

词条 BEI Sensors


BEI Sensors 是有BEI Duncann电子和BEI Ideacod在2010年合并而成的。BEISensors长期服务于工业、军事/航天以及交通运输市场,提供全面的产品系列、工程专业技术,以及无可比拟的产品支持和客户服务。BEI Sensors专于恶劣环境下的可靠位置传感产品,不仅可为全球用户提供各类标准化产品,而且可为各类极具挑战性的应用提供完全定制化的解决方案。

在经验丰富的客服团队的支持下,BEI Sensors提供最为优质的产品售前和售后服务,并深受全球用户的好评。每一名在BEI Sensors工作的员工都为同一个目标而努力——致力于为各行业生产最好的产品,提供最好的服务。

BEI Sensors全面的产品系列,包括旋转式及线性位置传感器、电位计(绕线型,传导塑料以及混合型)、霍尔效应传感器、绝对值和增量式编码器、面板控制器、电子接口模块、无线模块以及多种产品附件。

BEI Sensors 是CST的一个品牌,为工业军事/航空航天和交通运输市场,提供广泛的产品线,工程专业知识和无与伦比的产品支持。


BEI Sensors was formed in 2010 as a merger between BEI IndustrialEncoders, BEI Duncan Electronics and BEI Ideacod. Serving the industrial,military/aerospace and transportation markets, BEI Sensors utilizes 'The Powerof 3' expert divisions, providing an extensive product line, engineeringexpertise and unparalleled product support. Specializing in reliable positionsensing products for harsh environments, BEI Sensors can supply a range ofproducts from standard off-the-shelf products to completely customizedsolutions for any challenging application. The comprehensive product lineincludes rotary and linear position sensors, potentiometers (wirewound,conductive plastic and hybrid), Hall Effect sensors, absolute and incrementalencoders, panel controls, electronic interface modules, wireless modules, and avariety of product accessories. Specialized products for harsh environmentsinclude those certified for hazardous area use, wash-down environments andextreme operating temperatures.

BEI Sensors' experienced customer service staff offers some of the mosthighly rated pre and post sale service in the industry. The order departmentcan get you answers on pricing and availability, order status, or help youorder a unit that will meet your exact requirements. Our highly trainedapplication specialists are available to help with your technical needs -whether you need assistance with an interface issue or would like help crossingover a competitor part number. We provide this high level of service to anactive customer base of thousands of companies. Everyone at BEI Sensors workstoward a common goal - to produce the best products and deliver the bestcustomer service found anywhere.)

BEI Sensors和CST

BEI Sensors是Custom Sensors & Technologies (CST)旗下的一个品牌。

Custom Sensors & Technologies(CST)―意为“定制传感与技术”-,是传感,控制以及电机等领域的专家,为关键系统提供定制化的,可靠并高效的元件。


CST旗下品牌有BEI Kimco,BEI Sensors,BEI PSSC,Crouzet(高诺斯),Crydom(快达),Newall,Kavlico(凯维力科)以及Systron Donner,并在全球拥有12个生产基地。(原文:Custom Sensors & Technologies (CST) is a specialist insensing, control and motion products. Through its brands, BEI Kimco, BEISensors, BEI PSSC, Crouzet, Crydom, Kavlico, Newall and Systron DonnerInertial, CST offers customizable, reliable and efficient components formission-critical systems in Aerospace & Defense, Transportation, Energy& Infrastructures, Commercial & Industrial OEMs, Medical, Food andBeverage and Building Equipment markets.

Focusedon premium value offers and committed to excellence, CST, with 4,700 employeesworldwide and sales of $660M US in 2011, is the dependable and adaptablepartner for the most demanding customers.)





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更新时间:2025/3/10 20:43:21