词条 | Melinda Maria |
释义 | 品牌介绍USA MelindaMaria的设计哲学是创造出看起来真实而美丽的高雅时尚珠宝并且能被大众所接受。还是孩子时,珠宝设计就是Melinda充满激情的一件事。一切的灵感都激发她设计出一款款珠宝。“我的设计就是为了让你变的更加美丽,更加完美,充满自信。只有这样,这些金属才有了生命” Melinda Maria珠宝的整个系列主要是由非贵重宝石和镀金材质组成,并在世界很多知名典礼上被众多明星所佩戴。巧夺天工的设计让人们从外表上看不出它与任何贵重珠宝有什么不同。Melinda用自己艺术设计与坚定的理念创建了自己的品牌,成为了无数明星和时尚人士的最爱。 设计师介绍I sat down with Melinda Maria to chat about her captivating jewelry andunique concept. 我和Melinda Maria坐下交谈关于她对珠宝的痴迷和独特的理念。 Q: What is “Recession Proof” Jewelry? 问:珠宝行业衰退的证据是什么? MM: During the economic spiral, I decided to make my jewelry asaffordable as I could without compromising the integrity of my craftsmanship and big designs. Thus, Imade my line so that even in a recession people could buy a piece at a greatprice and fell like it is much more expensive than what they paid. MM:在经济起伏时期,我决定尽我所能合理定价我的珠宝,且依旧保证我的技艺和大方向上的构思。因此,在经济衰退时期我制定了我的计划使得人们用高价买回珠宝后觉得物超所值。 We all love the jewels we see celebrities wearing on the red carpet, butfew of us are willing to dish out the dollar for them! Celebrity favoriteJewelry designer Melinda Maria believes “ysou don’t have to spend thousands ofdollars to look like a Million”. 我们很喜欢看红毯上名人所佩戴的珠宝,但我们并不愿意为此付出太多钱。最受名人喜爱的珠宝设计师梅琳达玛利亚相信,你不需要花几千使自己看起来像百万富翁。 “Melinda Maria’s Philosophy of design is to create beautiful, highquality that looks real, but is actually fine crafted costume jewelry.” The result is stunning pieces that can be worn by celebrities on the red carpetor by anyone anytime they want to feel beautiful. 梅琳达玛利亚的设计理念是设计出美丽高品质看起来真实,但实际是由人造珠宝所制。结果就是这些作品不光能使名人在红毯上光鲜也可以使任何人看起来美丽。 (above Melinda Maria Baby Mosaic earring and Heart and Arrownecklace) (above: Melinda Maria CURA Heart Africa Necklace 100% of proceeds go toCURA orphanage organization in Kenya Africa-CURA Orphanage is a residence forchildren who have lost their parent to AIDS. The orphanage is located in theVillage of Cura, in Kenya, Africa. The orphaned children range from ages 4-13and CURA is a complete care facility which covers all the children’s food,clothing, education and most of all a place to call home.) (上文提到:Melinda Maria的将这款CURA Heart Africa项链所得的全部收入都捐献给了东非肯尼亚地区的CURA孤儿院——CURA孤儿院是一家收留失去双亲且身患艾滋的孩子的场所。这家孤儿院位于非洲肯尼亚Cura的一个村庄中。这些被救济的孩子们年龄在4到13岁之间,CURA配备了一套完整的设施,包括孩子们的伙食、服装、教育和一切必需品,就像一个真正的家。) Q: You have so many interesting and unique designs! What inspiresyour collections? Q:你有很多有趣且独特的设计!是什么激发了你的创作灵感? MM: EVERYTHING can! I just walk through my days with my eyes wideopen because I can be inspired by so many things that I run into in my dailylife. I don’t just have to be in an exotic place–I could get inspirationfrom the produce section in the grocery store! Shapes, colors, andtextures in anything can translate to art, so I am always looking. MM:一切皆有可能!我在日常生活中总是眼观八方,因为我能从许多角度捕捉灵感。我更没有必要远赴异国——因为我可以从食品杂货店中获得产品设计灵感!所有物体的形状、色彩和纹理都能转化为艺术,我会时刻观察着。 Q: How difficult was it to create a line that is so beautiful with suchquality yet affordable? Q:创造出如此精美又平价的产品系列需要多少心血? MM: I usually start with my limitless idea about a design and then I cantweak and translate that into something beautiful and affordable! Thatpart is really fun when we get it perfect knowing that so many people will beable to afford a little piece of Melinda Maria and feel good about buying it! MM:我通常以无限的设计思路为开端,接着调整并解读它,使其外形精美化而价格大众化!我们最开心的时刻莫过于得到大家物尽其值的评价! 品牌相关Melinda’s collection makes you feel like you are on thered carpet and it's a chic, sexy, and bold luxury that can be worn everyday.Each piece is hand crafted by the top jewellers and stone cutters in the world. Melinda系列珠宝使佩戴者仿佛置身于集性感,时髦和奢华于一体的红毯氛围中。每一款首饰都是由世界顶级设计师和宝石雕刻师纯手工制作出来的。 "The Pod Ring is one ofmy absolute favorites! It compliments every outfit and other piece of jewelry Iput on."Vanessa Hudgens. Vanessa Hudgens说:“豆荚系列戒指绝对是其中我最终爱的一款。它绝对是我所佩戴的所有款式和系列珠宝中最值得称赞的。” "Melinda's jewellery isamazing for the simple reason that it is made out of a joy for life. Shemanages to put her loving energy into every piece she makes"Julia Roberts. Julia Roberts:”Melinda系列珠宝的神奇之处在于它表达出了生命的乐趣,并且把爱情的能量传递到生活中的每个角落“。 We all love the jewels we see celebrities wearing on the red carpet, butfew of us are willing to dish out the dollar for them! Celebrity favoriteJewelry designer Melinda Maria believes “ysou don’t have to spend thousands ofdollars to look like a Million”. 我们很喜欢看红毯上名人所佩戴的珠宝,但我们并不愿意为此付出太多钱。最受名人喜爱的珠宝设计师梅琳达玛利亚相信,你不需要花几千使自己看起来像百万富翁。 “Melinda Maria’s Philosophy of design is to create beautiful, highquality that looks real, but is actually fine crafted costume jewelry.” The result is stunning pieces that can be worn by celebrities on the red carpetor by anyone anytime they want to feel beautiful. 梅琳达玛利亚的设计理念是设计出美丽高品质看起来真实,但实际是由人造珠宝所制。结果就是这些作品不光能使名人在红毯上光鲜也可以使任何人看起来美丽。 (above Melinda Maria Baby Mosaic earring and Heart and Arrownecklace) ONE. Delucious Chocolate Chip Cookies — They are the mostdelicious cookies you will ever taste….sorry Mom! They are such a great gift. Each cookie comesindividually wrapped and the packaging makes for an impressive gift. 第一,美味巧克力饼干。它们是你所能尝到的最珍贵的饼干。对不起妈妈。它们是很棒的礼物。每个饼干的独立包装都使人印象深刻。 TWO. Hermes Floral Teapot — This is a decadant piece toimpress your guests to high noon tea! Or just to make you smile looking at itwhile curled up with a good book and serves yourself hot cocoa or tea from thisexquisite piece of art. I have mine displayed in my kitchen when I am not usingit. 第二,赫尔莫斯的花壶。这件作品适合于客人在正午用茶使用。或者在你读一本好书时用此精致的艺术作品给自己来一杯热巧克力。不使用的时候我就把它摆在厨房来欣赏。 THREE. Melinda Maria Python Pave Cuffs – I love thesestacked together – one, two or three!! You can stack them with any other of mybangles for a very rich look; nobody will ever know they you didn’t spend abazillion on them. 第三,梅琳达玛利亚的蟒蛇护腕。我喜欢手链在一起的感觉。你可以将它与自己的任何手链搭配在一起就很好看。人们会觉得你为了它们花了大价钱。 FOUR. Cire Troudon Candles — They are Parisiancandlemakers that have been turning out the most delicious and decadant candlesfor centuries. And I love when the candle is done the jar is so beautiful, thatI clean the wax out and use them as tiny jars for short little bouquets offlowers. Put a cluster of them on your table for a centerpiece and it isfabulous. 第四,蜡烛。它们是数世纪以来由巴黎人所制造的珍贵蜡烛。当它放在广口瓶中看起来非常美丽,我用它们来装饰宴会的花束。在餐桌中央放上一组蜡烛会产生很棒的效果。 FIVE. Garrett CheeseCorn & CarmelCrisp Popcorn — Yes Iknow, it is Oprah’s favorite popcorn shop in the world (located in Chicago)…but it is mine too! :) This is notyour average tin of popcorn you get as a company gift, it is ALWAYS soo freshand literally melts in your mouth. They have been popping corn since 1949 andbelieve me, they know what they are doing! 第五,加勒特的奶油爆米花。是的我知道这是奥普拉最喜欢的爆米花店。我也喜欢。这不同于你平常吃到的罐头爆米花。它总是新鲜的并且入口即化。自1949年起加勒特的奶油爆米花就出现了,相信我他们绝对是一流的。 专业点评:梅林达玛丽亚 梅林达玛丽亚珠宝首饰伴随着爱而创建,在她工作第20年时,她推出同名的珠宝行从而变成了她的全职工作。由半宝石和镀金的金属制成的珠宝,越来越多的出现在名人身上,例如,朱莉娅罗伯茨,凯特哈德森,艾米莉布朗特,杰西卡阿尔巴岛,菲舍尔,佐伊萨尔达尼亚等诸多名流。下面是梅林达的本月看点: 1.美味的巧克力曲奇饼- 他们永远是最美味的饼干...对不起妈妈。他们是这样一个伟大的礼物。每个曲奇都有单独包装,并且这个包装使得它成为一件令人印象深刻的礼物。 2.爱马仕碎花茶壶- 这件物品可以带给您的客人深刻印象的下午茶!或只是当你读一本好书的时候,用这件精致的艺术片给自己一杯热可可或茶,并给它一个微笑。当我不用它的时候把它摆放在厨房里。 3.梅林达玛丽亚的蛇纹袖口- 我爱这些堆放在一起- 一个,两个或三个!!您可以和其他一些手镯搭配,会有更丰富的效果。没有人会知道你没有花一个bazillion。 4. CIRE Troudon蜡烛- 他们是几个世纪以来巴黎生产最美味蜡烛的制造商。我爱当蜡烛被做成罐子的时候,是那么美好,我把蜡烛清理出去,并把它用做插短小花束的微小的罐子。你的表放在花簇的核心,它是神话般的。 5.-是的,我知道,这是奥普拉在世界上最喜爱的爆米花店(位于芝加哥)... ...但它也是我的! :)作为一个公司的礼物,这是不是你的爆米花的平均锡,它总是新鲜出炉、入口即化。自1949年以来,他们一直爆裂玉米,相信我,他们知道自己在做什么! Melinda Maria is afine jewelry manufacturer which have very fashionable rings, bracelets,necklaces and earrings. The composition of yellow gold and Melinda Maria designoffers the customers a nice appearance. Affordable pricesand the beauty is the most important characteristic feature. Melinda MariaJewelry is available in many retailer stores like Bloomingdales, Harvey NicholsIntermix, Scoop and Shopbop. Especially,celebrity keens on Melinda Maria Jewelry. Some famous costumers are KhloeKardashian, Kim Kardashian, Jennifer Lopez, Eva Longoria, Miley Cyrus,Vanessa Hudgens, Megan Fox, Kate Hudson, Selena Gomez and Madonna. MelindaMaria bracelets, Melinda Maria rings and Melinda Maria earrings have showed upmany Hollywood movie and TV series. Melinda MariaJewelry invites you opened the door excellence. 梅林达玛丽亚珠宝给您卓越 梅林达玛丽亚是一个很好的珠宝制造商,其中有很时髦的戒指,手镯,项链和耳环。由黄金组成,梅林达玛丽亚的设计提供给顾客一个漂亮的外观。 实惠的价格和美丽的外观是最重要的特征。梅林达玛丽亚珠宝可以在许多零售商店买到,例如Bloomingdales, HarveyNichols Intermix, Scoop 和Shopbop。 此外,很多名人使用梅林达玛丽亚的珠宝,一些著名的顾客有Khloe Kardashian,Kim Kardashian, Jennifer Lopez, Eva Longoria, Miley Cyrus, VanessaHudgens, Megan Fox, Kate Hudson, Selena Gomez 和Madonna。在许多好莱坞电影和电视连续剧中展示了梅林达玛丽亚手镯,梅林达玛丽亚戒指和梅林达玛丽亚耳环。 梅林达玛丽亚珠宝邀请您打开卓越之门。 梅琳达玛利亚珠宝期待你的加入 梅琳达玛利亚是一家优秀的珠宝制造商,它拥有非常流行的戒指,手镯,项链和耳环。黄金成分以及梅琳达玛利亚的设计会使每一位顾客都很漂亮。 合理的价格和美丽的外观是梅琳达玛利亚最重要的特点。梅琳达玛利亚珠宝在任何连锁商店都有销售,诸如布鲁明戴尔,哈维尼克斯,Scoop和Shopbop。(两个商店的名字,没查到。) 特别的是,社会名流都非常钟爱梅琳达玛利亚珠宝。一些非常著名的顾客有KhloeKardashian, Kim?Kardashian, Jennifer Lopez, Eva Longoria, Miley Cyrus, VanessaHudgens,?Megan Fox, Kate Hudson, Selena Gomez and Madonna.(都是明星的名字,不知道怎么翻译)梅琳达玛利亚牌的手镯,戒指和耳环在很多好莱坞电影和电视剧中都出现过。 梅琳达玛利亚珠宝期待你的加入。 RecessionProof Jewelry: Melinda Maria We all love the jewels we see celebrities wearing on the red carpet, butfew of us are willing to dish out the dollar for them! Celebrity favoriteJewelry designer Melinda Maria believes “ysou don’t have to spend thousands ofdollars to look like a Million”. 我们很喜欢看红毯上名人所佩戴的珠宝,但我们并不愿意为此付出太多钱。最受名人喜爱的珠宝设计师梅琳达玛利亚相信,你不需要花几千使自己看起来像百万富翁。 “Melinda Maria’s Philosophy of design is to create beautiful, highquality that looks real, but is actually fine crafted costume jewelry.” The result is stunning pieces that can be worn by celebrities on the red carpetor by anyone anytime they want to feel beautiful. 梅琳达玛利亚的设计理念是设计出美丽高品质看起来真实,但实际是由人造珠宝所制。结果就是这些作品不光能使名人在红毯上光鲜也可以使任何人看起来美丽。 (above Melinda Maria Baby Mosaic earring and Heart and Arrownecklace) 明星粉丝Melinda Maria系列珠宝由于经常被世界顶级明星经常在电视上佩戴而被授予好莱坞奢华女王的称号。例如JuliaRoberts, Jennifer Lopez, Hayden Panetierre, Jessica Alba, Eva Longoria, VanessaHudgens等级别的女星都曾佩戴过。 热门商品时尚奢华2012新款魔术镀金戒指 曼妙质感 立体迷你豆荚镀金手镯 好莱坞明星挚宠 立体镀金手镯 |
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