

词条 中国运筹学会

中国运筹学会是中国运筹学工作者的学术性群众团体,是依法成立的社团法人,是发展中国运筹学事业的一支重要社会力量,是中国科学技术协会的组成部分。中国运筹学会现有专业委员会 11 个、地方分会 9 个,团体会员 68 个,个人会员 1200 多人,集中了全国运筹学最优秀的科研人员。同时,中国运筹学会还主办《运筹学学报》和《运筹与管理》两份杂志。

1980 年4月,中国数学会运筹学分会成立。这对运筹学在我国的发展,无疑起到很大的推动作用。1991年,中国运筹学会成立。中国运筹学会积极组织广大运筹学工作者,广泛开展国内外学术交流活动。通过这些年卓有成效的努力,中国运筹学界涌现出了一批又一批学术新人,而运筹学本身在中国也发生了从无到有、从幼稚到成熟的质的变化。在注重自身发展的同时,中国运筹学会也积极开展同国际运筹学界的交流与合作,主办了多次大型国际学术会议,并通过这些国际学术交流活动确定了中国运筹学会在整个国际运筹学界中的地位。中国运筹学会正以成熟的姿态屹立在国际科技舞台上。


Operations Research Society of China (ORSC) is a juridical association, which serves the scientific and professional needs of OR investigators, scientists, students, educators, and managers. As a member of China Association for Science and Technology, ORSC is therefore an important social force in developing the country's science and technology.

Founded under its present name in 1991, ORSC has developed into a federation of 11 professional committees, 9 provincial branches, 68 groups, and over 1000 members. The society serves as an extremely important role for OR professionals, permitting them to communicate with each other by such services as publishing two journals, OR Transactions and Operations Research and Management Science, and by organizing professional conferences. With hosting numerous international conferences, ORSC has started to demonstrate its ability and stand prominently amongst the world science and technology communities.

Looking into the future, we can see more opportunities than challenges. Therefore, ORSC will advance the theory and practice of OR and strive to make greater contributions to the realization of the splendid goals of our nation.





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