

词条 cc skye


洛杉矶独立设计师CC SKYE,33岁,在芝加哥出生长大。家住在芝加哥市中心,离Neiman Marcus(美国的一家高档百货公司)只有五个街区。 芝加哥的冬天非常寒冷,所以CC SKYE一直向往南加州的阳光,椰子树和海滩。十八岁那年,迫不及待离开芝加哥,进入洛杉矶附近的Claremont Colleges Pitzer School学习,主修心理学,辅修电影。这是一所文科大学(liberal arts),非常注重培养学生的兴趣,开发学生的潜质,她受益匪浅。大学期间,在MTV和国际纪录片协会(International Documentary Association)实习。毕业之后,搬到好莱坞,在MTV工作了三年。由于空闲的缘故,开始设计首饰。没料到,她的设计得到了ELLE一位编辑的赞赏。这对她无疑是一个巨大的鼓舞,那年hiatus过后,她就没再回去上班了。2006年底,她设计的第一款手袋Skye Bag,灵感来自于这一款非常成功的双链手镯,Nicole Richie曾经带过的。此后,她多次以明星为灵感设计手袋。


CC SKYE首饰以镀金、镀银为主,同时运用皮革、水晶等多种材质。她的设计巧妙的将摇滚朋克风和法国式的优雅融合在一起。大胆出位并且性感优雅。只要搭配恰当,几乎适应任何场合。时尚界称CC的首饰是淑女的叛逆。CC的设计理念是在任何时候能让任何装束成为完美。相继登上美国知名的时尚杂志如Lucky、ELLE和In Style等,并受到众多好莱坞名媛和女星的喜爱。Nichole Richie, The hills女星Lauren Corad,以及美国甜心Jessica Alba等都是CC SKYE爱用者。


Nicole Richi妮可·里奇

Mary Kate Olsen玛丽·凯特·奥尔森

Hilary Duff希拉里·达芙

Sienna Miller西耶娜·米勒

Paris Hilton帕丽斯·希尔顿

Misha Barton米沙·巴顿

Britney Spears小甜甜布兰妮

Ashlee Simpson艾希莉·辛普森

Courtney Love歌手科特妮·洛芙

Janet Jackson珍妮·杰克逊

Daryl Hannah达丽尔·汉纳

Cameron Diaz卡梅隆·迪亚兹

Jennifer Lopez珍妮佛·洛佩兹

Blake Lively布莱克·莱弗利


平面杂志:Lucky、ELLE、In Style、Allure Shape、In Touch




Angel Wing天使的翅膀项链



1、About the Brand


CC SKYE Based in Los Angeles, CC SKYE jewelry embraces true “IT Girl”style with gleaming gold hardware and a fashion-forward sensibility that has made her moniker line virtual wardrobe staples for super stylists and today‘s brightest stars. Nominated for Best New Accessory Designer by GEN ART, CC SKYE marries unpredictability and wearability in her eponymous collections. CC SKYE jewelry consistently creates the season must-haves that perfectly fuse uptown elegance with downtown edge.

在拉斯维加斯,CC SKYE牌子的珠宝被各类女孩所拥有。闪亮的金属配件和对时尚前沿的灵敏度使得CC SKYE女士的名字出现在超级设计师们和当下最红的明星身上。最新配件设计师GEN ART将CC SKYE的不可预见性和可穿着性共同收录在了与他齐名的收藏品当中。CC SKYE珠宝一贯坚持创新,她完美融合了高雅和尖锐。

CC SKYE first began designing clothing and jewelry in the back streets and bustling bazaars of Katmandu, Nepal while on a six-month study abroad. While abroad, she lived with a Shaman in the hills of the Himalayas while filming a documentary on Hindu and Buddhist worship. While her wardrobe overseas was well suited for hiking the Himalayas, CC SKYE- always a true LA Girl at heart craved a look off the pages of Vogue while living in her mud hut. “I traded in my hiking boots and began to make dresses with the help of local seamstresses. I was instantly transported to glamorous feelings of home, after six months of simple living. She added metal work and gems to her creative pursuits while abroad, “Getting out of the consumerist mentality of the West really helped me to slow down and make something rather than just go out and buy it. It was the first time I had ever used my hands for anything, explains CC.

CC SKYE女士开始设计衣服和首饰是在加德满都的街道和熙攘的市集,是她在尼泊尔出国留学时候。那段时间,她和一位僧人居住在喜马拉雅山一个丘陵上,那个地方是拍摄纪录片印度和佛教的崇敬的地方。她在国外的服装很适合在喜马拉雅山上远足,CC SKYE是一位地地道道的拉斯维加斯女孩,所以即使生活在泥土做的屋子里,她也脱离不开时尚。她开始买卖登山鞋并帮助当地的女裁缝制作衣服。六个也以后,她的屋子就焕然一新。她增加了一些金属加工和宝石加工的工作在她创造性的追求当中。“由于西方消费者主义的观念确实帮助我宁愿自己制作东西也不愿意出去买东西。这是第一次使我感觉到每一件东西都是经由我手而作出的。”CC说到。

After returning to Los Angeles, CC SKYE worked in identifying upcoming fashion trends for various trend predictives such as Louis Harris in Paris. She then went to work in music and fashion documentaries as an Associate Producer at MTV Networks and profiled the lives of fashion designers for the Style Network. It was during a hiatus in the television industry that she found herself in the jewelry district of downtown Los Angeles where she began to work with a local craftsman who taught her the trade, much like the locals in the Himalayas. One summer later, CC SKYE jewelry was born. CC SKYE jewelry is available in over 800 stores around the world. The Collection is represented by the esteemed Cynthia Company Showroom in New York and Los Angeles. CC SKYE currently lives in Malibu,California.

之后回到拉斯维加斯,CC SKYE进入到像巴黎的Louis Harris一样,识别未来流行趋势的预测工作中。她在MTV网络音乐和时尚纪录片中担任助理制片人,在时尚网络评论时尚设计师的生活。在空余时间,她发现拉斯维加斯市中心的珠宝地区,她开始和当地的手艺人一起工作并学习贸易,就像喜马拉雅山的当地人一样。之后的一个夏天,CC SKYE珠宝诞生了。CC SKYE珠宝出现在全球超过800个商店中。这个代表着月之女神的收藏品被放在纽约和拉斯维加斯的公司陈列室里。CC SKYE现在生活在加利福尼亚的马里布。

2、Jewelry Trends for Fall and Winter: Rocker Chic


This season's rising jewelry trend follows the path of 'go big or go home'. We’ve been seeing a lot of statement jewelry with big and chunky rings and necklaces, not to mention combining various bangles for a more edgy look, demonstrated in Avril Lavigne’s style. This season, the chunky jewelry trend has remained but slightly shifted to a more edgy style; displaying chiseled, severe, and angular edges.

本季流行珠宝趋势紧随“外观夸张化”,我们已然从珠宝清单上看到若干厚重款的戒指和项链,更不必说那些外观锋利的手镯的融入。Avril Lavigne的风格就是一个很好的说明。这一季,厚重型珠宝的流行趋势不仅包括将外形的柔美锋锐化,也展现了对刚猛、尖锐的向往。

A popular collection sporting this trend is Nicole Richie’s line, House of Harlow. She designs many spectacular pieces that are significantly different from everyday jewelry; like the Triangle Armor Five Station Necklace, and one of my favorites, Triple Arrowhead Ring. The House of Harlow collection holds really exciting and thrilling pieces that soon everyone will be craving.

一款实践这种流行趋势的当红珠宝系列就是Nicole Richie旗下的House of Harlow,她设计了众多震撼人心的款式,每一款珠宝都影射了其不同的意义,比如像三角盔甲五方站项链以及我最钟爱的一款三角箭头戒指。House of Harlow这些令人兴奋不已的饰品就是有着使人深陷其中的魔力。

We see another dimension of this edgy trend through bangles and cuffs. The idea of combining different chunky bracelets is always a funky way to go, especially if you add in one of Pamela Love’s sharp creations, like her Resin Tribal Spike Cuff. Or for a slightly more 'rocker' look, the CC SKYE leather studded cuff as seen in the image above.

我们还可以透过手镯和护腕了解到这种锋锐趋势的另一种维度。将各种款式的厚重型手镯堆叠在一起也是一个流行的标榜。你尤其不能错过的是在腕上的手镯间增加一款Pamela Love的锋锐款产品,比如她的那款松香部落铆钉手镯。亦或是外形朋克却不失优雅姿态,多采用皮革质地的CC SKYE手镯。

Although silver is timeless and truly an endless classic for jewelry, gold has also made a jumping comeback in pursue of this new ‘rocker-chic’ trend. These jewelry pieces are fun to wear and ultimately make the decision of what jewelry to wear easy. Often with statement jewelry you just need that one iconic piece and your outfit is complete, if you try adding too much it might start to take away the essence of each piece, revealing a cluttered, obnoxious look.






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