词条 | 自学英语 |
释义 | 简介《自学英语》是张道真教授在继《电视英语》之后出版的一套基础英语学习教材。其主要特点是从最基本的字母和语音知识开始,循序渐进地进行讲解;教学内容简单易懂,课文短小精悍,词序编排合理,强调口语化,容易背诵。本册包含1200多词汇,学完后可以打下英语学习的初步基础。 目前整套图书包括四本,这套教材循序渐进,按不同学习水平和深度分为四册。 作者张道真教授 1947年毕业于南京大学(即中央大学)外语系。1948年春赴美留学,先就读于华盛顿大学英国文学系,1949年转往哈佛大学读比较文学。1950年响应周总理号召回国参加建设,在北京外国语学院任教至1996年退休。后应邀赴深圳大学任校长顾问。1990年赴美,在美国定居,潜心于英语教学的改革研究,2000年冬返回深圳。主要著作有《实用英语语法》、 《现代英语用法词典》、《常用英语动词词典》、《电视英语》、《初级电视英郡、《图解儿童英汉词典》、《初级英语词典》,近期将出版《中级英语词典》、《高级英语词典》及《简明英语语法》等。译著有《包法利夫人》、《瘸腿魔鬼》、《乡下佬》以及《十九世纪文学主流》等。 特点这套书有下面主要特点: 1、课文短小精悍:一般一二十行,生词约为十一二个。文字尽量口语化。要尽量做到大部分都能背下来。只有把课文背熟,生词才能记住,语法也才能巩固。要反复背,定期复习,课文背得愈熟,基础打得愈好。 2、内容反映现代生活,包括常用的现代词汇,学了就能用,所学词汇可表述现代生活的方方面面,强调语言材料的实用性。 3、注意口语练习:每课除有对话练习、句型练习、问答等之外,还有附录中的口语练习。练习除了起复习巩固的作用外,还可打好初步口语基础,必要时可干一些初级的口语工作。 4、配有录音资料,便利学员自学,同时保证发展正确的语音、语调,为发展全面的语言能力打好基础。录音要反复地跟,务使自己有正确的语音语调。 5、每课有详细的辅导材料,包括课文译文,课文注释,语法讲解,语音说明,练习答案,以利自学。 6、有丰富的附录,主要包括练习及复习材料,各类读物(包括儿歌、小诗,故事等)来发展阅读能力,并巩固所学内容。本书可说是精泛并举。 这套教材是为英语自学者设计的,对职称考试、就业应聘及其他英语学习者也有很强的普适性、针对性,同时对在校大中小学生及教师的英语学习或数学也具有参考价值。于于学习这套书要用多少时间可以因人而异。如果中学毕业生、在家待业,时间比较充裕,一年学完四本也是可能的。如中学英语没基础,这四本书可细水长流地学,学三四年也可以。 图书信息图书分为四册,各自的主要特点如下所示: 第一册:包含1200多词汇和最基本的语法,学完后可以打好语言的初步基础。 第二册:也包含1200多词汇和主要的语法项目,学完后可以看多种简写读物。此时英语已接近中学毕业水平。 第三册:也包含1200多新词,主要语法项目都已学到,学完可以看浅易原著,相当于大学公共英语一年级水平。 第四册:积累词汇约为5000,加上读物中出现的词,可能有6000词汇,接近公共英语二年级水平,能看多种知识性阅读材料,经过一段熟悉过程,可以看所学专业材料。 自学英语第一册本书从最基本的字母和语音知识开始,循序渐进地进行讲解;教学内容简单易懂,课文短小精悍,词序编排合理,强调口语化,容易背诵。本册包含1200多词汇,学完后可以打下英语学习的初步基础。 书名 自学英语(大众版)第一册(附MP3光盘) ISBN 9787801904669 出版社 社科文献出版社 定价 25.0元 出版日期 2005-1-1 目录: Lesson 1: The English Alphabet Tonal Practice Exercises 辅导材料 Lesson 2: Pattern Drill (This is..., Is this..., etc. Talk About Pictures Exercises 辅导材料 Lesson 3: Pattern Drill (What are..., What colour is..., etc. ) Talk About Pictures Exercises (vowel sound [e]) 辅导材料 Lesson 4: Text A: My Room Text B: Our Classroom Pattern Drill (There is, There are, etc. ) Exercises ( vowel sound [a]) 辅导材料 Lesson 5: Text A: A Little Girl Text B: Brother and Sister Talk About Pictures (verb to have, can) Exercises ( vowel sound [i] ) 辅导材料 Lesson 6: Text A: Tom and Mary Text B: The Greens Pattern Drills (How old is... , etc. ) Talk About Pictures Exercises (vowel sound [v]; nuinerals) 辅导材料 Lesson 7: Text A: A Picture of My Family Text B: Nancy's Family Pattern Drill ( Who is..., Where is... from, etc. ) Talk About Pictures Exercises ( vowel sound [A]; verb tO be) 辅导材料 Lesson 8: Text A: My Foreign Friends Text B: Diana and Koji Pattern Drill (Who is..., What is .... Where is..., etc. ) Talk About Pictures Exercises (Vowel sound [ei], Good morning, etc. ) 辅导材料 Lesson 9: Text A: Nancy's Apartment/ Text B: Our Living Room Pattern Drills (verb to be, There is... , There are..., etc. ) Talk About a Picture Exercises (vowel sound [i:]; Mrs. Smith's Living Room) 辅导材料 Lesson 10: Text A: Our House Text B: A New House Pattern Drills ( There is .... There are... , etc. ) Talk About a Picture Exercises (vowel sound [ail; a dialogue) 辅导材料 Lesson 11: Text A: The Week Text B: The Seasons Pattern Drill ( It's cold, etc. ) Talk About a Picture Exercises (vowel sound [ou]; dates; James Anderson's New House) 辅导材料 Lesson 12: Text A: Peter Smith Text B: Betty Pattern Drills (Where does..., What time do..., etc. ) Talk About Pictures Exercises (vowel sounds [u], [u:], [ju:]; two dialogues) 辅导材料 Lesson 13: Text A: Carla Text B: Kelly Hall Questions and Answers (verb to do) Talk About Pictures Grammar: Parts of Speech Exercises (vowel sounds [u:], [~:], [o:]; What time is it? Mrs. Watson) 辅导材料 Lesson 14: Text A: Anna Text B: The Gomez Family Questions and Answers (the Simple Present Tense) Talk About Pictures Exercises ( vowel sounds [ au ], [ a ], [ eo ]; the plural forms of nouns; Mr. and Mrs. White) 辅导材料 Lesson 15: Text A: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Text B: American Meals Questions and Answers (the Simple Present Tense) Talk About a Menu Grammar: The Simple Present Tense Exercises (consonants [], [], [tS], [d]; a dialogue) 辅导材料 Lesson 16: Text A. The Dawsons Text B. The Clarks Questions and Answers (the Simple Present) Talk About the Picture Exercises ( III, [, and some other consonants; the Sawyers) 辅导材料 Lesson 17: Text A: In the Classroom Text B: Cleaning the Classroom Questions and Answers (the Present Continuous) Talk About Pictures Grammar: the Present Continuous Tense Exercises (some consonant sounds; the Sawyers) 辅导材料 Lesson 18: Text A: On the Sportsground Text B: Sports Questions and Answers Talk About Pictures (the Present Continuous) Exercises (Learn to read transcriptions; the - ing forms of verbs; a dialogue) 辅导材料 Lesson 19: Text A: The Summer Palace Text B: Sunday in the Park Questions and Answers , Talk About Pictures (the Present Continuous) Exercises (plural endings; the Black Family) 辅导材料 Lesson 20: Text A: A Fine Day Text B: Free Activity Hour Questions and Answers (the two tenses) Talk About Pictures Pronunciation: Word Stress Exercises ( words in transcription; the - ing forms of verbs; Rod Watson) 辅导材料 Lesson 21: Text A: A Letter Text B: Mr. Patterson Questions and Answers Talk About Pictures Grammar: The going to Construction/ Exercises (Comparison of vowels; be going to construction; a dialogue) 辅导材料 Lesson 22: Text A: Our City Text B: Hammersville Questions and Answers Talk About A City Exercises ( Comparison of vowels; review of tenses; Monday Through Friday) 辅导材料 Lesson 23: Text A: A Letter From Paris Text B: A Letter From London Questions and Answers Pattern Drill Exercises (Comparison of vowels; some rules of reading; a dialogue) 辅导材料 Lesson 24: Text A: New York City Text B: London Questions and Answers Pattern Drill Exercises (More rules of reading; self-pronouns; Marion Lake) 辅导材料 自学英语第二册本册讲授了英语的主要语法项目。在附录中,张教授亲自提示学习者练习正确的读音,还强调了复述的重要性。其内容反映现代生活的方方面面,实用性强。本册包含1200多词汇,学完后可以看英文简写读物,可从事一些初级口语工作。 书名 自学英语(大众版)第二册(附MP3光盘) ISBN 9787801904676 出版社 社科文献出版社 定价 25.0元 出版日期 2005-1-1 目录: Lesson 1: Text A: The Millers Text B: Nancy and Peter Questions and Answers Conversation: Talk about the weather Exercises(More rules of reading, review of tenses, the Dawsons) 辅导材料 Lesson 2: Text A: Christmas Text B: Christmas Day Questions and Answers Conversation: Talk about Holidays Exercises(More rules of reading,special questions, Americans) 辅导材料 Lesson 3: Text A: A Lette Text B: Travel Arrangements Questions and Answers 自学英语第三册本册阅读材料难度有所加大,句型结构进入复杂阶段,但因材料多取材于古典名著或现代生活的实例,学习者仍可以在感受了解西方文化的环境中轻松学习活生生的现代英语。本册仍包含1200多词汇,学完后可以阅读浅易原著。书名 自学英语(大众版)第三册(附MP3光盘) ISBN 9787801904683 出版社 社科文献出版社 定价 25.0元 出版日期 2005-3-1 Lesson 1: Text A: Paris Text B: New York City Conversation: At a Hotel Grammar: Attributive Clauses Exercises (Attributive clauses, retelling, translation) 辅导材料 Lesson 2: Text A: A Visit to London Text B: A Visit to Washington D.C. Conversation: Driving Round Washington D.C. Grammar: Relative Pronouns and Relative Adverbs Exercises (Attributive clauses, so that, etc.) 辅导材料 Lesson 3: Text A: The English Language Text B: Two Languages Or One? Conversation: Oral Examination Grammar: Restrictive and Non?Restrictive Attributive Clauses Exercises (Attributive clauses, word-building, etc.) 辅导材料 Lesson 4: Text A: Our Memory Text B: Learning a Language Conversation: English Studies Grammar: The Relative what Exercises (Relative what, used to, unless, etc.) 辅导材料 Lesson 5: Text A: A Wedding Text B: Attending a Wedding Conversatio 自学英语第四册本册配有注释、译文、语音说明、语法讲解和练习答案,内容既反映当代科技,也反映了英美文化和社会生活的侧面,涉及面广而取材精炼,词汇达6000多个,学习者学完后可以阅读各种知识材料。 书名 自学英语(大众版)第四册(附MP3光盘) ISBN 9787801904690 出版社 社科文献出版社 定价 25.0元 出版日期 2005-6-1 目录 Lesson 1: Text A: The Youngest Bank Robber / 1 Text B: A Robbery / 3 Conversation: A Robbery / 5 Grammar: The Past Participle / 6 Exercises (Past participles, perfect infinitives) / 7 辅导材料 / 9 Lesson 2: Text A: Grace Darling / 13 Text B: Florence Nightingale / 16 Conversation: In the Hospital / 18 Grammar: Use of “it” / 19 Exercises (Use of “it”, translation C-E, etc.) / 20 辅导材料 / 21 Lesson 3: Text A: The Letter / 26 Text B: The Story of Adam and Eve / 29 Conversation: American Holidays / 31 9787801904669 |
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