词条 | 中国科学院测量与地球物理研究所 |
释义 | 单位概况测量与地球物理研究所成立于1957年。 1970年归属国家地震局。 1978年在邓小平同志的关怀下,由中国科学院恢复重建。 科研领域研究所主要从事大地测量学、地球物理学与环境科学相关重要科学问题研究,包括地球局部和整体运动、地球内部结构及圈层相互作用、地球系统的质量分布和迁移、大地测量在空间技术和国家大型工程建设、长江中游地区环境与灾害监测评估和湿地演化与修复等方面。研究所现拥有“院动力大地测量学重点实验室”和“湖北省环境与灾害监测评估重点实验室”,“动力大地测量中心实验站”和“江汉平原小港湿地生态站”;与高校和兄弟研究所合建“国家GPS工程中心”等机构。 拥有国际一流高精度观测设备:包括各类陆地绝对和相对重力仪、海洋重力仪、人卫激光测距仪、GPS接收机、原子频标系统、遥感图像处理与地理信息系统等。 人才交流研究所是国家首批甲级测绘资格和国务院首批博士和硕士学位授予单位之一。 设有测绘科学与技术博士后流动站;大地测量学与测量工程、固体地球物理学博士学位授予点;大地测量学与测量工程、固体地球物理学、自然地理学硕士学位授予点。 是湖北省地球物理学会、湖北省天文学会、湖北省自然资源研究会挂靠单位。与二十多个欧、美和亚洲地区国家的研究所或大学建立了密切合作关系。 近年内承担了国家大型科学工程、863、973、自然科学基金、中科院、国家其它部委和地方的大量科研项目,已经获得71项省部级以上科技成果奖(包括国家奖8项),为航空航天、重大科学工程、地学前沿领域和地方需求做出了重要贡献。目前研究所正以新的姿态在解决地球科学的大地测量问题方面发挥重要作用。 机构设置科研部门·大地测量学与地球动力学国家重点实验室 ·湖北省环境与灾害监测评估重点实验室 ·大地测量与地球物理观测技术实验室 ·大地测量国家野外科学观测研究站 ·洪湖湿地生态试验站 ·国家GPS工程中心(合办) 管理部门·综合办公室 ·科研处人事教育处 支撑服务系统·图书情报中心 ·网络信息中心 ·后勤服务中心 外文翻译Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics(IGG)was founded in 1959,in the charge of Chinese Seismology Bureau in 1970 and was rebuilt in 1978 by Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). The IGG is mainly engaged in the research of important scientific subjects on geodesy, geophysics and environmentology. The main research domains include:(1)Global and regional crustal movement of the earth;(2)Interior structure of the Earth and the interactions among geo-spheres;(3)Mass distribution and transition of the Earth’s system;(4)Application of geodesy on the space techniques and construction of large national projects;(5)Monitoring and evolution of the environment and natural hazards and evolution and restoration of the wetland ecosystem in the middle reaches of Yangtze River by using ‘3S’ (GIS, GPS and RS) techniques. The institute establishes several research sections: “Key Laboratory of Dynamic Geodesy of CAS”; “Key Laboratory of Hubei Environment and Disaster Monitoring and Evolution”, “Dynamic Geodetic Observatory” and “Jianghan Xiaogang wetland station”. Also “National Center of GPS Engineering Technology”. It owns some international high-class observational equipments, like various of land absolute and relative gravimeters, sea gravimeters, and third generation Satellite-Laser Ranger (SLR) system, GPS receivers, atomic time and frequency system, and RS and GIS system. The institute owns national first qualification for surveying and mapping, it provides post-doctoral training in surveying science and technology. It is authorized to offer Ph.D. degree in the fields of geodesy and geophysics as well as to offer master degree in the fields of geodesy, geophysics and natural geography. It runs Hubei geophysical association, Hubei astronomy association and Hubei natural resources association. And also it keeps close touch with more than 20 institutes and universities all over Europe, America and Asia. During recent years, the institute has been in charge of many large research projects, including national large science projects (863 and 973), natural science funds of China and Chinese Academy of Sciences and so on. So far, it has gained 71 awards up provincial level, with eight national awards included, and has done great contributions to the development of geo-science and space technology. And now the institute is playing an important role in solving scientific problems of geophysics and geodesy. |
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