词条 | 中油宝世顺(秦皇岛)钢管有限公司 |
释义 | 简介简称:中油宝世顺 或 BSS 中油宝世顺(秦皇岛)钢管有限公司是宝鸡石油钢管有限责任公司与马来西亚UMW公司合资组建的中外合资企业。 发展简史宝鸡石油钢管公司的前身是宝鸡石油钢管厂,始建于1958年,是我国第一个五年计划期间156个重点建设项目之一,也是我国第一个生产大口径螺旋埋弧焊管的厂家,是中国石油天然气集团公司所属的集科研、制管、防腐、套管和钢管辅料加工于一体的国家大型一类企业。企业总资产为20亿元,年销售收入30亿元。 马来西亚UMW是马来西亚国家石油公司Petronas的指定供应商,是马来西亚政府控股的上市公司,创建于1902年,下设9个专业公司,业务涉足石油、钢材、汽车和重型机械等多个行业。公司在马来西亚国家的支持下参与了全球30个国家的石油上下游产品的投资与开发,公司总资产6亿美元,年销售收入25亿美元。 为了满足国家重点工程-西气东输二线建设的需求,扩大产品在国内外市场中的份额,增强企业发展后劲和发展空间,宝鸡钢管公司和UMW石油钢管公司强强联合,携手合作,在秦皇岛经济技术开发区分两期投资15亿元人民币合资组建"中油宝世顺(秦皇岛)钢管有限公司",新公司引进当今世界最先进的JCOE直缝埋弧焊接钢管和螺旋焊管预精焊生产设备和生产技术,以生产油气输送用直缝埋弧焊管、螺旋埋弧焊管、钢管管件和钢管防腐产品为主,着力打造国内第一、世界一流的钢管加工基地。 一、直缝埋弧焊钢管生产线 JCOE生产线是当今世界上最先进的直缝埋弧焊钢管生产线,引进德国西马克-梅尔(SMS MEER)直缝钢管成型机,德国U&S五丝精焊机机组等精良装备。可生产符合API5L ISO3183 GB/T9711等标准及用户附加技术要求的高强度、高品质的石油天然气输送用大口径直缝埋弧焊接钢管及其他用途钢管,年生产能力20万吨以上。 二、螺旋埋弧焊钢管生产线 螺旋预精焊生产线引进德国W+K预精焊机组,是当今世界先进的螺旋钢管生产工艺,将传统的钢管成型和焊接同步生产的一步法工艺,改变为成焊分离的两步法先进生产工艺,提升了产品质量,提高生产效率,可生产符合APISpec5L、GB/T9711、ISO3183等标准及用户附加技术要求的螺旋埋弧钢管,年生产能力为20万吨以上。 三、钢管内外防腐生产线 公司拥有两条工艺合理、装备先进的内外防腐生产线,采用先进的双打砂技术,自动化程度高。可年防腐钢管600万平米以上。可对Φ323.9~Φ1626mm,管长8~18.5m范围内的钢管外壁进行3PE、3PP、单层环氧、双层环氧、2PE等多种类型的防腐作业;对Φ508~Φ1626mm管长8~18.5m范围内的钢管内壁进行内防腐、减阻喷涂作业。 四、弯管生产线 弯管生产线集成了国内最先进的设计和自动化控制理念。采用中频感应局部加热工艺,是目前大管径厚壁管材弯管加工中最先进的工艺方法。生产的弯管质量高、外形美观、弯曲半径准确且适应范围大,年生产能力为3000件。 位置秦皇岛地处河北省东北部,南临渤海,北依燕山,东接辽宁,西近京津,位于最具发展潜力的环渤海经济圈中心地带,是东北与华北两大经济区的结合部,是工作生活的理想之地。 公司地址:秦皇岛市经济技术开发区东区 英文介绍Zhongyou BSS (Qinhuangdao) Petropipe Co., Ltd. is a Sino-Foreign Joint Venture jointly established by Baoji Petroleum Steel Pipe Co., Ltd and UMW Petropipe Co., Ltd, Malaysia. Baoji Petroleum Steel Pipe Co., Ltd, its original name is Baoji Petroleum Steel Pipe and Tube Works, established in 1958, was one of China's 156 key projects during the first five-year plan and also is the first SSAW pipe manufacture in China. Baoji Petroleum Steel Pipe Co., Ltd., wholly owned subsidiary of CNPC, is a national large-scale and is first level enterprise integrating with pipe research, pipe making, pipe coating, casing processing and piping accessories. The total capital of enterprise is 2 billion Yuan with annual revenue of 3 billion Yuan. UMW Petropipe Co., Ltd, Malaysia, established in 1902, is Malaysia Petroleum Petronas Company's appointed supplier and also is a listed company under the share holding of Malaysia Government. The company set up 9 specialized companies whose business is mainly in charge of petroleum, steel products, motors and heavy machinery and many other industries. By the support of Malaysia, the company had taken part in the investment and the development of upgrade and downgrade petroleum products with 30 countries all over the world. The total capital of company is 60million US dollar with annual revenue of 250 million US dollar. In order to satisfy the needs of the key project-the construction for the Second Pipeline from west to east in China, to increase the production share of the inland and oversea market and to enhance the future development and the development space of the enterprise, Baoji Petroleum Steel Pipe Co., Ltd and UMW Petropipe Co., Ltd, Malaysia have jointly made a win-win collaboration and cooperation and invested 1.5 billion Yuan to construct "ZHONGYOU BSS (QINHUANGDAO) PETROPIPE CO., LTD" in two phases in Qinhuangdao Economic and Technological Development Zone. With the application of the most advanced LSAW e and SSAW equipments and production technology, the newly establish company mainly produces LSAW pipes, SSAW pipes, pipe fittings and pipe coating aiming to create a "No. 1 in China and first-class in the world" pipe manufacturing base. |
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