

词条 2010英语专业4级考试全真试卷



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《2010英语专业4级考试全真试卷(2009.4-2000.4)》特色:1 收录2009~2000年十套英语专业四级最新全真试题,并根据2004年最新大纲优化改造试题,删除不考题型,增加新题型,改造原有题型。题目新,时效强,帮您感受最新命题特点,把握最新命题趋势,提升英专考试复习的效率和效果。2 由上海外国语大学英专考试命题中心名师精心解析,权威点评,为您提炼考点、夯实重点,梳理知识、点拨技巧,切实让您通过十套真题演练获得应试能力的大幅提高。3 所有阅读文章全部附有全文翻译,帮助您深化理解,提升阅读理解水平。4 听力部分所配MP3声音文件,清晰流畅,语速标准,让您真实感受考场气氛;既有完整版,又有分题型剪辑版,方便考生使用。5 网络免费下载最新真题及预测试题互动学习软件,为考前最后冲刺添油加劲!


Unlike Raoul, Mickey hadn't enclosed his own Christmas card from me. Ina way, I appreciated the directness. "I know you don't care how merry my Christmas is, and that's fine,"the gesture said. "I want $ 30, or I'll 'forget' to empty your garbage bin some hot summer day. "

I put a check in the envelope and taped it back to the bin. The next morning, Ed noticed that theenvelope was gone, though the trash hadn't yet been picked up: "Someone stole Mickey's tip!" Ed wasquite certain. He made me call the bank and cancel the check.

But Ed had been wrong. Two weeks later, Mickey left a letter from the bank on our steps. The letterinformed Mickey that the check, which he had tried to cash, had been cancelled. The following Tuesdaymorning, when Ed saw a truck outside, he ran out with his wallet. "Are you Mickey?"

The man looked at him with scorn. "Mickey is the garbageman. I am the recycling. " Not only hadEd insulted this man by hinting that he was a garbageman, but he had obviously neglected to tip him. Edran back inside for more funds. Then he noticed that the driver of the truck had been watching the wholetransaction. He peeled off another twenty and looked around, waving bills in the air. "Anyone else?"

Had we consulted the website of the Emily Post Institute, this embarrassing breach of etiquette could have been avoided. Under "trash/recycling collectors" in the institute's Holiday Tipping Guide-lines, it says: " $ 10 to $ 30 each. " You may or may not wish to know that your pet groomer,hairdresser, mailman and UPS guy all expect a holiday tip.





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