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释义 | 云南牦牛影像工作室 YunnanYak Video Workshop ——西南地区目前唯一在日本东京影像节TVF比赛中获得“佳作奖”的纪录片创作团队 ——Currently the only creative team of documentary in Southwest that won the "Masterpiece Award" in Tokyo Video Festival (TVF), Japan. ——创建于2005年12月的云南牦牛影像工作室,是云南籍独立影视制作人、中国摄影家协会会员张志刚先生在从事专业摄影26年、专业电视拍摄制作16年的基础上,厚积薄发的艺术追求。 Founded in the December 2005, Yunnan Yak Video Studio is the artistic crystallization of Mr. Zhang Zhigang, an independent film producer from Yunnan, who has engaged in professional photography and TV film for 26 and 16 years respectively. ——工作室主要业务—— ——Main Business Scope of the Studio—— 云南牦牛影像工作室拥有一支宣传策划能力和项目执行能力较强的专业团队,从宣传创意、项目策划、文案创作到影视拍摄、后期制作等实行高效率的一条龙服务,具备为各类客户进行专业策划、摄录、编辑和制作各类高清电视或数字电影格式的广告宣传片、政论片、MV等影视作品的能力。 Having a professional contingent with strong promoting and planning and project implementation capacities, the studio offers an efficient coordinated service, ranging from creativity promotion, project planning and copy creation to video filming, post production, etc. Besides, the studio is capable of providing professional planning, recording, editing as well as production of various types of television advertising films, television publicist films, music television videos (MTV) and other TV programs for all sorts of clients. @旅游宣传片 @ Tourism Promotional Video 从2007年10月开始,工作室与云南省旅游局合作,开始系统拍摄云南题材的高清旅游宣传片。目前已制作完成云南省楚雄彝族自治州高清旅游宣传片《楚雄好地方》及楚雄州9县1市的HDV旅游宣传片、云南省曲靖市的高清旅游宣传片《梦幻之源 多彩曲靖》;云南省瑞丽市的高清旅游宣传片《有一个美丽的地方》,以及云南楚雄彝人古镇、石羊古镇的旅游地产高清宣传片等。 Starting from October 2007, the studio began to systematically film a Yunnan-themed travel video of high-definition in cooperation with the Yunnan provincial Tourism Administration. Presently, it has accomplished many travel videos of high-definition, namely, the tourism promotional video “Travel to Miyilu Folk-custom Valley” of Nanhua country, Chuxiong Yi Nationality Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan, HD promotional video “Fairyland Santan” for the scenery spot Dayao country in Chuxiong prefecture, promotional video “Such a beautiful place as Chuxiong”, HDV video of the nine counties and one city in Chuxiong, tourism video “the Origin of Dream, the Colorful Qujing” of Qujing city, and promotional videos of ancient towns in Yunnan. 2007年12月,工作室为西藏旅游新热点——昌都地区八宿县策划并制作了一系列的宣传产品,其中包括画册《八宿神韵》以及三部宣传片——旅游宣传片《藏东八宿》、县情介绍片《前进的八宿希望的热土》、汇报纪录片《索桥上的村落》,这些产品均受到客户的好评,画册和旅游宣传片已于2008年6月正式出版发行。 In December 2007, the studio planned and produced a series of promotional products for Paksho, Qamdo Prefecture,a new hot spot for tourism in Tibet, including the album, "Paksho Charm" as well as three videos ----tourism promotional video " Paksho in eastern Tibet”, a video which introduced the situation of Paksho, “Progressing Paksho , the Land of Hope”, a reporting documentary" Suspending Village on the Bridge”. All of these products are well received by customers. The album and tourism promotional videos were officially published in June 2008. Shooting in Paksho, Qamdo, Tibet @音乐电视 MV 2010年7月开始,工作室经过竞标,与云南著名的音乐文化创作机构“红土情音乐艺术工作室”合作,担纲摄制音乐电视宣传片《和谐迪庆》(暂名)。 2009年3月至9月,工作室为云南省楚雄州禄丰县中村乡策划制作了高清MV音乐电视《中村之恋》。该片前期拍摄跨越三个季节,剧组用半年的时间,前后动用演员100多人次,对中村乡的宣传资源进行了系统的发掘。这首MV以动听的音乐、动人的故事和优美的风景,营造了唯美的意境,较好地宣传了当地的自然风景、人文风情、经济资源和旅游景区景点等,成为将地方宣传片艺术化的成功作品。 In 2009, from March to September, the studio planed and produced an HD MV, “Love in the country”, for Zhongcun, Lufeng country, Chuxiong prefecture, Tibet. It took three seasons to accomplish the early stage. Moreover, the crew took half a year to mobilize over 100 actors for a systematic exploration of the advocacy resources of Zhongcun. The pleasant music, moving stories and beautiful scenery in the MTV have created a charming mood. Besides, they have better disseminated the natural local landscape, cultural customs, economic resources, and tourism scenic spot and so on. Due to these merits, this MTV became a successful work of artistic local commercials. @商业宣传片Promotional Commercials 工作室摄制作了昆明人民广播电台汽车广播FM954的开播宣传片《我们在路上》、中国北海海宝堂生物科技有限公司宣传片《风生水起北部湾》以及中国大地保险云南分公司和中国摄影家协会五大媒体联谊会的会务宣传片等,均得到了客户的好评。 Many of the studio’s works are well received by customers. For instance, the broadcasting commercial “We’ re on the road” for the car radio FM954 of Kunming People’s Broadcasting station, the commercial “Seeking for Beibu Gulf” for Beihai Haibaotang Biotechnology Co., Ltd. in China, as well as the promotional video for the branch company of CCTC Yunnan branch and the five major media gathering meeting of China’s Photo Association. @政论片Publicist Film 在祖国60年华诞之际,工作室拍摄制作了中国人民解放军77223部队的50年旅史政论纪录片,以严谨的工作态度和过硬的专业素质,获得了被拍摄对象的首肯。 2010年,工作室为怒江州兰坪县策划拍摄了环保治污汇报片和“十二五”规划汇报片等,以良好的专业素质赢得客户的赞誉。 On the 60th anniversary of China, the studio has produced a publicist documentary about the 50 years history of 77223 troops of People’s Liberation Army. For its rigorous working attitude and excellent professional qualities, the studio has gained substantial approval from the objects being photographed. @纪录片 Documentary 工作室多年坚持纪录片创作。 2006年底,张志刚先生拍摄制作的风光纪录片《绒赞卡瓦格博》获得中央电视台法制频道《平安中国》全国影像大赛DV作品“视觉效果奖”。第29届JVC日本东京国际影像节,《绒赞卡瓦格博》首先在该影像节中国华北赛区获得三等奖,然后从来自55个国家的3491件作品中脱颖而出,获得大赛“入围奖”国际组第三名。2007年,旅游风光纪录片《神圣的雪山》入围2007平遥国际DV影像艺术展展映单元。2007年12月,工作室以短纪录片《伊利斯在泸沽湖》在“2007JVC观影节”上获得“优秀作品奖”。 The studio sticks to documentary creation for many years . By the end of 2006, the scenery documentary, “The Great Mountain of Kawagebo” produced by Mr. Zhang zhigang, won “Visual Effects Award” in ‘Green China” National Video Competition held by the legal system channel of CCTV. In the 29th JVC Tokyo International Video Festival, the documentary won the Third Prize in Huabei venue,China, and then standing out from 3491 pieces of works from 55 countries, won the third in the“Entry Prize” of the International Division. In 2007, the tourism scenery documentary “ScaredMountain” was included as a frontier unit in the Pingyao International DV Art Exhibition. In December 2007, the short documentary “Elis in the LuguLake” won the studio the“Outstanding Award” in the 2007 JVC Moviegoing Festival. (左一为《数码影像时代》主编吕尚伟,右一为《大众DV》主编吴砚华,右二为张志刚) (The first one on the left is Mr. Lv Shangwei, editor in chief of Digital Video Times Magazine. The first one on the right is Wu Yanhua, editor in chief of Popular Digital Video. The second one on the right is Mr. Zhang Zhigang.) ——工作室主创人员—— ——Production Team of the Studio—— @主创:张志刚 @Creator in chief: Zhang Zhigang 中国摄影家协会会员、云南旅游摄影协会副主席、云南民俗摄影协会理事。 从事专业摄影26年、专业电视拍摄制作16年。 Mr. Zhang Zhigang, an independent film and TV producer from Yunnan province, has engaged in professional photography and TV film production for 26 and 16 years respectively. 张志刚热爱家乡云南以及祖国西部的自然风光和民俗文化。香格里拉、滇东北大山包自然保护区等是他常年关注的创作基地,他的摄影作品也曾多次获得国内和省内的各类奖项。从2002年开始,他独立拍摄制作的电视风光纪录片《神山下的婚礼》、《朝圣之路》等表现云南少数民族风土人情的作品,入选“云之南国际纪录片节”展映单元,陆续在上海东方卫视、云南电视台等播出。 Mr. Zhang Zhigang adores very much his hometown Yunnan as well as the natural scenery and folk culture of western China. Shangri-La and Dashangbao Nature Reserve in northeastern Yunnan are the perennial concerns of his creative bases. His photographic works have won various national and provincial awards. From 2002, he began to independently film some TV scenery documentaries displaying the local customs of Yunnan ethnic minorities. His works of this period like “Wedding under Kamiyama”, and “The Way to the Lord” were chosen as a frontier unit in Yunnan Multi Culture Visual Festival and were presented in succession on Shanghai Dragon TV and Yunnan TV. 张志刚的作品还有:2002年4月制作的系列音乐风光片《腾越放歌》。2003年在凤凰卫视播放的纪录片《揭秘金三角.走进秘境瓦邦》等。2009年2月,张志刚代表工作室应日本东京电视台旅游频道邀请,与导演大野清司合作,在云南红河州各县进行了历时一个月的拍摄,制作了云南美食题材的旅游宣传片。2009年9月,张志刚代表工作室与隶属国务院新闻办公室的五洲传播中心(五洲传播出版社)合作,担纲拍摄建国60周年献礼外宣电视系列片《美丽的地方》之《八宿:藏东净地》。 The other works of Mr. Zhang Zhigang include: a series of musical scenery film “Singing and Dancing” produced in April 2002; the documentary broadcasted on Phoenix TV in 2003 “Unveil the Golden Triangle: Walking into the Fairyland Wabang”. In February 2009, on invitation of TBS, Mr. Zhang Zhigang had produced a tourism promotional video on the theme of Yunnan cuisine in cooperation with Director Kiyoshi Ono after a month shot in the Red River counties in Yunnan. In September 2009, in cooperation with CLCC which is subject to the Information Office of the State Council, Mr. Zhang Zhigang had filmed a video “Basu: A Fairyland in East Tibet”, one piece among the foreign propaganda TV series “Beautiful Land” for the 60 anniversary. 从2006年初开始,张志刚与日本佳能公司中国总部合作,开始高清格式的电视片拍摄和制作。并以其较高的艺术水平和专业的技术能力,成为佳能中国地区高清影像技术推广的主要力量之一。 From the beginning of 2006, in cooperation with the Chinese headquarter of Canon INC, Mr. Zhang Zhigang started to film and produce videos of high-definition. With its high artistic level and professional techniques, the studio became one of the major driving forces in promoting high-definition techniques of Canon INC in China. 高清HDV的拍摄制作在国内业界方兴未艾,张志刚擅于总结实践成果,不断撰写技术理论文章,成为国内专业杂志《数码影像时代》和《大众DV》的撰稿人,在国内业界拥有一定知名度。 HDV high-definition filming production is just unfolding in the domestic industry. Being good at summing up the fruits of practices and constantly writing articles of technical theory, Mr. Zhang Zhigang became a copywriter for the domestic professional journals “Digital Video Times Magazine” and “Popular DV”, and he enjoyed certain popularity in China. 在云南摄影界,张志刚被称为“微型车旅行家”。十多年来,他自驾排量不到1.0升的长安微型车跑遍了中国2/3的地方和云南省大多数少数民族聚居的县市,拍摄了大量的摄影作品和影像素材。1999年至2010年间,他十四次自驾微型车进藏,3次成功完成跨越西部9省区(内蒙、宁夏、山西除外)的“西部大回环”之旅,两次无后援成功穿越阿里高原无人区。Zhang Zhigang is called “a mini-car traveler” in Yunnan photographic industry. For over a decade, he has drove through two thirds of our country and many counties and cities inhabited by minority nationalities in Yunnan by a Chang’an mini-car of less than 1.0 liters’ gas volume. He had filmed a large number of photographs and video materials during these years. From 1999 to 2010, he has driven into Tibet by a mini-car for 14 times, with three times successfully finished “the Round-about Trip to West” of nine provinces (Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Shanxi aside), two times successfully across the no-man-land of Ali plateau without any backup. 因此,张志刚本人陆续成为《云南日报》、《春城晚报》、《都市时报》、《生活新报》、《云南法制报》、《大观周刊》、《车与人》,《西藏商报》等报刊杂志记者的采访对象。云南电视台《晚间新闻》栏目、昆明电视台《人物》栏目、昆明教育电视台,以及云南广播电台“交通旅游广播”、“香格里拉之声”、“经济生活”频道、昆明电台《都市调频》等,都曾制作播出关于张志刚的专访节目。 Therefore, he has gradually been interviewed by many magazines, namely, “Yunnan Daily”, “Spring City Evening Paper”, “City Times”, “Life News”, “Yunnan Legal Daily”, “Grand Week”, “Car and Driver”, and “Tibet Daily”. What’s more, he has been invited to many interview programs, like Yunnan TV “Evening News” section, Kunming TV “People” column, as well as “Traffic Travel broadcasting”, “Shangri-La’s Voice”, and “Economic life” channel of Yunnan radio station, and “City FM” of Kunming station, etc.. @创意总监:杨耀祖(特邀) @Creative Director: Yang Yaozu (invited) 北京电影学院教授,北京电影学院影视中心视频科高级剪辑师( 艺术一级),中国电影剪辑学会会员、中国电影电视技术学会会员。 Professor of Beijing Film Academy, Senior video editor (Art Grade 1) of Beijing Film Center, Member of China Society of Film Clips and China Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers. 1980年至今一直从事电影、电视教学工作,教授影视制作及剪辑 课程。1994年获第十五届全国电视剧“飞天奖”优秀剪辑奖。 Since 1980, Mr. Yang has engaged in film and television teaching. He taught courses like film and television production and editing. In 1994, he won the fifteenth national television series “Flying Goddess Award’ for excellence. 主要作品:1995年,电视剧《宰相刘罗锅》获“金鹰奖”长篇一 等奖;2000年,电视剧《钢铁是怎样炼成的》获“飞天奖”最佳故事片 一等奖,“金鹰奖”最佳长篇电视剧奖。2007年,电视剧《亮剑》获第 26届《飞天奖》长篇电视剧一等奖。2007年,电视剧《雪域情》获第 26届《飞天奖》短篇电视剧二等奖。 Major works: in 1995, TV series “Prime Minister Humpbacked Liu” won the “Golden Falcon Award” lengthy first prize; in 2000, TV series “The Making of Hero” won the “Flying Goddess Award” for first prize of Best Feature Picture, and the “Golden Falcon Award” for Best Full-length Drama; in 2007, TV series “Liang Jian” won the 26 “Flying Goddess Award” for first prize of full-length drama, and TV series “Snowy Love” won the 26 “Flying Goddess Award” for second prize of short drama. 收视率较高,影响较大的作品有:1997年,电视剧《日落紫 禁城》,2001年 电视剧《大宅门》(我国第一部高清晰度电视剧)。2003 年,电视剧《大宅门-续集》。2004年,电视剧《十天十夜》。2007年, 电视剧《亮剑》等。 Works of high target ratings and greater impact: TV series “Sunset in the Forbidden City’ in 1997, TV series “Big Family” in 2001 (the first high-definition TV drama in China), TV series “Big Family Ⅱ”in 2003, TV series “10 days 10 nights” in 2004, TV series “Liang Jian” in 2007 and so on. 策划、编导:李文静 @Planning Executive& Television Producer: Li Wenjing 云南旅游摄影协会理事、云南民俗摄影协会会员,传播学硕士。 Li Wenjing is member of Yunnan Folk Photographers Association. And in 2006, she graduated as a postgraduate majoring Film and Television Communication Science from the same department and was granted a master’s degree in Communication Science. 李文静于1998年至2005年在云南日报报业集团任编辑记者,其间撰写了400余篇时政、人文等方面的采访文章,并多次获得国家、省、市新闻奖。2006年9月至2007年8月,李文静以“黎婧雯”为笔名,调任《云南自驾车旅游》杂志任执行主编,期间共主编出版三期杂志,策划执行了《开辆小车去西藏》和《川滇藏大香格里拉自驾攻略》等大型采访活动。 2007年以来,陆续担任20余部电视宣传片的策划撰稿和编导后期等工作。连续6年、8次进藏拍摄,有丰富的高原外景工作经验。 She was a journalist of Yunnan Daily Press Group from 1998 to 2005. During this period, she had written more than 400 interviewing articles about tourism and customs of Yunnan, and she had won many national, provincial, and municipal Journalism Awards. From September 2006 to August 2007, she was transferred to Self-driving Tour magazine as an executive editor under the pseudonym Li Jingwen. During this period, she had edited and published three magazines, planned and executed several large-scale news gathering activities like “Driving a Car to Tibet”, “Elegant Southeastern Yunnan----Beauties Enjoy a Private Driving Tour”, and “A Guide to self-drive to Sichuan, Yunnan, and Shangri-La”, and so on. ——工作室设备力量—— ——Equipment Advantage of the Studio—— 工作室拥有数台先进的佳能数字高清摄像机(HDV)及数套高清影视后期编辑系统,并与佳能中国公司、中科大洋公司和北京雷特公司就摄影摄像器材和高清影视系列后期编辑产品展开长期战略合作。 The studio is equipped with several sets of advanced high-definition Canon digital camera of (HDV) and high-definition video post-editing systems. Besides, it has launched a long-term strategic cooperation with Canon (China) Inc and Dayang Technology Development Inc on photographic equipment and “ME” series of post-editing products. EDIUS 6.0 高清后期编辑系统之一 在辅助设备方面,工作室配备10米电影大摇臂、3米电视小摇臂;12米电影轨道;小斯坦尼康(拍摄稳定器);成套影视灯光、成套录音设备等,能满足多种拍摄需要。 As to the auxiliary equipment, the studio is equipped with 10-meter movie arm, 3-meter short TV arm, 12 meters film track, small steadicam (film stabilizers), sets of film and television lighting, and recording equipment, etc., which are able to meet a variety of shooting necessities. |
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