

词条 Aaron Antonio Vessup

Aaron Antonio Vessup, 中文名字为阿龙·安东尼奥·维萨普,出生于美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶,美国作家、教育家、诗人、摄影师、教育和文化顾问,演讲培训教师,多文化交流集团指导教师。他在美国从事高等教育事业30余年,曾被授予教育学奖,现任教于中国。阿龙·安东尼奥·维萨普多年从事不同文化和跨文化交流集团课题和减少沟通焦虑培训方面的专业研究,在人际关系学方面因其出色的民事领导才能被授予了马丁·路德·金人道主义奖。其制作和导演的伊利诺伊州《文化焦点》系列节目广受欢迎,并多次获得有线电视奖。阿龙先后出版了很多诗歌、文集等作品。


阿龙·安东尼奥· 维萨普人生阅历丰富,涉猎广泛,多才多艺,在很多领域取得了非凡的成就。他的一生既有家庭的烙印,也有美国社会和时代的痕迹,充满着传奇的色彩,并在很多领域有着引人注目的成就,曾先后出版了诗歌专著、文集、摄影集等。


Co-author of chapter:"Police Community and Communications" in Urban Communications: Survival in the City, Winthrop Publishers, 1972.USA

Symbolic Communications: Understanding Racial Stereotypes that Persist; Brethren Press, 1983. USA

Co-author of The Generic Speaker, Kendall-Hunt, 1985. USA

Mud Notes Singing, Fairway Press, 1990. USA

Themes From Libido, Group Communications Press, 1990. USA

Fires of Desire, Evanston Press, 1994. USA

You Can Control Speech-Anxiety, Brown and Benchmark, 1995. USA

Dos Espadas, Un Corazon, Cultures In Focus Intl., 2002

Bi-Lingual Reader- Spanish and English, USA

Collected Verses of Aaron A. Vessup, Milky Way Press, 2001

Bi-Lingual Reader- Chinese and English, USA

Beyond Cultural Anxieties: Tests of Character, Quests for Survival.

(Xan Edu Press Original Works 2004) USA

Songs For Confucius, Poetry and Photography (Chinese and English)

(Earth Culture Press, Chongqing, 2007 ) PRC

Making Cultural Adjustments: Dialogue to Harmony

(New Star Press, Beijing, 2009) PRC

Easy Talk-I for English Dialogue [popular colloquialisms & slang] a Chinese-English (2010)





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