

词条 Jeremy Landon Darilek

姓 名

Jeremy Landon Darilek(林东)



中国科学院南京土壤研究所 2009年7月


Tarleton State University 2006年5月


Howard Payne University 2003年5月


土壤形态学 土壤肥料学

环境土壤学 高等作物栽培学

高等农学 农业科技写作

普通昆虫学 农业研究法

园艺昆虫学 工厂化农场政策与程序

猪禽生产学 磷生物地球化学

环境化学 地理信息系统




l 研究及实验设计

l 土壤样品采集

l 土壤与农业化学分析

l 土壤剖面描述

l 科技论文撰写

l 科技论文咨询与编辑

2005年1月至2006年8月,Tarleton State University ,综合农业、农学、园艺与牧场管理学系,主要工作:

l 讲授土壤实验分析课

l 土壤测试与堆肥监测技师

l 土壤与农业化学分析

l 美国农业部自然资源保护局(NRCS)Windows Pedon土壤剖面数据输入专家


l 水净化资格证书

l Elementar 碳氮分析仪培训

l Spectro CIROS ICP 操作资格证书






2004 – 2006年,德克萨斯土壤学会会员;

2004 – 2009年,美国土壤学会会员;












Darilek, J.L., B. Huang, Z.G. Wang, Y.B. Qi, Y.C. Zhao, W.X. Sun, Z.Q. Gu, and X.Z. Shi. 2009. Changes in soil fertility parameters and the environmental effects in a rapidly developing region of China. Agric. Ecosys. Environ. 129:286-292.

Darilek, J.L., D.C. Weindorf, A.K. Somenahally, J.P. Muir, R.M. Wittie, B.D. Lambert. 2007. Dairy effluent phosphorus sequestration of soils in Erath County, Texas. Soil Survey Hor. 48:51-56.

Darilek, J.L., B. Huang, Z.G. Wang, Y.C. Zhao, W.X. Sun, X.Z. Shi. 2010. Effect of land use conversion from rice paddies to vegetable plots on soil phosphorus fractionation. Pedosphere (In Press)

Gong, Z.T., J.L. Darilek, Z.G. Wang, B. Huang. 2010. American soil scientists’ contributions to Chinese pedology in the 20th century. Soil Survey Horizons. (In Press)

Qi, Y.B., J.L. Darilek, B. Huang, Y.C. Zhao, W.X. Sun, Z.Q. Gu. 2009. Evaluating soil quality indices in an agricultural region of Jiangsu Province, China. Geoderma 149:325-334.

Sun, W.X., B. Huang, Y.C. Zhao, X.Z. Shi, J.L. Darilek, X.H. Deng, H.J. Wang, and Z. Zou. 2009. Spatial variability of soil selenium as affected by geologic and pedogenic processes and its effect on ecosystem and human health. Geochemical J. 43:1-3.

Somenahally, A., D.C. Weindorf, J.L. Darilek, J.P. Muir, R. Wittie, C. Thompson, and C.L.S. Morgan. 2008. Spatial variability of soil test phosphorous in manure amended dairy soils of North Central Texas. J. of Soil and Water Cons. 64:89-97.

Zhang, Y., Y.C. Zhao, X.Z. Shi, X.X. Lu, D.S. Yu, H.J. Wang, W.X. Sun, J.L.

Darilek. 2008. Variation of soil organic carbon estimates in mountain regions: A case study from Southwest China. Geoderma 146:449-456.

Zhao, Y.C., X.H. Xu, J.L. Darilek, B. Huang, W.X. Sun, X.Z. Shi. 2008. Spatial variability assessment of soil nutrients in an intense agricultural area, a case study of Rugao County in Yangtze River Delta Region, China. Environ. Geol. Online.

Zhao, Y.C., X.H. Xu, W.X. Sun, B. Huang, J.L. Darilek, X.Z. Shi. 2007. Uncertainty assessment of mapping mercury contaminated soils of a rapidly industrializing city in the Yangtze River Delta of China using sequential indicator co-simulation. Environ. Monit. Asses. 138:343-355.

Wang, H.J., Q.H. Liu, X.Z. Shi, D.S. Yu, Y.C. Zhao, W.X. Sun, J.L. Darilek. 2007. Carbon storage and spatial distribution patterns of paddy soils in China. Front. Agric. China, 1:149-151.

Wang, H.J., B. Huang, X.Z. Shi, J.L. Darilek, D.S. Yu, W.X. Sun, Y.C. Zhao, Q. Chang, I. Öborn. 2007. Major nutrient balances in small-scale vegetable farming systems in peri-urban areas in China. Nutr. Cycl. Agroecosyst. 81:203-218.


Somenahally, A.K., D.C. Weindorf, J.L. Darilek, J.P. Muir, and R.M. Wittie. 2006. Spatial variability of soil test phosphorus across manure amended dairy soils. Proc. 18th World Congress of Soil Science, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.

Weindorf, D.C., A. Wooten, A. McWhirt, B. Haggard, R. Sarkar, M. Dia, Q. Chang, H. Wang, and J.L. Darilek. 2007. Correlation of X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometry and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES) for elemental determination in compost. p. 132-133. In Proc. Biogeochem. Trace Elements. Tsinghua University Press, Beijing, China.

Huang, B. and J.L. Darilek. Effect of land use conversion from rice paddies to vegetable plots on phosphorus fractionations in soil. 2009 In Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts.





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