several songs with Israeli rapper Subliminal.

Seeking some rest from her busy schedule, Tal went to New York City to live with her sister. In New York, she met singer Wyclef Jean and recorded a song with him (the song Party to Damascus has Tal singing the chorus in Hebrew). In a recent interview hereferred to himself as her mentor, seeking to help her with her truepassion, music.

She landed a role on Veronica Mars , that of Meg Manning, one of Veronica Mars' few friends. Tal had originally auditioned for the lead eponymous role on the show, which went to Kristen Bell, but Rob Thomas liked her so much that he created the recurring role of Meg Manning specifically for her. She had also guest-starred as Jo Haevelle, a recurring character, on the second season of Supernatural. Alona still maintains a very loyal and intense, though relatively small, fan base.


Tal married actor Marcos Ferraez on June 5, 2007.

2010年,Tal 在《leverage》里面客串一个被制片人压迫的词曲艺人,并演唱《thinking of you 》,凭借里面甜美的外表和纯美的嗓音,获得观众的关注。


得到乔(Joanna Beth Harvelle )这个角色之前,Alona Tal 就观赏过邪恶力量,在它的第一季期间。「我认为它非常的棒。我是超自然现象的大粉丝,而且我对於成为其中的一分子感到很有兴趣,所以我只是表现出我的全部,而我猜…..他们喜欢。」

Alona 直爽的承认,「我曾经有过超自然的经验」她宁愿保持这种遭遇的隐私,但她却公开表示她对於享受恐怖电影的热情。「他们把我吓坏了...... 我爱他们,最可怕的时刻并不是怪物或杀手抓住你时,是在那之前。我欣赏这个,而当这完美呈现时,它让我猛然一跳,我经常跳起来。」

除了她对於萤幕上的超自然现象的兴趣之外,Alona 在以色列军队的背景,则是让她成为猎人的完美选择。「在『No Exit』之前,我没有太多的讯息(关於乔的个性),所以我只是想要让她看起来有点自信又酷。当我在军队里时,我握著我的枪,并感觉到周围所有的危险和坏蛋。那是一种态度,那是一种不同的走路方式,以及你撑住自己的方式,你看著事情的方式。我试著把这些放进角色当中,因为她并没有说太多。

Alona「乔再屌不过了(原文:would've liked to have kicked more ass)」她承认。「我喜欢这类的事。我真的很喜欢当他们在『No Exit』里时,让她演出猎杀。我不知道那是她的第一次;我拿到剧本时才发现」。在回想中,这位女演员指出,因为乔对於猎杀经验的缺乏,给她更多可以发挥的。「这给予了更多的剧情。但乔确实很强(很屌)。」当然,她被抓住了,但「男孩们也曾经不只一次被抓住并自己逃脱。那就是发生了,发生在她身上,而她处理得很好。我不知道大部分的人会如何处理,身处在一个棺材之中,并想著他们将会被活埋。就我所演出的她是个无法无天的人。她战斗并拿她的生命冒险,更待在那里当诱饵。那需要很多的胆量。」

乔猎杀经验的水准,在 Alona 一开始的几集,并不是唯一待解决的要素。「Eric Kripke曾经提过一开始,是有一个让她和迪恩有段爱情关系的可能性。」Alona 证实「我崇拜Jensen Ackles。那是一种荣幸和乐趣(满足)...」但角色的走向在萤幕上产生了不一样的化学效应。「我们觉得在两个角色之间有一股紧张气氛。他们让我们对彼此恶言相向,并有倾向於变成兄弟姐妹之类的关系。」

不管她必须演出多少的猎杀和罗曼蒂克, Alona 在她工作的这几集,享受了非常棒的时光。「他们都很有趣。当你和 Jared 及 Jensen 一起工作时,他们是最好笑的二人组。他们一起共有一个脑袋或某些东西。」这两个演员因他们的恶作剧恶名昭彰,但他们没有对 Alona 耍任何花招。「我想他们很怕我会哭出来。」她笑道「他们不常和女孩子一起工作。」任何和他们合作的人都可以轻易的感受到他们俩的默契和非常好的感情。)

Alona 非常乐意再次和他们一起工作,而且既然编剧并没有将她的角色杀死,她抱持著希望,他们可能会让乔回来,随著她经历更多的猎杀经验,这样她就可以再一次和迪恩面对面。





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