

词条 Cybermind


荷兰Cybermind交互技术公司是一家充满活力的年轻企业,成立于1997年,现在是欧洲头戴式显示器产品的顶级经销商和制造商,在中国地区和搜维尔 有密切的联系,Cybermind是以技术为本的公司,致力于制造价格合理的高端头戴式显示器。我们生产的头戴式显示器和可佩戴式监视器可广泛应用于产品研发、市场营销、活动会展、娱乐、教育、培训及仿真模拟等领域。 我们的产品拥有独特的设计特点,包括:全沉浸式设计、轻盈小巧、配戴舒适、集功能性和灵活性于一身(天衣无缝地集成了麦克风、摄像机、传感器等部件)。公司的最新产品Visette 45 SXGA是全体员工智慧和辛劳的结晶。我们可以保证该产品是迄今为止该价格范围内质量最高的头戴式显示器。

Cybermind Interactive公司:

在虚拟现实硬件领域有着10余年的实战经验。近年来成长为一个以专业人才为核心的团队,在虚拟现实和增强现实领域的高端技术方面有着超强实力。 公司总部位于荷兰的马斯特里希特,与德国、比利时和法国接壤,附近机场包括马斯特里希特-亚琛、科隆、杜塞尔多夫和布鲁塞尔机场。 我们的销售部门位于Almere城,这是一座新兴城市,位于阿姆斯特丹市郊,汇集了众多新兴企业,地区内最大的机场是Schiphol机场。作为虚拟现实娱乐设施的顶级经销商和制造商,公司在全球各地设有1400余家分部。 自1998年开始进军专业市场(如:石油和天然气、大学、军队、医学、B2B、市场营销和广告等),承接过博览会硬件管理方面的项目。 拥有大量头戴式显示器解决方案及虚拟现实硬件解决方案。 与合作伙伴通力协作,不断拓展业务关系。 不断提高与分销商的合作关系,帮助分销商解决问题并提供最好的解决方案和建议。


Cybermind Interactive Nederland is a young and dynamic company, which was founded April 1997, and has grown to become the leading distributor/ manufacturer in Europe for Head Mounted Displays.Cybermind Interactive Nederland is a technology-based company and we want to excel in producing affordable, high- end, Head Mounted Displays. Head Mounted Display, wearable monitors, used for: research and development, marketing and sales, events and exhibitions, entertainment en education, training and simulation etc.

Our unique designing features are: complete immersive design, lightweight, comfortable, functional and flexible (seamless integration of microphones, camera's, sensors etc). Our latest addition the Visette 45 SXGA is the most recent tangible result of our efforts. We can guarantee that this item is within its price range the best performing HMD available today.

Cybermind Interactive:

Over 10 years of experience in the business of Virtual Reality Hardware. Has grown over the years into a team of driven professionals in the high-end technology of Virtual and Augmented Reality. Her head office is situated in the Netherlands, Maastricht, with direct access from Germany, Belgium and France and nearby airports Maastricht-Aachen, Cologne, Dusseldorf and Brussels. Our sales office is situated in a new city of Almere, place of residence of many new businesses and suburb of Amsterdam with its large airport Schiphol. Started in the entertainment business as leading distributor and manufacturer of VR entertainment Systems and has over 1400 units installed across the world. Has been active on the professional market (oil and gas industry, universities, army, medical science, b2b, marketing and advertisement etc. etc.) since 1998 and has got project experience in managing hardware solutions of (sales) exhibitions. Has a large range of HMD-solutions and VR-hardware solutions. Is constantly investing in its business relationship with its partners. Is also constantly investing in its relationship with its resellers in supporting them and giving them the best solutions and advice.




Cybermind Visette45 SXGA 3D 增强/虚拟现实头戴显示器

Cybermind hi-Res800_PC 3D 虚拟现实头戴显示器

Cybermind hi-Res800_PC 虚拟现实头戴显示器

Cybermind hi-ResSVGA+ 增强/虚拟现实头戴显示器

Cybermind Visette45 SXGA 2D 增强/虚拟现实头戴显示器





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