

词条 朱疆












1. Jiang Zhu, Ryo Suzuki, Tomohisa Tanaka, Yoshio Saito, Automatic Tool Path Generation for Robot Integrated Surface Sculpturing System, Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing, Vol.2, No.4, 2008, pp. 812-823.

2. Jiang Zhu, Tomohisa Tanaka, Yoshio Saito, A 3D rough-cut model generation algorithm based on multi-resolution mesh for sculptured surface machining, Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing, Vol.1, No.5, 2007, pp. 628-639.

3. Jiang Zhu, Tomohisa Tanaka, Yoshio Saito, Multi-resolution mesh for sculptured surface machining, Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering, Vol.1, No.1, 2007, pp.69-80.

4. L.N. Sun, F.S. Tan, W.B. Rong, J. Zhu, Collosion detection approach in virtual environment of micromanipulation robot, High Technology Letter, Vol. 11, No. 4, December, 2005, pp. 371-376.

5. L. N. Sun, F. S. Tan, W. B. Rong, J. Zhu, Modeling of micromanipulation robot in virtual environment, ACTA Metallurgica Sinca (English Letter), Vol. 17, No.2, Apr, 2004, pp. 194-198.

6. Masataka Tanase, Jiang Zhu, Tomohisa Tanaka, Yoshio Saito, Freeform surface sculpturing and measurement system based on 8-axis robot system, Proceedings of the 13th International Machine Tool Engineers' Conference, Tokyo, Japan, Nov 1-4, 2008, pp. 70-71.

7. Ryuta Tanabe, Jiang Zhu, Tomohisa Tanaka, Yoshio Saito, Measurement and machining using polar coordiante desktop machine tool, Proceedings of the 13th International Machine Tool Engineers' Conference, Tokyo, Japan, Nov 1-4, 2008, pp. 72-73.

8. Jiang Zhu, Tomohisa Tanaka, Yoshio Saito, Lining Sun, Study on the Virtual Reality Based Interface for Robot Integrated Machining and Manipulation, The 13 International Conference on Machine Design and Production, Istanbul, Turkey, Sep 3-5, 2008, pp 171-186.

9. Jiang Zhu, Ryo Suzuki, Tomohisa Tanaka, Yoshio Saito, Automatic Tool Path Generation for Robot Integrated Surface Sculpturing System, The 4th International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century, LEM21, Fukuoka, Japan, Nov, 7-9, 2007, pp 125-130. (Best Paper Awarded)

10. Jiang Zhu, Ryo Suzuki, Tomohisa Tanaka, Yoshio Saito, A Surface Sculpturing System Based on 8-Axis Robot, International Conference on Advanced Design & Manufacturing, ICADM-2007, Madurai, India, Aug, 9-11, 2007, pp 421-427.

11. Jiang Zhu, Nafis Ahamad, Hideichi Nakamoto, Noboto Matsuhira, Feature map building based on shape similarity for home robot ApriAttendaTM, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO2006), Kunming, China, Dec, 17-20, 2006, pp. 1030-1035.

12. Nafis Ahamad,Jiang Zhu, Hideichi Nakamoto, Noboto Matsuhira, Self-localization of home robot ApriAttenda based on Monte Carlo approach, International Symposium on Practical Cognitive Agents & Robots, Perth, Australia, Nov, 27-28, 2006, pp. 212-220.

13. Jiang Zhu, Tomohisa Tanaka, Yoshio Saito, 8-axis robot integrated surface sculpturing system, the 12th International Machine Tool Engineers Conference, Tokyo, Japan, Nov, 2006, pp. 40-41.

14. Jiang Zhu, Tomohisa Tanaka, Yoshio Saito, Rough machining process and its simulation for robot integraged surface sculpturing system, the 4th IASTED International Conference on Circuits, Signals, and Systems, San Francisco, U.S., Nov, 20-22, 2006, pp. 368-373.

15. Jiang Zhu, Ryoko Tanaka, Tomohisa Tanaka, Yoshio Saito, An 8-axis robot based rough cutting system for surface sculpturing, 11th International Conference on Precision Engineering (11th ICPE), Tokyo, Japan, Aug, 16-18, 2006, pp139-144

16. Jiang Zhu, Nafis Ahamad, Hideici Nakamoto, Noboto Matsuhira, Map building and localization of home robot using feature matching and montecarlo approach, 2006 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (ROBOMEC2006), Tokyo, Japan, May, 26-28, 2006, (CD-ROM Proceeding)

17. J. Zhu, T. Tanaka, Y. Saito, 3D mesh simplification for freeform surfacing, Tehran International Congress on Manufacturing Engineering (TICME2005), Tehran, Iran, Dec 12-15, 2005, (CD-ROM Proceeding)

18. F.S. Tan, L.N. Sun, W.B. Rong, J. Zhu, A collision response method in virtual environment of peg-in-hole microassembly, Proceedings of the World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA), Vol. 4, 2004, pp. 3210-3213.

19. L. N. Sun, F. S. Tan, W. B. Rong, J. Zhu, M. X. Kong, Research on the architecture of virtual reality based on micromanipulation robot. 2003 IEEE International Conference on Robotics, Intelligent Systems and Signal Processing, Changsha, China, Oct, 2003, pp. 960-964.

20. Ryo Suzuki, Jiang Zhu, Tomohisa Tanaka, Yoshio Saito, 8-axis Surface Sculpturing System by Heated Cutting Tools, ICCES’08(International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Science), Hawaii, U.S, March, 16-20, 2008.

21. Jiang Zhu, Tomohisa Tanaka, Yoshio Saito, A new mesh simplification algorithm for the application of surface sculpturing, Proceeding of The First JTU-TIT Joint Workshop on Creative Engineering-Mechanics, Control and Advanced Robotics, Shanghai/Xi’an, China, Sep. 2005.

22. Jiang Zhu, Nafis Ahamad, Hideichi Nakamoto, Noboto Matsuhira, Developing the map building ability for home robot ApriAttendaTM, 3 Tokyo Tech-KAIST Joint Workshop for Mechanical Engineering Students in Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, Feb, 14-15, 2007, pp. 101-102.

23. Yusuke Narabu, Zuanshi Haranud, Jiang Zhu, Tomohisa Tanaka, Yoshio Saito, Optimal Tool-path Selection for Milling Free-form Surface Based on the Form of Surface, Proceeding of Mechanical Engineering Congress 2009, Sep. 2009, Vol.4, No.09-1, pp. 281-282.

24. Jun Suzuki, Jiang Zhu, Tomohisa Tanaka, Yoshio Saito, Compact Machine Tool with Working Space in Shell, Proceeding of Mechanical Engineering Congress 2009, Sep. 2009, Vol.4, No.09-1, pp. 233-234.

25. Yuichi Takekuma, Jiang Zhu, Tomohisa Tanaka, Yoshio Saito, Study on Mold Casting of Ceramics, Proceeding of Autumn Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Procession Engineering 2009, Kobe, Japan, Sep. 2009, pp. 733-734.

26. Takahiro Kubo, Jiang Zhu, Tomohisa Tanaka, Yoshio Saito, Study on the accuracy improvement of real contact part distinction for the rough surface, Proceeding of Autumn Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Procession Engineering 2009, Kobe, Japan, Sep. 2009, pp. 733-734.

27. Xiaoyi Wang, Jiang Zhu, Tomohisa Tanaka, Yoshio Saito, A New Assembly Model Capable of Reorganizing Assembly Structure, Proceeding of Autumn Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Procession Engineering 2009, Kobe, Japan, Sep. 2009, pp. 523‐524.

28. Masahiro Komori, Jiang Zhu, Tomohisa Tanaka, Yoshio Saito, Development of Work Table with 6-DOF Parallel Mechanism for Machine Tools, Abrasive Technoloogy Conference 2009, Saitama, Japan, Sep. 2009, pp. 167-168.

29. Ryo Suzuki, Jiang Zhu, Tomohisa Tanaka, Yoshio Saito, Free-form Surface Machining of Polymeric Material Based on Laser Ablation with Irradiation Pulse Number Control, Proceeding of 2009 Spring Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Procession Engineering, Tokyo, Japan, Mar. 2009, pp. 931-932.

30. Ryota Tanabe, Jiang Zhu, Tomohisa Tanaka, Yoshio Saito, Measurement and machining of 3D shape by using polar coordinate desktop machine tool, Proceeding of 2009 Spring Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Procession Engineering, Tokyo, Japan, Mar. 2009, pp. 519-520.

31. Masataka Tanase, Jiang Zhu, Tomohisa Tanaka, Yoshio Saito, Non-contact 3-D Measurement Path Generation for Multi-axis Robot System, Proceeding of 2009 Spring Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Procession Engineering, Tokyo, Japan, Mar. 2009, pp. 491-492.

32. Fei Feng, JIANG ZHU, TOMOHISA TANAKA, YOSHIO SAITO, Tool path generation for the 3D model`s machining by multi-axis processing system, Proceeding of JSME Manufacturing Systems Division Conference 2009, Tokyo, Japan, Mar. 2009, pp. 19-20.

33.Jiang Zhu, Zuanshi Haranud, Tomohisa Tanaka, Yoshio Saito, Study on feature area extraction for freeform surface based on mesh simplification, The 7 Manufacturing & Machine Tool Conference, Gifu, Japan, Nov, 2008, pp. 263-264.

34. Masataka Tanase, Jiang Zhu, Tomohisa Tanaka, Yoshio Saito, Non-contact Three Dimensional Measurement Using Multi-axis Robot System, Proceeding of Autumn Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Procession Engineering, Sendai, Japan, Sep, 2008, pp. 241-242.

35. Ryuta Tanabe, Jiang Zhu, Tomohisa Tanaka, Yoshio Saito, Machining Using Polar Coordinate Desktop Machine Tool, Proceeding of Autumn Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Procession Engineering, Sendai, Japan, Sep, 2008, pp. 137-138.

36. Keisuke Nomura, Jiang Zhu, Tomohisa Tanaka, Yoshio Saito, Research of Improvement of 8-axis Processing System, Mechanical Engineering Congress, 2008 Japan (MECJ-08), Yokohama, Japan, August, 2008, Vol.4, No. 08-1, pp. 255-256.

37. Jiang Zhu, Tomohisa Tanaka, Yoshio Saito, Rough Cutting Model Generation for Freeform Surface Machining, JSME Manufacturing System Division Conference 2008, Tokyo, Japan, July, 2008, pp. 57-58.

38. Zuanshi Haranud, Jiang Zhu, Tomohisa Tanaka, Yoshio Saito, Study on Freeform Surface Tool Path Generation Method, JSME Manufacturing System Division Conference 2008, Tokyo, Japan, July, 2008, pp. 59-60.





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