词条 | Kavlico |
释义 | 简介Kavlico (凯维力科)是北美和欧洲的一家领先的OEM制造商。 Kavlico (凯维力科)成立于1958年,是由一名叫费雷德的挪威移民创立的。Kavlico (凯维力科)李聪原文位于洛杉矶以北的Chatsworth,属于加利福尼亚。但在1986年的时候,Kavlico (凯维力科)将他的整个运行搬迁到现在这个拥有40多英亩土地的穆尔帕克。 Kavlico (凯维力科)是一家又有数百万美元的公司,而且它的很多客户都市在《财富》上的500强公司。(原文: Kavlico is a leading North American andEuropean manufacturer of OEM and off-the-shelf pressure, position (LVDT &RVDT), force, and other specialty sensors and transducers for theTransportation (including Automotive and On & Off-highway), Industrial (includingHVAC, medical, wastewater, process control and other general industryapplications) and Aerospace & Defense markets worldwide. Established in 1958 by Fred Kavli, aNorwegian immigrant, Kavlico was originally located just north of Los Angelesin Chatsworth, California. In 1986, Kavlico relocated the entire operation toits current location on a more than 40 acre site in Moorpark, California. Kavlico is a multi-million dollar companywith many of its customers being among Fortune’s top 500.) Kavlico和CST在2006年5月的时候,Kavlico (凯维力科)成为CST公司的一部分,专注于产品的传感、控制和动力方面。由于它拥有的品牌,比如BEI Kimco, BEI Sensors, BEI PSSC, Crouzet, Crydom, Kavlico (凯维力科), Newalland Systron Donner Inertial, CST能够为航空航天、国防、交通运输、能源及基础设施、商业工业原始设备制造商、医疗、食品饮料和建筑设备市场的任务系统提供定制的、可靠的并且有效的组成部分。 CST公司在全球拥有4700名员工,并且在2011年的销售额达到了66亿美元。CST公司追求卓越,是一家可信任的,并且适应性强的合作伙伴。(原文:In May of 2006, Kavlico became part ofCustom Sensors & Technologies (CST), a specialist in sensing, control andmotion products. Through its brands, BEI Kimco, BEI Sensors, BEI PSSC, Crouzet,Crydom, Kavlico, Newall and Systron Donner Inertial, CST offers customizable,reliable and efficient components for mission-critical systems in Aerospace& Defense, Transportation, Energy & Infrastructures, Commercial &Industrial OEMs, Medical, Food and Beverage and Building Equipment markets. Focusedon premium value offers and committed to excellence, CST, with 4,700 employeesworldwide and sales of $660M US in 2011, is the dependable and adaptablepartner for the most demanding customers.) 2012展会1. 汉诺威工业博览会 30521 德国汉诺威展览场地 2012年4月23日-25日 摊位11号馆展位F39 2. 传感器测试2012 德国纽伦堡 2012年5月22日 - 24日 kavlico展位#12-328 (原文: Tradeshows of Kavlico in 2012 Hannover Messe Exhibition Grounds, 30521 Hannover, Germany April 23 – 25, 2012 Booth Hall 11, Booth F39Sensor+Test2012 Nuremberg, Germany May 22 – 24, 2012 Kavlico Booth #12-328) |
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