词条 | Lee大提琴旋律练习曲40首 |
释义 | 图书信息书 名: Lee大提琴旋律练习曲40首 作 者:王红 出版社: 西南师范大学出版社 出版时间: 2010年11月1日 ISBN: 9787562150763 开本: 16开 定价: 18.00元 内容简介《Lee大提琴旋律练习曲40首(作品31号教学版)》主要内容:与众多的演奏家一样,S.利发表了许多用于启发演奏者在乐器上的才能之作品:包括变奏曲,歌剧主题幻想曲等。更重要的是他的大量的指导性书籍,其中大部分主要提供于巴黎公立音乐学校之用。还有一本名为《大提琴之声》的书,包含了大量的二重奏,适用于两位大提琴演奏者共同演奏。他为大提琴而著的《教学法》和这本40首练习曲(Op.31)是同类指导性书籍中被广泛使用的一本。 图书目录1.大幅度弓法练习Exercise in the broad style of bowing 2.连弓练习Exercise on the Legato 3.旋律练习Melodic Exercise 4.谐谑曲Scherzo 5.连弓练习Exercise on the Legato 6.旋律练习Melodic Exercise 7.连弓练习Exercise on the Legato 8.右手练习Exercise for the Right Wrist 9.旋律练习Melodic Exercise 10.回旋曲Rondo 11.旋律练习Melodic Exercise 12.右手练习Exercise for the Right Wrist 13.主题变奏Theme and Variations 14.附点练习Exercise in Dotted Notes 15.熟练弓法Facility in Bowing 16.上波音练习Exercise on the Inverted Mordent 17.熟练弓法Facility in Bowing 18.分奏法Exercise in Detached Bowing 19.小回旋曲Rondino 20.颤音练习Exercise on the Trill 21.拇指运用Exercise in employing the Thumb 22.琶音练习Exercise in Arpeggios 23.如歌一般Exercise on the Cantabile 24.双音练习Exercise in Double—Stops 25.顿弓练习Exercise on the Staccato 26.多种弓法练习Exercise in Various Bowings 27.多种琶音练习Exercise on Various Arpeggios 28.拇指运用Exercise for the Use of the Thumb 29.大幅度弓法练习Exercise in the Broad Style of Bowing 30.倚音与回音练习Exercise in the Appoggiatura and the Turn 31.各种弓法Various Bowings 32.右手手腕的灵活练习Exercise in Flexibility,for the Right Wrist 33.特性练习Characteristic Exercise 34.特性练习Characteristic Exercise 35.颤音练习Trill—Exercise 36.手腕弹性技巧练习Exercise for giving elasticity to the wrist 37.轻跳弓练习Exercise on the Light Staccato 38.双音练习Exercise in Double—stops 39.半音练习Chromatic Exercise 40.八度练习Octave—Exercise |
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