词条 | 中国绿色画报 |
释义 | 中国绿色画报简介《中国绿色画报》是一份由国家新闻出版总署批准,由国家林业局主管,中国林业科学研究院、中国野生动物保护协会、中国绿化基金会联合主办的绿色生态环保类、高品位、 高规格、国内外发行的大型月刊。他以倡导绿色生活,传播绿色文明,推动绿色经济为办刊宗旨,遵循以人为本,在人与自然,人与社会之间建立和谐、依存、互动、和平共处的关系,促进物质与精神、自然与社会、历史与现实、中国与世界文明的可持续发展,为中华民族的伟大复兴、山川秀美和世代伟业恪尽天职,为世界和平、友谊与可持续发展做出贡献。 作为承载绿色理念的传媒,我们希望通自身的努力,改变传统媒体的操作方式和公众形象,真正肩负起社会责任,加强自身的社会服务意识。我们将运用自身的媒体职能和渠道,采取一切可行的方式,把真正以人为本的技术产品与信息服务,直接有效地传达给公众。 《中国绿色画报》是经国家新闻出版总署批准的全国性、综合性大型月刊,是中国第一家世界中文报业协会会员画报。国内统一刊号:CN11—4973/S;国际标准刊号:ISSN1672—2310。 《中国绿色画报》坚持大绿色的办刊宗旨,遵循以人为本,努力促进人与自然、人与社会之间和谐、依存、互动、和平共处关系的建立,努力促进物质与精神、自然与社会、历史与现实、中国与世界的可持续发展,为构建社会主义和谐社会、全面建设小康社会、实现中华民族的伟大复兴恪尽天职。 刊名变迁: 《竹类文摘》(原) 《中国绿色画报》(现) 《中国绿色画报》采用全彩铜板纸印刷,国际开本大16开,112个页码,以独有的封面形象与内页版式,追求大气、精典与现代的完美融合,充满温情的人文关怀,为您精心制作。 画报定位《中国绿色画报》是一份由国家新闻出版总署批准的全国性大型月刊,它以倡导绿色生活,传播绿色文明,推动绿色经济为办刊宗旨,遵循以人为本,在人与自然、人与社会之间建立和谐、依存、互动、和平共处的关系,促进物质与精神、自然与社会、历史与现实、中国与世界文明的可持续发展,为中华民族的伟大复兴、山川秀美和世代伟业恪尽天职,为世界和平、友谊与可持续发展做出贡献。 Positioning of the Pictorial China Green Pictorial is a national-wide monthly authorized by National News and Publication Office, the aim of this pictorial is to call for green life, spread out green culture and promote green economics, it follows the principle of basing on human beings and advancing the sustainable development between material and spirit, human beings and natrue, it also dedicates to China and World Peace and the sustainable development. 栏目设置发布、传播行业权威性、理论性、时效性及专业性内容的“绿色时空”栏目;有弘扬华夏人文文化与自然文化及域外文明的“绿色文明”栏目;有倡导、探讨、推动绿色理念及产业、推介绿色企业、绿色产品和经营之道的“绿色经济”栏目;有融入自然生活体验自然休闲的“绿色生活”栏目等四大经典版块。 Column Design This pictorial is divided into four main classic sections: Green Spaces column is dedicated to release and transport authoritative, theoretical, up-to-date and specialized content from various industries; Green Culture column is designed to carry forward the traditional Chinese culture of human and nature and also culture from out of our territory; Green Economics is enagaged in advocating, discussing and promoting green enterprises, products and Green operating methods; and the last main column Green Life is dealt with being in harmony with natural ways of life and experiencing natural ways of recreation. 覆盖领域《中国绿色画报》已经覆盖全国包括港澳台在内的省、市、区,并与欧洲最大的华人日报《欧洲时报》、美国《侨报》及覆盖北美、东南亚等华人集聚城市的《国际日报》建立了战略伙伴关系,通过他们,《中国绿色画报》的内容和发行覆盖整个欧洲、北美及东南亚。 Publication Coverage China Green Pictorial has covered all the provinces, cities and districts all over the country, including Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau, it has also build up a strategic partnership with Nouvelles O’Europe, which is the biggest European newspaper for oversea Chinese, Oversea Chinese News of America and International Daily News which has covered the cities of South America and East-south Asia, which are most occupied by oversea Chinese. Through them, the content and publication of China Green Pictorial will cover the whole Europe. South America and East-south Asian Area. 活动空间《中国绿色画报》可利用自身庞大的院士及科学家智囊团队为各省、市、县提供绿色强省(市、县)战略规划即实施课题后续增值服务,可与国内外主流报刊、电视、网络等媒体联手合作,进行大型活动策划、采访宣传,可为全国各个城市进行全面的协作宣传报道,可参与国外华人社团举办的各类活动。《中国绿色画报》已于联合国环境规划署、联合国粮农组织、联合国人居中心、世界旅游组织、绿色和平、欧洲旅游委员会、博鳌亚洲论坛、国际消费组织、世界自然基金会、中国野生动物保护协会等数十家国内外相关著名机构建立了密切联系,《中国绿色画报》将从绿色角度诠释、推出一切风景名胜、文化遗产。 Active Space China Green Pictorial can use the brainpower that is constituted by its own academicians and scientists to provide strategic planning and implement the afterward increment service for research topics, it can cooperate with the principal newspapers and periodicals, televisions and websites domestic and abroad to carry out the planning, interviews and promotions of large-scale activities, it can also carry through a comprehensive cooperated propaganda and report for different cities all over the country, and take part in various activities held by oversea Chinese group. China Green Pictorial has built up a close relationship with the United Nations Environment Program(UNEP), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Center for Human Settlement of the United Nations, World Tourism Organization. Green Peace, European Travel Commission (EPC), Boao Forum For Asia, International Consumption Organization, World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), Friend of the Earth, Chinese Academy of Forestry,China Green Making Foundation and China Wildlife Conservation Association. China Green Pictorial will start from place of interest and traditional cultural heritage. 画报形式以视觉为主,为读者留下难忘的视觉冲击力,以文字相配,渗入深邃的文化内涵,以精美的印刷质量,提高中国画刊的品位。 Format of the Pictorial The pictorial is characterized by its unique vision and impresses readers with unforgettable vision impulsion, it is accompanied by words and intermingled with profound cultural connotation, it also has exquisite printing quality and thus improves its rank in Chinese pictorials. 名人效应《中国绿色画报》从创刊起一直受到了有关领导人的高度重视,得到社会各界知名人士的关注,赢得广大读者的一致好评。全国政协副主席、中国绿色发展高层论坛组委员会名誉主席李金华、中共中央政治局原委员、国务院原副总理、全国人大常委会原副委员长姜春云、第八、九届全国人大副委员长、中国绿化基金会顾问布赫、第九届全国政协副主席、中国绿化基金会顾问赵南起担任本刊总顾问;中国绿色发展高层论坛执行主席、中美生态系统研究中心主席、中国生态学会名誉会长李文华担任编委会主任;于光远、王志宝、毛如柏、牛文元、龙永图、孙锦云、曲格平、杜润生、沈国舫、陈邦柱、陈寿朋、李君如、邵华泽、杨伟光、祝光耀、谢克昌、腾文生、龚心瀚、高占祥、蔡延松等著名学者担任本刊高级顾问,《欧洲时报》社长杨永桔、美国《侨报》总编辑郑衣德和赵忠祥、喻国明等媒体专家担任特邀顾问。 广告效力绿色是一种时尚,也是一种价值。我们将以富有创意的绿色角度,全方位策划客户的企业、产品形象。《中国绿色画报》本着双向收益的原则,以媒体界颇具竞争力的较为,力求为客户增加巨大的经济回报,也使《中国绿色画报》得到一定的发展空间和后劲。 Advertising Effects Green is kind of fashion and value. We will use an original green angle to design the images of the enterprises and products with a comprehesive view for our customers. China Green Pictorial will follow the win-win Rule and start with a competitive price in the media industry, it will make its best endeavor to increase a huge amount of financial repay for our customers and also obtain a certain development space and stamina for itself. 发行范围一类中心城市:北京、上海、广州、重庆、武汉、沈阳、天津等重点省会城市(京、津、沪、渝是直辖市)。 二类中心城市:省会、副省级城市及重点区域性城市 三 类 城 市:地级城市及部分县级市 其 他:中国图书进出口总公司、国图书刊服务有限公司、新华网、新浪、搜狐等网站,港澳台地区及欧美、东南亚相关国家。 发行量全国发行:80000份 传 阅 率:平均每册为5人次 发行方式:邮发2、5万 自发5、5万 赠送发行:20000份 Publication Quantity: National Publication:80000 copies Rate of passing around for persualL5 times for every copy Publication Methods:Through Post 25 thousand Through Headquarters:55 thousand Distibuted for Free:20 thousand 发行渠道邮局订阅:依靠邮局强大的发行、订阅网络,面向全国发行。 自办订阅: 通过本刊发行部直接订阅 行业订阅: 利用林科院的网络在全国林业系统内进行推广订阅。 零售网络:各地邮局报刊零售系统、各城市民营报刊摊位、各大城市的报刊亭、机场、新华书店、省级图书馆等场所。 赠 阅:向政府分管领导及有关部门、科研机构、高校及海内外环保组织、华人社团、部分驻外大使馆赠阅。 联系我们地址:北京市海淀区香山路中国林业科学研究院情报楼六层 Adress:FL 6,Science and Technology Research Institute,ChineseAcademy of |
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