

词条 钟志远




特聘教授 博士生导师 实验室主任

钟志远男,1974年2月出生于江西,35岁,博士,苏州大学特聘教授,博导,高分子学科带头人,现任苏州大学生物医用高分子材料重点实验室主任。1995年7月吉林工业大学(现吉林大学)应用化学系获学士学位,1998年7月中国科学院长春应用化学研究所高分子化学与物理专业获硕士学位(导师:景遐斌研究员),2002年11月荷兰屯特大学 (University of Twente) 高分子化学和生物材料系获博士学位(导师:Jan Feijen 教授)。2002年10月—2007年4月荷兰屯特大学生物医学技术研究所及高分子化学和生物材料系任助理教授。2004年9—11月美国犹他大学(University of Utah) 药学院访问学者(合作者:Sung Wan Kim 教授)。2007年4月起受聘为苏州大学特聘教授。江苏省化学化工学会高分子专业委员会委员,江苏省青年联合会第十届委员会委员,苏州市留学人才协会理事,中国化学会永久会员。主要从事生物可降解高分子材料、仿病毒高分子基因释放载体、智能型药物释放系统等方面的研究和开发工作。在国际主流期刊如Angew. Chem.-Int. Edit., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Bioconjugate Chem., Biomaterials, Macromolecules, J. Control. Release, Biomacromolecules等上发表论文50多篇,论文被引用1000多次,申请欧洲和世界发明专利各1项,申请中国专利3项,为2本书撰写了章节。近两年来,应邀在国际和全国性重要学术会议上作邀请报告10多次。在荷兰屯特大学任助理教授其间(2002—2007年),负责主持了包括STW和NWO在内的多项科研项目(总经费逾150万欧元),指导了五名博士生和多名硕士生的论文工作。现作为课题负责人承担2项国家自然科学基金委面上项目和1项江苏省高校自然科学基础研究面上项目,作为方向负责人承担 “211工程”三期重点学科建设项目一项。实验室现有3名工作人员、3名国外讲座教授、1名博士后、26名博士和硕士研究生。



1995.09—1998.07:中国科学院长春应用化学研究所 硕士生(导师:景遐斌研究员)

1998.10—2002.10:荷兰屯特大学 (University of Twente) 博士生(导师:Jan Feijen 教授)

2002.10—2007.04:荷兰屯特大学 (University of Twente)生物医学技术研究所助理教授

2004.09—2004.11:美国犹他大学(University of Utah) 药学院 访问学者(Sung Wan Kim教授研究组)





1) 环境响应性生物可降解高分子材料。

2) 功能性聚乙二醇。

3) 可注射性水凝胶。

4) 仿病毒高分子基因载体。

5) 生物纳米载体(聚合物囊泡和胶束)及肿瘤靶向治疗


M. Zheng, Y.N. Zhong, F.H. Meng, R. Peng, and Z.Y. Zhong*, Lipoic Acid Modified Low Molecular Weight Polyethylenimine Mediates Nontoxic and Highly Potent In Vitro Gene Transfection, Mol. Pharmaceutics,2011,8, 2434-2443.

Z.Z. Liu, M. Zheng, F.H. Meng, and Z.Y. Zhong*, Non-Viral Gene Transfection In Vitro Using Endosomal pH-Sensitive Reversibly Hydrophobilized Polyethylenimine, Biomaterials2011, 32, 9109-9119.

R. Cheng, F.H. Meng, S.B. Ma, H.F. Xu, H.Y. Liu, X.B. Jing, and Z.Y. Zhong*, Reduction and Temperature Dual-Responsive Crosslinked Polymersomes for Targeted Intracellular Protein Delivery, J. Mater. Chem. 2011, 21, 19013-19020.

R. Wang, W. Chen, F.H. Meng, R. Cheng, C. Deng, J. Feijen, and Z.Y. Zhong*, Unprecedented Access to Functional Biodegradable Polymers and Coatings, Macromolecules2011, 44, 6009–6016.

R. Yang, F.H. Meng, S.B. Ma, F.S. Huang, H.Y. Liu, and Z.Y. Zhong*, Galactose-Decorated Crosslinked Biodegradable Poly(Ethylene Glycol)-b-Poly(ε-Caprolactone) Block Copolymer Micelles for Enhanced Hepatoma-Targeting Delivery of Paclitaxel, Biomacromolecules2011, 12, 3047–3055.

F.H. Meng, and Z.Y. Zhong*, Polymersomes Spanning from Nano to Micro Scales: Advanced Vehicles for Controlled Drug Delivery and Robust Vesicles for Virus and Cell-Mimicking, J. Phys. Chem. Letters2011, 2, 1533-1539. (Invited Perspective)

H.L. Sun, F.H. Meng, A.A. Dias, M. Hendriks, J. Feijen, and Z.Y. Zhong*, a-Amino Acid Containing Degradable Polymers as Functional Biomaterials: Rational Design, Synthetic Pathway and Biomedical Applications, Biomacromolecules2011, 12, 1937-1955.

L. Zhou, R. Cheng, H.Q. Tao, S.B. Ma, W.W. Guo, F.H. Meng, H.Y. Liu, Z. Liu, and Z.Y. Zhong*, Endosomal pH-Activatable Poly(ethylene oxide)-graft-Doxorubicin Prodrugs: Synthesis, Drug Release, and Biodistribution in Tumor-Bearing Mice, Biomacromolecules2011, 12, 1460–1467.

R. Cheng, F. Feng, F.H. Meng, C. Deng, J. Feijen, Z.Y. Zhong*, Glutathione-Responsive Nano-Vehicles as a Promising Platform for Targeted Intracellular Drug and Gene Delivery, J. Control. Release2011, 152, 2-12.

1. G.J. Liu, S.B. Ma, S.K. Li, R. Cheng, F.H. Meng,*, H.Y. Liu, Z.Y. Zhong*, The highly efficient delivery of exogenous proteins into cells mediated by biodegradable chimaeric polymersomes, Biomaterials 2010,31, 7575-7585.

2. C.H. Zhu, S.Y. Jung, S.B. Luo, F.H. Meng, X.L. Zhu, T.G. Park, and Z.Y. Zhong*, Co-delivery of siRNA and Paclitaxel into Cancer Cells by Biodegradable Cationic Micelles Based on PDMAEMA-PCL-PDMAEMA Triblock Copolymers, Biomaterials2010, 31, 2408–2416.

3. W. Chen, F.H. Meng*, R. Cheng, and Z.Y. Zhong*, pH-Sensitive Nano-Sized Degradable Polymersomes for Triggered Release of Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Anticancer Drugs: a Comparative Study with Micelles, J. Control. Release 2010 (published on line).

4.J.M. Jukes, L.J. van der Aa, C. Hiemstra, T. van Veen, P.J. Dijkstra, Z.Y. Zhong, J. Feijen, C.A. van Blitterswijk, J. de Boer, A newly developed chemically crosslinked Dex-PEG hydrogel for cartilage tissue engineering, Tissue Engineering 2010 (published on line).

5. H.L. Sun, F.H. Meng*, B.N. Guo, X.Q. Li, R. Cheng, H.Y. Liu, and Z.Y. Zhong*, Shell-Sheddable Micelles Based on Dextran-SS-Poly(e-caprolactone) Diblock Copolymer for Efficient Intracellular Release of Doxorubicin, Biomacromolecules (in revision).

6. W. Chen, H.C. Yang, R. Wang, R. Cheng, F.H. Meng*, W.X. Wei, and Z.Y. Zhong*, Versatile Synthesis of Functional Biodegradable Polymers by Combining Ring-Opening Polymerization and Postpolymerization Modification via Michael-Type Addition Reaction, Macromolecules 2010, 43, 201–207 (IF 4.407)

7. Y.L. Li, L. Zhu, Z.Z. Liu, R. Cheng, F.H. Meng*, J.H. Cui, S.J. Ji, and Z.Y. Zhong*, Reversibly Stabilized Multifunctional Dextran Nanoparticles Efficiently Deliver Doxorubicin into the Nuclei of Cancer Cells, Angew. Chem.-Int. Edit. 2009, 48, 9914-9918. (IF 10.879).

8. Y.M. Xu, F.H. Meng*, R. Cheng, Z.Y. Zhong*, Reduction-Sensitive Reversibly Crosslinked Biodegradable Micelles for Triggered Release of Doxorubicin, Macromol. Biosci. 2009 , 9, 1254-1261. (IF 3.298)

9. H.Z. Du, A.H. Velders, P.J. Dijkstra, Z.Y. Zhong, X.S. Chen, J. Feijen, Chiral Salan Aluminum Ethyl Complexes and Their Application in Lactide Polymerization, Chem.-Eur. J. 2009 15: 9836-9845.(IF 5.454)

10. H.L. Sun, B.N. Guo, R. Cheng, F.H. Meng *, H.Y. Liu, Z.Y. Zhong*, Biodegradable micelles with sheddable poly(ethylene glycol) shells for triggered intracellular release of doxorubicin, Biomaterials 2009, 30: 6358 - 6366. (IF 6.646)

11. W. Chen, F.H. Meng, F. Li, S.-J. Ji, Z.Y. Zhong*, pH-Responsive Biodegradable Micelles Based on Acid-Labile Polycarbonate Hydrophobe: Synthesis and Triggered Drug Release, Biomacromolecules 2009, 10: 1727-1735. (IF4.146) No. 13 Most Read Article

12. H.F. Xu, F.H. Meng*, Z.Y. Zhong*, Reversibly crosslinked temperature-responsive nano-sized polymersomes: synthesis and triggered drug release, J. Mater. Chem. 2009, 19: 4183-4190. (IF 4.34)

13 .F.H. Meng, W.E.Hennink, Z.Y. Zhong*, Reduction-Sensitive Polymers and Bioconjugates for Biomedical Applications, Biomaterials 2009, 30:2180-2198. (IF 6.646) No. 6 Most Downloaded Article

14. H.Z. Du, A.H. Velders, P.J. Dijkstra, Z.Y. Zhong, X.S. Chen, J. Feijen, Polymerization of lactide using achiral bis(pyrrolidene) schiff base aluminum complexes, Macromolecules 2009, 42: 1058–1066. (IF 4.407)

15. F.H. Meng, Z.Y. Zhong*, J. Feijen, Stimuli-responsive polymersomes for programmed drug delivery. Biomacromolecules 2009, 10: 197-209. (IF4.146). No. 1 Most Read Article

16. C. Lin, C.-J. Blaauboer, M. Mateos Timoneda, M.C. Lok, M. van Steenbergen, W.E. Hennink, Z.Y. Zhong, J. Feijen, and J.F.J. Engbersen, Bioreducible poly(amido amine)s with oligoamine side chains: Synthesis, characterization, and structural effects on gene delivery, J. Control. Release 2008, 126: 166-174. (IF 4.765).

17 C. Hiemstra, W. Zhou, Z.Y. Zhong*, M. Wouters, and J Feijen*, Rapidly in situ forming biodegradable robust hydrogels by combining stereocomplexation and photopolymerization, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007, 129: 9918-9926. (IF 7.885)

18 M. Roerdink, T.S. van Zanten, M.A. Hempenius, Z.Y. Zhong, J. Feijen, and G.J. Vancso, Poly(ferrocenylsilane-block-lactide) Block copolymers, Macromol. Rapid Commun. 2007, 28: 2125-2130. (IF 3.164)

19 C. Lin, Z.Y. Zhong*, M.C. Lok, X.L. Jiang, W.E. Hennink, J. Feijen, and J.F.J. Engbersen*, Random and block copolymers of bioreducible poly(amido amine)s with high-and low-basicity amino groups: study of DNA condensation and buffer capacity on gene transfection, J. Control. Release, 2007, 123: 67-75. (IF 4.765)

20 C. Hiemstra, Z.Y. Zhong*, M. J. van Steenbergen, W.E. Hennink, and J. Feijen*, Release of model proteins and basic fibroblast growth factor from in situ forming degradable dextran hydrogels, J. Control. Release 2007, 122: 71-78. (IF 4.012)

21. C. Hiemstra, Z.Y. Zhong*, S.R. van Tomme, M. J. van Steenbergen, J.J.L. Jacobs, W. den Otter, W.E. Hennink, and Jan Feijen*, In vitro and in vivo protein delivery from in situ forming poly(ethylene glycol)-poly(lactide) hydrogels, J. Control. Release 2007, 119: 320-327. (IF 4.012)

22. C. Hiemstra, L.J. van der Aa, Z.Y. Zhong*, and J. Feijen*, Rapidly in situ forming degradable hydrogels from dextran thiols through Michael addition, Biomacromolecules 2007, 8: 1548-1556.23. F. Rusmini, Z.Y. Zhong*, and J. Feijen*, Protein immobilization strategies for protein biochips, Biomacromolecules 2007, 8: 1775-1789. (IF 3.664) 2007 Most-Accessed Article

24. R. Jin, C. Hiemstra, Z.Y. Zhong*, and J. Feijen*, Enzyme-mediated fast in-situ formation of hydrogels from dextran-tyramine conjugates, Biomaterials 2007, 28: 2791-2800. (IF 5.196)

25. C. Hiemstra, L.J. van der Aa, Z.Y. Zhong*, P.J. Dijkstra, and J. Feijen*, Novel in situ forming, degradable dextran hydrogels by Michael addition chemistry: synthesis, rheology and degradation, Macromolecules 2007, 40: 1165-1173. (IF 4.277)

26 L.V. Christensen, C.W. Chang, J.W. Yockman, R. Conners, H. Jackson, D.A. Bull, Z.Y. Zhong, J. Feijen, and S.W. Kim, Reducible poly(amido ethylenediamine) for hypoxia-inducible VEGF delivery, J. Control. Release 2007, 118: 254-261. (IF 4.012)

27. J.H. Jeong, L.V. Christensen, J.W. Yockman, Z.Y. Zhong, J.F.J. Engbersen, W.J. Kim, J. Feijen, S.W. Kim, Reducible poly(amido ethylenimine) directed to enhance RNA interference, Biomaterials 2007, 28: 1912-1917. (IF 5.196)

28. C. Lin, Z.Y. Zhong*, M.C. Lok, X.L. Jiang, W.E. Hennink, J. Feijen, and J.F.J. Engbersen*, Novel bioreducible poly(amido amine)s for highly efficient gene delivery, Bioconjugate Chem. 2007,18: 138-145. (IF 3.823) 2007 Most-Accessed and Most-Cited Article

29. L.B. Li, F.H. Meng, Z.Y. Zhong, D. Byelov, W.H. de Jeu, and J. Feijen, Morphology of a highly asymmetric double crystallizable poly(e-caprolactone-b-ethylene oxide) block copolymer, J. Chem. Phys., 2007, 126: Art. No. 024904. (IF 3.166)

30. M.R. ten Breteler, Z.Y. Zhong, P.J. Dijkstra, and J. Feijen, Ring-opening polymerization of substituted e-caprolactones using a chiral (salen) AlOiPr-Complex, J. Polym. Sci. Part A, Polymer Chemistry 2007, 45: 429-436. (IF 3.405)

31. 金荣, 钟志远, Johan F.J.Engbersen, 印杰, 基于碳水化合物的阳离子聚合物载体在基因释放中的应用(Carbohydrate-based Cationic Polymeric Vectors for Gene Delivery), 高分子通报(CHINESE POLYMER BULLETIN), 2007年, 第06期, 1-7页.

32.C. Lin, Z.Y. Zhong*, M.C. Lok, X.L. Jiang, W.E. Hennink, J. Feijen, and J.F.J. Engbersen*, Linear poly(amido amine)s with secondary and tertiary amino groups and variable amounts of disulfide linkages: synthesis and in vitro gene transfer properties, J. Control. Release, 2006, 116: 130-137. (IF 4.012)

33. C. Hiemstra, Z.Y. Zhong, X. Jiang, W.E. Hennink, P.J. Dijkstra, and J. Feijen, PEG-PLLA and PEG-PDLA multiblock copolymers: synthesis and in situ hydrogel formation by stereocomplexation, J. Control. Release, 2006, 116: e17-e19. (IF 4.012)

34. C. Hiemstra, Z.Y. Zhong, S.R. van Tomme, W.E. Hennink, P.J. Dijkstra, and J. Feijen, Protein release from injectable stereocomplexed hydrogels based on PEG-PDLA and PEG-PLLA star block copolymers, J. Control. Release, 2006, 116: e19-e21. (IF 4.012)

35. C. Lin, T.M. Lammens, Z.Y. Zhong, H. Gu, M.C. Lok, X. Jiang, W.E. Hennink, J. Feijen, and J.F.J. Engbersen, Disulfide-containing poly(β-amino ester)s for gene delivery, J. Control. Release, 2006, 116: e79-e81. (IF 4.012)

36. Z.Y. Zhong*, C. Lin, Y. Ma, M.A. Hempenius, M.C. Lok, M.M. Fretz, J.F.J. Engbersen, G.J. Vancso, W.E. Hennink, and J. Feijen, Water-soluble cationic poly(ferrocenylsilane): an efficient DNA condensation and transfection agent, J. Control. Release, 2006, 116: e81-e83. (IF 4.012)

37. C. Hiemstra, Z.Y. Zhong*, L.B. Li, P.J. Dijkstra, and J. Feijen*, In situ formation of biodegradable hydrogels by stereocomplexation of PEG-(PLLA)8 and PEG-(PDLA)8 star block copolymers, Biomacromolecules 2006, 7: 2790-2795. (IF 3.664)

38. L.V. Christensen, C.W. Chang, W.J. Kim, S.W. Kim*, Z.Y. Zhong, C. Lin, J.F.J. Engbersen*, and J. Feijen, Reducible poly(amido ethylenimine)s designed for triggered intracellular gene delivery, Bioconjugate Chem., 2006, 17: 1233-1240. (IF 3.823)

39. M. Leemhuis, C.F. van Nostrum, J.A.W. Kruijtzer, Z.Y. Zhong, M.R. ten Breteler, P.J. Dijkstra, J. Feijen, and W.E. Hennink, Functionalized poly( -hydroxy acid)s via ring-opening polymerization: toward hydrophilic polyesters with pendant hydroxyl groups, Macromolecules, 2006, 39: 3500-3508. (IF 4.277)

40. G. Engbers, A. Poot, D. Grijpma, Z.Y. Zhong, and P. Dijkstra, Professor Jan Feijen-30 years research in biomedical technology, J. Control. Release 2005, 109: 2-4. (IF 4.012)

41. Z.Y. Zhong, J. Feijen, M.C. Lok, W.E. Hennink, L. Christensen, J.W. Yockman, Y.-H. Kim, and S.W. Kim, Low molecular weight linear polyethylenimine-b-poly(ethylene glycol)-b-polyethylenimine triblock copolymers: synthesis, characterization and in vitro gene transfer properties, Biomacromolecules, 2005, 6: 3440-3448. (IF 3.664)

42. Z.Y. Zhong, Y. Song, J.F.J. Engbersen, M.C. Lok, W.E. Hennink, and J. Feijen, A versatile family of degradable non-viral gene carriers based on hyperbranched poly(ester amine)s. J. Control. Release 2005, 109: 317-329. (IF 4.012)

43. C. Hiemstra, Z.Y. Zhong, P. Dijkstra, and J. Feijen, Stereocomplex mediated gelation of PEG-(PLA)(2) and PEG-(PLA)(8) block copolymers. Macromol. Symp., 2005, 224: 119-131.

44. Z. Zhong, M.C. Lok, P.J. Dijkstra, W.E. Hennink, and J. Feijen, Structurally well-defined copolymers of poly(ethylene glycol) and low molecular weight linear polyethylenimine as vectors for gene delivery. J. Control. Release, 2005, 101(1-3): 406-408. (IF 4.012)

45. C. Hiemstra, Z. Zhong, P.J. Dijkstra, and J. Feijen, PEG-PLA hydrogels by stereocomplexation for tissue engineering of cartilage. J. Control. Release, 2005, 101(1-3): 332-334. (IF 4.012)

46. G. Becker, M. Niemeyer, O. Mundt, W. Schwarz, M. Westerhausen, M.W. Ossberger, P. Mayer, H. Noth, Z.Y. Zhong, P.J. Dijkstra, and J. Feijen, Crystal structures and spectroscopic properties of 2 lambda(3)-phospha-1,3-dionates and 1,3-dionates of calcium - Comparative studies on the 1,3-diphenyl and 1,3-Di(tert-butyl) derivatives. Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem., 2004, 630(15): 2605-2621. (IF 1.241)

47. Z.Y. Zhong, P.J. Dijkstra, and J. Feijen, Controlled synthesis of biodegradable lactide polymers and copolymers using novel in situ generated or single-site stereoselective polymerization initiators. J. Biomater. Sci.-Polym. Ed., 2004, 15(7): 929-946. (IF 1.607)

48. L.B. Li, Z.Y. Zhong, W.H. de Jeu, P.J. Dijkstra, and J. Feijen, Crystal structure and morphology of poly(L-lactide-b-D-lactide) diblock copolymers. Macromolecules, 2004, 37(23): 8641-8646. (IF 4.277)

49. M. Westerhausen, S. Schneiderbauer, A.N. Kneifel, Y. Soltl, P. Mayer, H. Noth, Z.Y. Zhong, P.J. Dijkstra, and J. Feijen, Organocalcium compounds with catalytic activity for the ring-opening polymerization of lactones. Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2003, (18): 3432-3439. (IF 2.704)

50. Z.Y. Zhong, P.J. Dijkstra, and J. Feijen, Determination of the Stereoselectivity Factor for an Asymmetric Enantiomer-Differentiating Polymerization: a Revisit. Macromolecules, 2003, 36(21): 8198-8200. (IF 4.277)

51. Z.Y. Zhong, S. Schneiderbauer, P.J. Dijkstra, W. M., and J. Feijen, Single-site calcium initiators for the controlled ring-opening polymerization of lactides and lactones. Polym. Bull., 2003, 51: 175-182. (IF 0.969)

52. Z.Y. Zhong, P.J. Dijkstra, and J. Feijen, controlled and stereoselective polymerization of lactide: kinetics, selectivity, and microstructures. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2003, 125(37): 11291-11298. (IF 7.696)53. A.P. Pego, Z.Y. Zhong, P.J. Dijkstra, D.W. Grijpma, and J. Feijen, Influence of catalyst and polymerization conditions on the properties of 1,3-trimethylene carbonate and epsilon- caprolactone copolymers. Macromol. Chem. Phys., 2003, 204(5-6): 747-754. (IF 2.021)

54. Z.Y. Zhong, P.J. Dijkstra, and J. Feijen, [(salen)Al]-mediated, controlled and stereoselective ring-opening polymerization of lactide in solution and without solvent: Synthesis of highly isotactic polylactide stereocopolymers from racemic D,L-lactide. Angew. Chem.-Int. Edit., 2002, 41(23): 4510-4513. (IF 10.232)

55. Z.Y. Zhong, P.J. Dijkstra, J. Feijen, Y.M. Kwon, Y.H. Bae, and S.W. Kim, Synthesis and aqueous phase behavior of thermoresponsive biodegradable poly(D,L-3-methylglycolide)-block-poly(ethylene glycol)-block-poly(D,L-3-methylglycolide) triblock copolymers. Macromol. Chem. Phys., 2002, 203(12): 1797-1803. (IF 2.021)

56. Z.Y. Zhong, S. Schneiderbauer, P.J. Dijkstra, M. Westerhausen, and J. Feijen, Fast and living ring-opening polymerization of L-lactide initiated with in-situ-generated calcium alkoxides. J. Polym. Environ., 2001, 9(1): 31-38. (IF 1.243)

57. Z.Y. Zhong, M.J.K. Ankone, P.J. Dijkstra, C. Birg, M. Westerhausen, and J. Feijen, Calcium methoxide initiated ring-opening polymerization of epsilon-caprolactone and L-lactide. Polym. Bull., 2001, 46(1): 51-57. (IF 0.969)

58. Z.Y. Zhong, P.J. Dijkstra, C. Birg, M. Westerhausen, and J. Feijen, A novel and versatile calcium-based initiator system for the ring-opening polymerization of cyclic esters. Macromolecules, 2001, 34(12): 3863-3868. (IF 4.277)

59. Z.Y. Zhong, P.J. Dijkstra, and J. Feijen, Controlled ring-opening polymerization of omega-pentadecalactone with yttrium isopropoxide as an initiator. Macromol. Chem. Phys., 2000, 201(12): 1329-1333. (IF 2.021)

60. Z.Y. Zhong, D.H. Yu, F.H. Meng, Z.H. Gan, and X.B. Jing, Controlled synthesis of L-lactide-b-epsilon-caprolactone block copolymers using a rare earth complex as catalyst. Polym. J., 1999, 31(8): 633-636. (IF 1.146)

61. Z.H. Gan, D.H. Yu, Z.Y. Zhong, Q.Z. Liang, and X.B. Jing, Enzymatic degradation of poly(epsilon-caprolactone)/poly(DL- lactide) blends in phosphate buffer solution. Polymer, 1999, 40(10): 2859-2862. (IF 2.773)

62. J. Zhang, Z.H. Gan, Z.Y. Zhong, and X.B. Jing, A novel rare earth coordination catalyst for polymerization of biodegradable aliphatic lactones and lactides. Polym. Int., 1998, 45(1): 60-66. (IF 1.475)

63. Christine Hiemstra, Zhiyuan. Zhong, and Jan Feijen, Rapidly in situ forming biodegradable robust hydrogels by combining stereocomplexation and photocrosslinking, European Patent (submitted).64. Zhiyuan Zhong, Pieter J. Dijkstra, and Jan Feijen, Branched biodegradable polymers, a macromonomer, processes for the preparation of same, and their use, European Patent, 05.076302.8, filing date: June 3, 2005.

64. R. Jin, L.S. Moreira Teixeira, P.J. Dijkstra, M. Karperien, Z.Y. Zhong, J. Feijen, Injectable Chitosan-based Hydrogels for Cartilage Tissue Engineering, Biomaterials 2009, 30:2544-2551 (IF 6.646).


12月2日,中国科学技术信息研究所发布了“2010年中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文”(TOP 100 MOST CITED CHINESE PAPERS PUBLISHED IN INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS)名单。我校材料与化学化工学部孟凤华教授、朱秀林教授和钟志远教授合作的一篇论文入选。这是继2010年钟志远教授实验室一篇论文(BIOMACROMOLECULES, 2009,10(2):197-209。现引用次数:117次)入选“2009年中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文”后的又一力作。由此,苏州大学生物医用高分子材料重点实验室论文连续两年入选“中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文”。

论文题目:Co-delivery of siRNA and Paclitaxel into Cancer Cells by Biodegradable Cationic Micelles Based on PDMAEMA-PCL-PDMAEMA Triblock Copolymers






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