

词条 中国大学生物理学术竞赛


中国大学生物理学术竞赛(China Undergraduate Physicists’ Tournament,简称CUPT),是中国借鉴国际青年物理学家锦标赛(International Young Physicists’ Tournament,简称IYPT)的模式创办的国内全国性赛事,该项活动得到了教育部的支持,是实践国家教育中长期发展规划纲要的重要大学生创新竞赛活动之一。CUPT以汉语为工作语言,由国内高校组织实施、大学本科生参与,是一项以团队辩论和对抗为形式的物理竞赛。它以培养参赛者的创新意识、创新能力、协作精神和实践能力为根本理念。学生们根据给定的开放性物理问题的进行研究。与问题相关的基本知识、实验方案都要靠参赛者查找和设计,就解决给定开放性物理问题的基本知识、理论分析、实验方案、结果讨论等进行辩论。竞赛摆脱应试教育的模式,体现知识学习与探索实践相结合,物理学与日常生活相结合,学术能力与人际交往能力相结合,个人与团队合作相结合的理念。CUPT以其独特的竞赛模式和理念吸引了越来越多的知名高校和物理精英参与,并已成为国内具有重要影响力的大学生物理竞技赛事之一。





 队1 队2 队3

1阶段 Rep(正) Opp(反) Rev(评)

2阶段 Rev(评) Rep(正) Opp(反)

3阶段 Opp(反) Rev(评) Rep(正) 每一阶段定时55分钟,具体流程如下:

流程 限时(分钟)

反方向正方提出挑战竞赛题目 1

正方接受或拒绝反方挑战的题目 1

正方准备 5

正方进行所选题的报告 12

反方向正方提问,正方回答 2

反方准备 3

反方的报告(最多五分钟),正反方讨论 15

评论方提问,正、反方回答 3

评论方准备 2

评论方报告 4

正方总结发言 2

评审团提问 5

总计 55对抗赛中对不同角色的要求






A 正方在先前比赛及本轮中已经拒绝过的题目

B 正方在先前比赛及本轮中已经陈述过的题目

C 反方在先前比赛及本轮中已经拒绝过的题目

D 反方在先前比赛及本轮中已经陈述过的题目




正 方: × 3.0(或者少于3.0,见竞赛规则);

反 方: × 2.0 ;

评论方: × 1.0 。




内容 表达 讨论

-结论的说服力 -思路清晰
-正确的参考文献 -物理的正确性

分数 (0-4) 分数 (0-2) 分数 (0-3)

机动分数 (0-1)  总分(0-10)反方

问题 / 表达 讨论

-指出正方的优缺点 -物理的正确性

分数(0-4) 分数(0-5)

机动分数 (0-1) 总分 (0-10)评论方

对正方的评论 对反方的评论

-指出正方在物理上及辩论中的优缺点 -是否切题

分数(0-3) 分数 (0-3)


分数 (0-3)

机动分数 (0-1) 总分 (0-10) 说明:
























1. Electromagnetic cannon

A solenoid can be used to fire a small ball. A capacitor is used to energize the solenoid coil. Build a device with a capacitor charged to a maximum 50V. Investigate the relevant parameters and maximize the speed of the ball.

2. Brilliant pattern

Suspend a water drop at the lower end of a vertical pipe. Illuminate the drop using a laser pointer and observe the pattern created on a screen. Study and explain the structure of the pattern.

3. Steel balls

Colliding two large steel balls with a thin sheet of material (e.g. paper) in between may “burn” a hole in the sheet. Investigate this effect for various materials.

4. Soap film

Create a soap film in a circular wire loop. The soap film deforms when a charged body is placed next to it. Investigate how the shape of the soap film depends on the position and nature of the charge.

5. Grid

A plastic grid covers the open end of a cylindrical vessel containing water. The grid is covered and the vessel is turned upside down. What is the maximal size of holes in the grid so that water does not flow out when the cover is removed?

6. Ice

A wire with weights attached to each end is placed across a block of ice. The wire may pass through the ice without cutting it. Investigate the phenomenon.

7. Two flasks

Two similar flasks (one is empty, one contains water) are each connected by flexible pipes to a lower water reservoir. The flasks are heated to 100°C and this temperature is held for some time. Heating is stopped and as the flasks cool down, water is drawn up the tubes. Investigate and describe in which tube the water goes up faster and in which the final height is greater. How does this effect depend on the time of heating?

8. Liquid light guide

A transparent vessel is filled with a liquid (e.g. water). A jet flows out of the vessel. A light source is placed so that a horizontal beam enters the liquid jet (see picture). Under what conditions does the jet operate like a light guide?

9. Sticky water

When a horizontal cylinder is placed in a vertical stream of water, the stream can follow the cylinder’s circumference along the bottom and continue up the other side before it detaches. Explain this phenomenon and investigate the relevant parameters.

10. Calm surface

When wind blows across a water surface, waves can be observed. If the water is covered by an oil layer, the waves on the water surface will diminish. Investigate the phenomenon.

11. Sand

Dry sand is rather soft to walk on when compared to damp sand. However sand containing a significant amount of water becomes soft again. Investigate the parameters that affect the softness of sand.

12. Wet towels

When a wet towel is flicked, it may create a cracking sound like a whip. Investigate the effect. Why does a wet towel crack louder than a dry one?

13. Shrieking rod

A metal rod is held between two fingers and hit. Investigate how the sound produced depends on the position of holding and hitting the rod?

14. Magnetic spring

Two magnets are arranged on top of each other such that one of them is fixed and the other one can move vertically. Investigate oscillations of the magnet.

15. Paper anemometer

When thin strips of paper are placed in an air flow, a noise may be heard. Investigate how the velocity of the air flow can be deduced from this noise?

16. Rotating spring

A helical spring is rotated about one of its ends around a vertical axis. Investigate the expansion of the spring with and without an additional mass attached to its free end.

17. Kelvin’s dropper

Construct Kelvin’s dropper. Measure the highest voltage it can produce. Investigate its dependence on relevant parameters.


1. Adhesive tape

Determine the force necessary to remove a piece of adhesive tape from a horizontal surface. Investigate the influence of relevant parameters.

2. Air drying

Table utensils (dishes, cutlery, etc.), after being washed, dry differently. Investigate how the time of drying depends on relevant parameters.

3. Bouncing flame

Place a flame (e.g. from a Bunsen burner) between two charged parallel metal plates. Investigate the motion of the flame.

4. Breaking spaghetti

Find the conditions under which dry spaghetti falling on a hard floor does not break.

5. Car

Build a model car powered by an engine using an elastic air-filled toy-balloon as the energy source. Determine how the distance travelled by the car depends on relevant parameters and maximize the efficiency of the car.

6. Convection

In a container filled with a liquid, heat transport will occur when the bottom of the container is heated and the top surface is cooled. How does the phenomenon change when the container rotates about its vertical axis?

7. Cup drum

A plastic cup is held upside-down and tapped on its base. Investigate the sound produced when the open end of the cup is above, on or below a water surface.

8. Domino amplifier

A row of dominoes falling in sequence after the first is displaced is a well known phenomenon. If a row of "dominoes" gradually increases in height, investigate how the energy transfer takes place and determine any limitations to the size of the dominoes.

9. Escaping powder

When a hot wire is plunged into a beaker of water with powder (e.g. lycopodium) floating on the surface, the powder moves rapidly. Investigate the parameters that alter the speed of movement of the powder.

10. Faraday heaping

When a container filled with small spheres (e.g. mustard seeds) is vibrated vertically with a frequency between 1 – 10 Hz, so called Faraday heaping occurs. Explore this phenomenon.

11. Fingerprints

Fill a glass with a liquid and hold it in your hands. If you look from above at the inner walls of the glass, you will notice that the only thing visible through the walls is a very bright and clear image of patterns on your fingertips. Study and explain this phenomenon.

12. Levitating spinner

A toy consists of a magnetic spinning top and a plate containing magnets (e.g. "Levitron"). The top may levitate above the magnetic plate. Under what conditions can one observe the phenomenon?

13. Light bulb

What is the ratio between the thermal energy and light energy emitted from a small electric bulb depending on the voltage applied to a bulb?

14. Moving cylinder

Place a sheet of paper on a horizontal table and put a cylindrical object (e.g. a pencil) on the paper. Pull the paper out. Observe and investigate the motion of the cylinder until it comes to rest.

15. Slow descent

Design and make a device, using one sheet of A4 80 gram per paper that will take the longest possible time to fall to the ground through a vertical distance of 2.5m. A small amount of glue may be used. Investigate the influence of the relevant parameters.

16. Smoke stream

A glass jar is covered with cellophane. A tightly folded paper tube of length 4-5 cm is inserted hermetically into the jar through the cellophane cover. The tube is oriented horizontally. If one burns the outside end of the tube the dense smoke flows into the jar. Explore this phenomenon.

17. Vikings

According to a legend, Vikings were able to navigate in an ocean even during overcast (dull) weather using tourmaline crystals. Study how it is possible to navigate using a polarizing material. What is the accuracy of the method?


1. Gaussian cannon: A chain of identical steel balls and a strong magnet (somewhere in the chain) are lying in a nonmagnetic channel. A further steel ball rolls slowly towards the chain and collides. The last outgoing ball in the chain is shot away faster, than you would imagine. Optimize the magnet’s position for the largest effect.

2. Cutting through the air: When a piece of thread (e.g., nylon) with a light mass attached at its end is whirled in the air, a distinct noise is emitted. Study the origin of this noise and relevant parameters.

3. Chain of beads: A long chain of beads is released from a beaker by pulling a sufficient long part of the chain over the edge of the beaker. Due to gravity the speed of the chain increases. At a certain moment the chain does not touch the edge of the beaker any more (see picture). Investigate and explain the phenomenon.

4. Fluid bridge: If high voltage is applied to a fluid (e.g. water) in two beakers, which are in contact, a fluid bridge can be formed. Investigate the phenomenon.

5. Bright waves: Illuminate a water tank. When there are waves on the water surface, you can see bright-dark patterns on the bottom of the tank. Study the relation between the waves and the pattern.

6. Woodpecker toy: A woodpecker toy (see picture) exhibits an oscillatory motion. Investigate and explain the motion of the toy.

7. Drawing pins: A drawing pin floating on the surface of water near a similar floating object is subject to an attractive force. Investigate and explain the phenomenon. Is it possible to achieve a repulsive force as well?

8. Bubbles: Is it possible to float on water, when there are large amounts of bubbles? Study how the floating of the body depends on the bubbles.

9. Magnet and coin: Put a coin vertically on a magnet. Incline the coin and then release it. The coin may fall down onto the magnet or reconvert to its vertical position. Study and explain the coin’s motion.

10. Rocking bottle: Fill a water bottle with some liquid. Lay it down on a horizontal plane and give it a kick. The bottle may move forward and then oscillate before it comes to a full stop. Investigate the motion of the bottle.

11. Flat flow: Fill a thin gap between two large transparent horizontal parallel plates with a liquid and make a little hole in the centre of one of the plates. Investigate the flow in such a cell, if a different liquid is injected through the hole.

12. Lanterns: Paper lanterns float using a candle. Design and make a lantern using a single tea-light to take the shortest possible time (from lighting the candle) to float up a vertical height of 2.5m. Investigate the influence of the various parameters.

13. Misty glass: Blow on a cold glass with your mouth so that water mist condenses on the glass surface. Look at a white lamp through the misty glass, you can see dim colourful rings appear outside the central fuzzy white spot. Explain the phenomenon.

14. Granular jets: When a marble or ball bearing is dropped onto a bed of fine, loose sand there will be a broad splash of sand at impact and, after the marble has penetrated deeply into the bed, a tall jet of granular material that shoots up vertically. How are these jets formed and what keeps them so collimated?

15. Frustrating golf ball: It often happens that a ball (e.g. a golf ball) escapes from a cylindrical hole an instant after it has been putted in. Explain this phenomenon and investigate the conditions under which it can be observed.

16. Rising bubble: A vertical tube is filled with a viscous fluid. On the bottom of the tube, there is a large air bubble. Study the bubble rising from the bottom to the surface.

17. Ball in foam: A small, light ball is placed inside soap foam. The size of the ball should be comparable to the size of the foam bubbles. Investigate the ball’s motion as a function of the relevant parameters.





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