词条 | 中央美术学院附属中等美术学校 |
释义 | 中央美术学院附属中等美术学校创办于1953年。1954年,首任校长丁井文随中国美术教育考察团访问前苏联,考察学习了莫斯科美术学校(现苏里科夫美术学院)、列宁格勒美术学校(现列宾美术学院)附属中等美术学校的教育经验,带回了他们的学生作品和教学大纲,对附中以至后来全国陆续举办的美术学院附中的办学产生了深远的影响,奠定了坚实的基础。几十年来,附中培养出1300多名学生,成为大学优秀生源的重要保证,也为社会输送了大量基础扎实、知识面宽、适应力强的中等美术人才。 学校概述附中学制四年,课程设置的基本思想是重视基础,重视文化课的学习,重视文化艺术的修养,努力培养学生关注社会,观察生活与自然,养成艺术思考的习惯,培养生动活泼、新鲜敏锐的艺术感受和艺术创作能力。专业课内容有素描、速写、色彩、创作、设计、透视、解剖、中国画、书法。进入高年级后,根据学生选报情况设有国画、油画、壁画、版画、雕塑、平面设计、环境设计等专门选修课。文化课采用普通高中教材,重点学习普通高中语文、历史、地理、英语、政治等文科类课程,在2年级和4年级安排有社会艺术实践,其中4年级在社会艺术实践中还兼有传统文化考察内容。 师生力量附中现有在校生760人。正式教职工64人,其中教师34人,包括专业教师28人,文化及体育教师6人,共有副教授9人,高级讲师2人。现任校长为孙伟副教授,副校长为韩宁副教授、贾晓燕女士。 学校招生附中面向全国招收年龄不超过17周岁的初中毕业生和高中1年级在校学生,于每年4月底、5月初在本校自主命题举行专业和文化考试。专业考试科目为素描、速写、色彩、创作,文化考试科目为语文、外语、数学。2007年恢复口试及美术理论加试,由教育部和北京市中招办批准录取。入学后第1年为试读期,期满成绩合格后取得正式学籍。 基础建设附中图书馆现有藏书8万多册,教学资料室收藏有从50年代以来的留校优秀学生作业,毕业创作以及一批精彩的国外美术院校学生作业。2001年9月,作为国家“九五”计划期间重点文化事业建设项目的中央美术学院及附中朝阳花家地新址落成。2005年4月美院买进北京东燕郊205亩土地,建设新校舍73000㎡作为新校区,2007年完工。德国包豪斯风格的新校有教学楼、多媒体教室、图书馆、阅览室、200米跑道、小足球场、500人阶梯教室等,为在新世纪的发展获得了更大的空间和提供了良好的物质条件。 The High School of FineArts of C.A.F.A The High School of Fine Arts was established in 1953. In 1954, Mr. Ding jingwen, the first prin-cipal paid a visit to the former Soviet Union with the Chinese Art Education Delegation, making inves-tigation on the education experiences of affiliated art schools of the art academies in Moscow and Leningrad, bringing back their students' works and teaching syllabus. The visit had a great impact on and laid a firm foundation for the High School of Fine Arts and other affiliated art schools of art academies in China that followed Over the year, the High School of Fine Arts has trained more than 1,300 students, most of whom either become excellent university students or middie-level art talents with firm basic training, wide scope of knowledge and strong adaptability. The length of schooling of High School of Fine Arts is 4 years. The basic thinking in the curriculum is:to emphasize the basics, emphasize the study of general courses, emphasized the understanding of literature and art, try to cultivate the students to concern about the society, observe life and nature, form the habit of artistic thinking, and to nurture living, fresh and cute artistic sense and artistic creation ability. The special subjects include drawing, sketching, color, creation, design, perspective, anatomy, Chinese Painting and calligraphy. For high-grade students, optional subjects such as Chi-nese painting, oil painting, fresco, printmaking, sculpture, graphic design and environment design are vailable. The teaching materials of ordinary secondary schools are used in general courses, and the literal courses such as Chinese, history, geography, English and politics are the focus of study, and low-grade students will have courses in math, physics and chemistry. Social art practice are arranged on the second and fourth year of study, and included in the fourth year practice are investigations on traditional culture. Currently High School of Fine Arts has 280 students, a staff of 64, including 34 teachers, of whom 28 are specialty teachers and 6 are general and physical culture teachers, 9 associate Professors and high-level lecturers. The current principal is associate Prof. Gao Tianxiong, and the vice-principals are associate Prof. Han Ning and jia Xiaoyan. High School of Fine Arts enrolls junior secondary school graduates and grade one senior second-ary school students not older than 17 years nationwide. Specialty and general course examinations, drawn up by the school, are held in late April and early May each year. The specialty subjects for examination are drawing, sketching, color and creation; and the general courses for examination are Chinese, math and English. The two examinations are held in the preliminary and secondary examina-tions respectively. During the secondary examination, oral tests and physical tests will be held, and the qualified students are notified by the Secondary School Admission office of the Ministry of Educa-tion and of Beijing Municipality. The first year of entrance is the trial period, and the formal status of student will be obtained if proved qualified when the period expires. The teaching material room collects the works of excellent graduates since the 1950's, and a number of excellent works by students from art academies and school in the former Soviet Union. The school now has a teaching building, a library, a sheltered playground, a 200m plastic cement race track, a small turfed football field, a 500-person lecture theater etc. The new campus has pro-vided with good material conditions for space for the deveiopment of High School of Fine Arts in the new century. |
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