词条 | NGO视角与活力 |
释义 | 图书信息书 名: NGO视角与活力 作 者:曾晓东 出版社: 中国环境科学出版社 ISBN: 9787511106841 出版时间: 2011年9月1日 开本: 16开 定价: 30.00元 内容简介Thebookconsistsofsevenchapters,including:FootprintsoftheFiveYears;HotspotsandMissionsofEnvironmentalProtection;ExploringaNewPathinEnvironmentalProtection;BuildinganEnvironmentally-friendlySociety;HardshipsandHappinessinProtectingthePublic'sEnvironmentalRights;CharmofEnvironmentalPublicInterestActivities;andEffortsinPromotingNGO'sDevelopment.ItsummarizestheworkdonebytheauthorsincethefoundingofAll-ChinaEnvironmentFederation,andhisstatementsonvariousissuesconcerned.ItcouldserveasavaluablereferencebookfortheleadersandcolleaguesworkinginNGOs,andprovidesusefulinformationforpeoplehomeandabroadtounderstandtheNGOsinChina. 作者简介曾晓东,1967~,生于山东省肥城县,北京师范大学任教,合著《西方教育经济学研究》 中国科学技术情报研究所重庆分所任职。 图书目录Chapter One Footprints of the Five Years I.Development and role of Chinese environmental civil society organizations II.Five pillars of environmental protection III.Five years of practice Chapter Two Hotspots and Missions of Environmental Protection I.Jiuzhai Paradise Intemational Environment Forum--demonstration of a harmonious environment II.Urgency of preventing and controlling water pollution III.Top priority: protecting the water environment IV.Addressing climate change together V.Promoting ecological civilization and green development VI.Energy and environment sustainability--driving force of economic development VII.Protecting the Earth is everyone's responsibility VIII.Sustainable sanitation IX.Model enterprises and entrepreneurs in energy saving and emission reduction X.Renowned green counties and towns XI.Green Beijing, less plastics XII.Integrating capacity building in independent innovation into development strategy Chapter Three Exploring a New Path in Environmental Protection I.Environmental protection: transformation from being extensive to intensive II.Pollution prevention and control in the Taihu Lake area needs broad public participation III.Principles in water pollution prevention and control IV.Corporate environmental responsibility V.Developing green economy and accumulating ecological capital VI.Building a resource-saving and environment-friendly society and realizing ten transformations Chapter Four Building an Environment-Friendly Society I.Content of being environment-friendly II.The 2nd China International Exhibition of Achievements in Building an Environment-Friendly Society breaks new ground III.The 3rd China Intemational Exhibition of Achievements in Building an Environment-Friendly Society IV.Value of building environment-friendly enterprises Chapter Five Hardships and Happiness in Protecting the Public's Environmental Rights I.Hardships in handling difficult cases II.Happiness in getting eight awarding banners III.Recognizing the role of justice in protecting the public's environmental rights IV.Pushing forward the rule of law on the environment and safeguarding the public's environmental rights and interests. V.Protecting human health---China's arduous task in controlling and banning smoking Chapter Six Charm of Environmental Public Interest Activities I.Listing of public interest activities in the five years II.Record of public interest activities in the past five years Chapter Seven Efforts in Promoting NGO's Development I.Important historic mission of the Specialized Committee on Energy and Environment II.Establishment of Jiangsu Provincial Environment Federation promoting the alliance and development of environmental protection III.Establishment of the Environment Federation of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region playing an importantrole in environmental protection in the region IV.Develop creatively in the process of implementing environmental public interest projects V.Achievements of the 3rd NGO Annual Meeting VI.New Year Message for 2007 VII.Forging ahead in 2007 VIII.New Year Message for 2008 IX.New Year Message for 2009 X.Message of Appreciation for 2009 XI.New Year message for 2010 XII.Code of Conduct of the ACEF Leadership |
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