词条 | Barrons AP 物理B |
释义 | 图书信息出版社: 世界图书出版公司; 第1版 (2011年1月1日) 外文书名: Barron's AP Physics B 4th Edition 丛书名: 出国留学书系SAT、AP备考书系 平装: 509页 正文语种: 英语 开本: 16 ISBN: 9787506295239, 7506295237 条形码: 9787506295239 尺寸: 27.4 x 20.8 x 2 cm 重量: 962 g 作者简介作者:(美国)乔纳森(Jonathan.S.Wolf) 译者:余跃 内容简介《Barron's AP 物理B(第4版)(最新版)》内容简介:In this review book, you will be taught several strategies for making your learning and studying more efficient. these are skills that will always be useful and that you can apply across the curriculum for many different subjects. each topical review chapter contains ten multiple-choice questions that differ in variety, style, and level of difficulty. their purpose is to provide you with a balanced set of questions that test your level of understanding of the review material. some questions may be easier or more difficult than the actual ap physics b exam questions because, unlike the actual test, which covers a broad range of subjects, each chapter in this book deals with a specific topic. in addition to the multiple-choice questions there are free-response problems that also vary in difficulty. full solutions and explanations follow the questions. additional problem-solving strategies are also provided. 目录前言 介绍 摸底考试 学习策略 解物理题 AP物理B的解题策略 矢量 一维运动 二维运动 力和牛顿运动定律 功和能 碰撞和线动量 力矩和角动量 往复运动 引力 流体 热力学 静电学 电路 磁学 电磁感应 波和声音 光学 几何光学 量子论 原子 原子核 测试题 测试题1 测试题2 术语表 附录 索引 |
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