

词条 重点色短毛猫

重点色短毛猫是由暹罗猫培育出来的,以红色或奶油限于点(面孔、腿、耳朵、尾巴和阴部)。 早杂交与国内shorthairs和提炼通过集中暹罗基因与红色基因,生产了最终叫Colorpoint的颜色Shorthairs。


中 文 名: 重点色短毛猫

俗名别名: 端子色短毛猫

英 文 名: Colorpoint Shorthair

原 产 地: 英国

繁殖方式: 胎生

历史起源: 1980年代,由英国短毛猫与暹逻猫混种。把暹逻猫花色遗传给英国短毛猫,所生下的猫与真正暹逻猫个性相比则更为沉静。这种猫体形还在改良,但人们已在培育种颜色、品质优良的猫。

习 性: 感情丰富。

体 形: 身体是矮胖形,背和腿短。

头 部: 头圆形。

耳 朵: 儿小而圆,耳内有饰毛。

眼 睛: 眼睛为蓝色。

鼻 子: 鼻子呈分红色,很宽,明显凹鼻梁。

足 掌: 足掌结实且呈圆形。

尾 巴: 尾粗而尾尖呈圆形,尾巴局部有斑块。

披 毛: 被毛和英国短毛猫一样不是柔软而蓬松,质地脆。

毛 色: 腿和脚的颜色比其余的重点色浅。身体基色是乳黄色,重点色是与之形成对经的深乳黄色。可以有斑块和条纹。


与暹罗语要区别新的养殖, CFA交配

动物者采取命名Colorpoint Shorthair为注册目的, 1964年,并且通过一个刻苦过程赢取了公认作为养殖。 帮助的早期的猫变成新的养殖被给了Colorpoints的第一颜色类,叫坚实点,是红色和奶油点

早期的杂种赢得了声望,平纹版本的暹罗语在四种暹罗颜色被介绍了入重点色短毛猫中。 在CFA,这些平纹指向的猫在他们自己叫天猫座点和被陈列“天猫座点类”当封印天猫座点、chocolatelynx点、蓝色天猫座点、丁香天猫座点、红色天猫座点和奶油天猫座点。

象它们的暹罗表兄弟,重点色短毛猫要求一点修饰并且是特别好在家庭以过敏对猫。 在一个温暖的日子里可以为它洗澡,尽量使用毛巾擦干,避免使用吹风机。外套可以“被使外套光滑完成”与雪米布。

高在蛋白质一般推荐平衡饮食,因为一部分的Colorpoints的自然秀丽是他们闪耀,肌肉坚硬筒形身体。 注意您的猫的交配动物者的指示,当您获取您的Colorpoint Shorthair时,并且您将保佑与一个长寿命的欢悦伴侣。











Breed Profile: Colorpoint ShorthairColorpoint Shorthairs are the first cousins of the Siamese. This br

eed is distinguished by its elegance in sixteen different "point" colors beyond the four Siamese colors. Half-siblings to the Siamese by virtue of their foundation and continuing breeding with the Siamese, the Colorpoint Shorthair is a hybrid breed of the Siamese. Colorpoints, circa 1947-48, are a far cry from their angular, leggy descendants of today. Today's Colorpoints are the same structural standard of the Siamese, with the only difference being their unique point colors. In the early breedings, breeders concentrated on cats with red or cream restricted to the points (face, legs, ears, tails and genitals). Early hybridizations with domestic shorthairs, and refinement by concentrating the Siamese gene with the red gene, produced the first of the colors to eventually be called Colorpoint Shorthairs. To distinguish the new breed from the Siamese, CFA breeders adopted the name Colorpoint Shorthair for registration purposes, and through a painstaking process won recognition as a breed in 1964. The early cats who helped become the new breed were given the first color class of the Colorpoints, called the solid points, which are the red and cream points.

As time progressed and the early hybrids gained popularity, the tabby versions of the Siamese were introduced into the Colorpoint Shorthair programs in the four Siamese colors. In CFA, these tabby pointed cats are called lynx points and are exhibited in their own "lynx point class" as seal-lynx points, chocolatelynx points, blue-lynx points, lilac-lynx points, red-lynx points and cream-lynx points.

The tortie, or parti-colors, are an interesting phenomenon of the hybridization process of the red gene. Shortened to "tortie or cream points," this color class of the Colorpoint Shorthairs are exhibited as the parti-colors. They are memorable representatives of the breed because of their loving yet independent attitudes. The parti-colors are a "by product" of the red gene and come in the four Siamese colors with random mottling or "blotching" of red and/or cream with the basic Siamese color. They often also have what is called a "blaze," a symmetrical split of the red and/or cream on one side of the face mask and the Siamese color, such as seal, on the other half. Indeed, this is a very striking appearance. Because the red color gene is sex linked, tortie or cream parti-color points only come in females. Color descriptions start with the primary Siamese color and add the mottling of red or cream. Thus we have the seal-tortie points, chocolate-tortie points, blue-cream points and lilac-cream points. When bred to a lynx parent, the last four of the sixteen colors are the tabby, or lynx, versions of the parti-color points, i.e. the seal-tortie lynx point, chocolate-tortie lynx point, blue-cream lynx point and lilac-cream lynx point.

Like their Siamese cousins, Colorpoint Shorthairs require little grooming and are especially good in households with allergies to cats since both breeds have little dander. An occasional bath is recommended, but allow the freshly bathed coat to air dry in a warm spot. Do not blow dry, but do brush the coat with the concave or short side of a small rubber brush to remove loose hair and make the coat lie smooth. The coat can be "finished" by smoothing the coat with a chamois cloth. Balanced diets high in protein are generally recommended, since part of the natural beauty of the Colorpoints is their glistening, muscular hard tubular bodies. Heed the instructions of your cat's breeder when you acquire your Colorpoint Shorthair, and you will be blessed with a long-lived joyous companion.

Pricing on Colorpoint Shorthairs usually depends on type, applicable markings and bloodlines distinguished by Grand Champion (GC), National, National Breed and/or Regional winning parentage (NW, BW, RW) or of Distinguished Merit parentage (DM). The DM title is achieved by the dam (mother) having produced five CFA grand champion/premier (alter) or DM offspring, or sire (father) having produced fifteen CFA grand champion/premier or DM offspring. Usually breeders make kittens available between twelve and sixteen weeks of age. After twelve weeks, kittens have had their basic inoculations and developed the physical and social stability needed for a new environment, showing, or being transported by air. Keeping such a rare treasure indoors, neutering or spaying and providing acceptable surfaces (e.g. scratching posts) for the natural behavior of scratching (CFA disapproves of declawing or tendonectomy surgery) are essential elements for maintaining a healthy, long and joyful life.

Breed Standard: Colorpoint Shorthair


HEAD (20)

6 .. Long flat profile

5 .. Wedge, fine muzzle, size

4 .. Ears

3 .. Chin

2 .. Width between eyes

EYES (10)

10 .. Shape, size, slant, and placement

BODY (30)

12 .. Structure and size, including Neck

10 .. Muscle tone

5 .. Legs and Feet

3 .. Tail


COLOR (30)

10 .. Body color

10 .. Point color (matching points of dense

color, proper foot pads and nose leather)

10 .. Eye color

GENERAL: the Colorpoint Shorthair is a medium sized, svelte, refined cat with long tapering lines, very lithe, but muscular. Males may be proportionately larger. The ideal is a cat with type identical to the Siamese, but with its own distinct and unique colors. While the color differences set it apart as a unique breed, the purpose of the hybridization was to establish cats identical in type to the Siamese but with separate colors. The Colorpoint Shorthair standard reflects this objective and preserves it's unique colors.

HEAD: long tapering wedge. Medium in size in good proportion to body. The total wedge starts at the nose and flares out in straight lines to the tips of the ears forming a triangle, with no break at the whiskers. No less than the width of an eye between the eyes. When the whiskers are smoothed back, the underlying bone structure is apparent. Allowance must be made for jowls in the stud cat.

SKULL: flat. In profile, a long straight line is seen from the top of the head to the tip of the nose. No bulge over eyes. No dip in nose.

NECK: long and slender.

NOSE: long and straight. A continuation of the forehead with no break.

MUZZLE: fine, wedge shaped.

EARS: strikingly large, pointed, wide at base, continuing the lines of the wedge.

EYES: vivid blue in color, no other shades or colors allowed. Almond shaped. Medium size. Neither protruding nor recessed. Slanted towards the nose in harmony with lines of wedge and ears. Uncrossed.

CHIN and JAW: medium in size. Tip of chin lines with tip of nose in the same vertical plane. Neither receding nor excessively massive.

BODY: medium sized. Graceful, long and svelte. A distinctive combination of fine bones and firm muscles. Shoulders and hips continue same sleek lines of tubular body. Hips never wider than shoulders. Abdomen tight.

LEGS: long and slim. Hind legs higher than front. In good proportion to body.

PAWS: dainty, small, and oval. Toes: five in front and four behind.

TAIL: long, thin, tapering to a fine point.

COAT: short, fine textured, glossy. Lying close to body.

CONDITION: excellent physical condition. Eyes clear. Muscular, strong, and lithe. Neither flabby nor bony. Not fat.

COLOR: Body: subtle shading is permissible, but clear color is preferable. Allowance should be made for darker color in older cats as Colorpoint Shorthairs generally darken with age, but there must be definite contrast between body color and points. Points: mask, ears, feet, legs, and tail dense and clearly defined. All of the same shade. Mask covers entire face including whisker pads and is connected to ears by tracings. Mask should not extend over the top of the head. No white hairs in points.

PENALIZE: pigmentation of nose leather and/or paw pads which is not consistent with the cat's particular color description. Palpable and/or visible protrusion of the cartilage at the end of the sternum.

DISQUALIFY: any evidence of illness or poor health. Weak hind legs. Mouth breathing due to nasal obstruction or poor occlusion. Emaciation. Visible kink. Eyes other than blue. White toes and/or feet. Incorrect number of toes. Malocclusion resulting in either undershot or overshot chin.


Solid Color Point Colors

RED POINT: body clear white with any shading in the same tone as points. Points: bright apricot to deep red, deeper shades preferred, with lack of barring desirable. Nose leather and paw pads: flesh or coral pink.

CREAM POINT: body clear white with any shading in the same tone as points. Points: pale buff cream to light pinkish cream, lack of barring desirable. Nose leather and paw pads: flesh to coral pink.

Lynx Point Colors

SEAL LYNX POINT: body cream or pale fawn, shading to lighter color on stomach and chest. Body shading may take form of ghost striping or ticking. Points: seal brown bars, distinct and separated by lighter background color; ears seal brown with paler thumbprint in center. Nose leather: seal brown permitted, pink edged in seal brown preferred. Paw pads: seal brown.

CHOCOLATE LYNX POINT: body ivory. Body shading may take form of ghost striping or ticking. Points: warm milk-chocolate bars, distinct and separated by lighter background color; ears warm milk-chocolate with paler thumbprint in center. Nose leather: cinnamon permitted, pink edged in cinnamon preferred. Paw pads: cinnamon.

BLUE LYNX POINT: body bluish white to platinum grey, cold in tone, shading to lighter color on stomach and chest. Body shading may take form of ghost striping or ticking. Points: deep blue-grey bars, distinct and separated by lighter background color; ears deep blue-grey with paler thumbprint in center. Nose leather: slate-colored permitted, pink edged in slate preferred. Paw pads: slate-colored.

LILAC LYNX POINT: body glacial white. Body shading may take form of ghost striping or ticking. Points: frosty grey with pinkish tone bars, distinct and separated by lighter background color; ears frosty grey with pinkish tone, paler thumbprint in center. Nose leather: lavender-pink permitted, pink edged in lavender-pink preferred. Paw pads: lavender-pink.

RED LYNX POINT: body white. Body shading may take form of ghost striping or ticking. Points: deep red bars, distinct and separated by lighter background color; ears deep red, paler thumbprint in center. Nose leather and paw pads: flesh or coral pink.

CREAM LYNX POINT: body clear white. Body shading may take form of ghost striping or ticking. Points: bars of pale buff cream to light pinkish cream, distinct and separated by lighter background color; ears pale buff cream to light pinkish cream, paler thumbprint in center. Nose leather and paw pads: flesh to coral pink.

SEAL-TORTIE LYNX POINT: body cream or pale fawn, shading to lighter color on stomach and chest. Body shading may take form of ghost striping or ticking and/or cream mottling. Points: seal brown bars, distinct and separated by lighter background color; ears seal brown with paler thumbprint in center. Random mottling of red and/or cream overlays the markings of the points. Nose leather: seal brown permitted, pink edged in seal brown preferred, flesh or coral pink mottling may be present. Paw pads: seal brown, or seal brown mottled with flesh or coral pink. NOTE: these cats resemble lynx points more than tortie points.

CHOCOLATE-TORTIE LYNX POINT: body ivory. Body shading may take form of ghost striping or ticking and/or cream mottling. Points: warm milk-chocolate bars, distinct and separated by lighter background color; ears warm milk-chocolate with paler thumbprint in center. Random mottling of red and/or cream overlays the markings of the points. Nose leather: cinnamon permitted, pink edged in cinnamon preferred, flesh or coral pink mottling may be present. Paw pads: cinnamon, or cinnamon mottled with flesh or coral pink. NOTE: these cats resemble lynx points more than tortie points.

BLUE-CREAM LYNX POINT: body bluish white to platinum grey, cold in tone, shading to lighter color on stomach and chest. Body shading may take form of ghost striping or ticking and/or cream mottling. Points: deep blue-grey bars, distinct and separated by lighter background color; ears deep blue-grey with paler thumbprint in center. Random mottling of cream overlays the markings of the points. Nose leather: slate-colored permitted, pink edged in slate preferred, flesh or coral pink mottling may be present. Paw pads: slate-colored, or slate mottled with flesh or coral pink. NOTE: these cats resemble lynx points more than tortie points.

LILAC-CREAM LYNX POINT: body glacial white. Body shading may take form of ghost striping or ticking and/or cream mottling. Points: frosty grey with pinkish tone bars, distinct and separated by lighter background color; ears frosty grey with pinkish tone, paler thumbprint in center. Random mottling of cream overlays the markings of the points. Nose leather: lavender-pink permitted, pink edged in lavender-pink preferred, flesh or coral pink mottling may be present. Paw pads: lavender-pink, or lavender-pink mottled with flesh or coral pink. NOTE: these cats resemble lynx points more than tortie points.

Parti-Color Point Colors

SEAL-TORTIE POINT: body pale fawn to cream, shading to lighter color on stomach and chest. Body color may be mottled with cream in older cats. Points: seal brown, randomly mottled with red and/or cream. Nose leather and paw pads: seal brown; flesh or coral pink mottling desirable.

CHOCOLATE-TORTIE POINT: body ivory, may be mottled in older cats. Points: warm milk-chocolate randomly mottled with red and/or cream. Nose leather and paw pads: cinnamon; flesh or coral pink mottling desirable.

BLUE-CREAM POINT: body bluish white to platinum grey, cold in tone, shading to lighter color on stomach and chest. Body color may be mottled in older cats. Points: deep blue-grey randomly mottled with cream. Nose leather and paw pads: slate-colored; flesh or coral pink mottling desirable.

LILAC-CREAM POINT: body glacial white; mottling, if any, in the shade of the points. Points: frosty grey with pinkish tone, randomly mottled with pale cream. Nose leather and paw pads: lavender-pink; flesh or coral pink mottling desirable.

The following information is for reference purposes only and not an official part of the CFA Show Standard.

Colorpoint Shorthair Color Class Numbers Note)

Solid Color Point 2278 2279

(Cream or Red)

Lynx Point 2254 2255

(Blue, Blue-Cream, Chocolate, Chocolate-Tortie,

Cream, Lilac, Lilac-Cream, Red, Seal, or Seal-Tortie)

Parti-Color Point -- 2247

(Blue-Cream, Chocolate-Tortie, Lilac-Cream, or Seal-Tortie)

AOV 2298 2299

Colorpoint Shorthair allowable outcross breeds: Siamese for litters born before January 1, 2019.





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