

词条 郑维健









郑维健先生生于一九四三年,郑博士肄业于美国圣母院大学及威斯康辛医学院,毕业后曾在康乃尔大学担任医学教授,并曾在纽约著名的斯隆-凯特林癌病中心(Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center)行医、教学及从事研究工作。郑博士曾担任香港大学教育资助委员会主席及教育统筹委员会委员,郑博士现为香港中文大学校董会主席。除在学术领域外,郑博士现为环球(香港)投资有限公司主席。郑博士在财经界曾任多项要职,包括恒生银行副主席及非执行董事、香港联合交易所主席、国际证券交易所联会副会长、香港证券学院创会主席、研究成立财经学院可行性的督导委员会主席、香港期货交易所有限公司董事、世界大企业联合会国际顾问委员会委员及香港渣打银行独立非执行董事。郑博士现为香港金融研究中心董事、美国友邦保险(百慕达)有限公司独立非执行董事及瑞安房地产独立非执行董事。郑博士也参与其它香港的公共服务,曾于一九九九年至二零零一年期间出任香港特别行政区中央政策组首席顾问、大珠江三角洲商务委员会委员及策略发展委员会委员。郑博士现为可持续发展委员会主席及司法人员推荐委员会委员。郑博士一直积极参与内地与其它香港之间的事务。



Edgar W. K. Cheng

Edgar W. K. Cheng was a graduate from the University of Notre Dame and the Medical College of Wisconsin, USA. He was Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine at Cornell University Medical College and practiced medicine and conducted clinical research at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre in New York. Dr. Cheng was a former Chairman of the University Grants Commission in Hong Kong, and a member of the Education Commission. He is at present the Chairman of the Council of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. In addition to his academic experience, Dr. Cheng is currently the Chairman of the World-Wide Investment Co. Ltd. and has been in many other financial market positions such as Chairman of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong, Vice-Chairman and non-executive director of the Hang Seng Bank Ltd., Vice President of the International Federation of Stock Exchange, Founding Chairman of the Hong Kong Securities Institute, Member of the Board of Directors of the Hong Kong Futures Exchange Ltd., Member of the Conference Board’s Global Advisory Council and an independent non-executive director of the Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Ltd. He is currently a member of the Board of Directors of the Hong Kong Institute for Monetary Research, an independent non-executive director of American International Assurance Co. Ltd. and an independent non-executive director of Shui On Land Limited. In his other public service capacity, Dr. Cheng served as the Head of the Central Policy Unit of the Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region from 1999 to 2001. He was a member of the Greater Pearl River Delta Business Council and a member of the Commission on Strategic Development. He is currently Chairman of the Council for Sustainable Development and a member of the Judicial Officers Recommendation Commission. Dr. Cheng also plays an active role in Hong Kong-China affairs. He was appointed by the Chinese Government as a Hong Kong Affairs Advisor (1991-1997). He became a Member of the Preparatory Committee and also the Selection Committee for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the National People’s Congress (1996-1997). At present, he is a member of the 11th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference National Committee. Dr. Cheng was appointed as Independent Non-executive Director with effect from May 24, 2006.





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